Friday, July 2, 2010


There is good and evil, justice and injustice, right and wrong, dark and light, day and night, kindness and compassion, friendship and love in the world and in the hearts of people.

People who are properly loved have healthy, fulfilled minds, bodies and emotions.

One kind word can warm three winter months. How beautiful a day is when kindness touches it! – Swami Vivekananda

Each culture has its own way of looking at the world. Culture is internal and spiritual. Culture is truth, justice, honour and other values. Culture may be defined as pursuit of truth, respect for hard work, cultivation of a sense of beauty and practice of virtue.

Culture is in a way values in action. The end of culture is perfection.

Truth, nobility, self-control, tolerance, charity, self-sacrifice and detachment. A person who seeks solitude and leads a life of detachment easily crosses the sea of life. – Gita

Nature gives birth to all things moving and unmoving. Becoming the fire of life in the bodies of living beings and mingling with the incoming and out going breathes, He(God) digests the four kinds of food.

Pots are different in size and shape Mud is same, Ornaments are more in variety Gold is same, Cows vary in colours or caste, Milk is same, like wise bodily all are different God is one.
Mud: A pot is made from the mud. When the pot is smashed, it once again attains the form of mud, which is the cause. Every potter likes his own pot.

Ornaments: Diamonds cannot be polished without friction. Diamonds are colourless and internally flawless.

Physical gold(most valuable metal), which is gold in the form of ornaments. Gold cannot be purified without fire(heat and light). Fire removes impurity in the gold. Gold turns my skin green when I get nervous. Good people go through trials. With that experience, their life becomes better, not bitter.

Heated gold become ornaments, beater copper becomes wires and depleted stones becomes statues. So, the more pain you get in life you become more valuable.

Cows: The cow is in the quality of goodness.

HIS existence is to be realised in all things. There is only one God – and HE is Truth.

God is seated in the heart of all beings. He casts them into delusion and makes them revolve as if bound to a wheel by His power 'Maya' Illusion. The power of Maya is inscrutable. - Bhagavad-Gita

The energy of God, deludes men in life into forgetfulness of their spiritual nature and of God. The difference between God and man is that God does not fall but man falls, and rises to greater heights.

The journey of life is full of obstacles, there are Mountains of delusions, in between rivers, pillars of ego, lust and anger - the two steep mountains; greed and unjust desires in heaps have accumulated. Also are pride and envy - the rainfall and illusions as gusty(a violent blast of wind) wind.

God sleeps in minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals and thinks in Man...God is Man minus his desires. – Anon

All animals and plants have their own dignity. In the waking state of consciousness, we experience the world through the five senses. We seek elevation and joy from these senses.

Teach yourselves, teach everyone, his/her real nature. Call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakens. Power will come, glory will come, goodness will come, purity will come and everything that is excellent will come, when the sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity." - Swami Vivekananda

For a man, the world is full of diverse objects. For an aspirant, the world is the manifestation of the Lord, but for a saint, the world is God Himself.

The enlightened seers and sages of India in their wisdom have logically attributed to prevailing diversity especially among mankind – like rich and poor, healthy and sickly, happy and sad, handsome and ugly etc., to Karma(past actions) of the individual concerned.

The fire of knowledge burns the wilderness of action(Karma, an act of sacrifice) in the world.

Our sages of old laid down hard and fast rules for our conduct in life. In India philosophers are saints and saints are philosophers. Philosophers preach love, the immediate presence of God everywhere.

A saint is rich with spiritual possessions. Self-control is the attribute of a saint. In a holy pious person, the spirit triumphs over the body and one becomes transformed in life, renewed in mind and immersed in the spirit.

There is spirit in everything - the earth, sky, wind, Sun, rocks, trees and animals.

To know the spirit is to be inwardly full. Should we accept it as a way of life, the outer life will be abundant. – by Karma Yogi

Our philosophy teaches, an ethical code of living with the four objectives of Dharma or morality, Artha or wealth, Kama or fulfilment of desire accompanied by pleasures; and Salvation(Moksha) or Realisation.

Wealth and fulfilment of desire are protected by only dharma(the quality of virtue, duty) and Salvation.

A physical body has seven elements. Due to lack of one element the individual is seen in different ways and is effected with various physical and mental disabilities. The subtle body mind is indeed deluded by the three qualities: Goodness, passion(activity) and ignorance(matter).

Ignorance causes delusion, delusions bewilder the mind and it causes an irascible attraction for the sensual pleasures of the world.

In everything there are five ingredients – existence, light, bliss, name and form. Man should realise that the first three are real, and the later two name and form are unreal(illusory). – Gita

God is formless but, for the sake of His devotees, He assumes different forms.

The first three are not directly seen, though they are experienced every moment of life. Only the latter two go on continuously changing from time to time.

According to Bhagavad-Gita, that which is real has no sensation and that which is unreal has no duration.

Name is primary thing, spirit. Speech is greater than name. Mind (sense, intellect) is greater than speech, Will is greater than mind, thought is greater than will, Meditation is greater than thought, Knowledge is greater than meditation, Strength is greater than knowledge, Food is greater than strength, Water is greater than food, Brightness is greater than water, Sky is greater than brightness, Memory is greater than sky, Desire is greater than memory, LIFE (Air in the heart) is greater than desire.

The Air enters into water, mud and fire etc., and whatever else is there, still Air does not mix with anything. Water will merge with things. – Bhagavad-Gita

Fire is covered by smoke, symbolising human life. Mirror(like sensitivity) covered by dust, symbolises animal life. Embryo covered by the womb, symbolising tree and plant life. So this knowledge of the self is covered by lust and anger. - Bhagavad-Gita

Giving too much importance to sensory objects leads to greed, giving too much importance leads to lust and giving too much importance to the mind and its desires leads to delusion.

Eagle is Fire. Eagles are aware that Knowledge is power. Feeling(sensibility) is always greater than awareness. Experience or feeling is more important than knowledge.

An eagle, in its own entity with its naturally provided wings, is capable of undertaking glorious feats in the air, over the mountains, the earth and the waters above the earth.
For the one who rests his mind in the awareness within that is constantly watching without desiring or being aversion to anything, there is no trouble always.
Yet, with all these faculties, it is classified unclean because of its inward tendency and affinity with the unclean. It depicts by words (1)the spiritual status, (2)the natural form(mother of all forms, form is good), and (3)the glorious faculties(natural faculties are worthy).
The Lord symbolises desire as an insatiable flame(clouds wisdom) and points out that it(smoke) clouds a flame, or (dirt - it looks like dirt, but it isn't, dust - dusty past, dusty corners of Life, mud) dust soils a mirror. The soiled mirror never reflects the rays of the Sun; Similarly those who are impure and unclean at heart and are deluded by Maya(illusion) never perceives the glory of the Lord.
When the mirror(like sensitivity) is pure, one can see the reflection clearly. The mirror makes no difference between the rich and poor, high and low. – Bhagavad-Gita
Human being does not have unlimited freedom of action or totally free will(desire).

Knowledge is of, the nature of passion(activity). The man of knowledge, expands his ego to infinity. He is generally amused(divert, entertains, gratify), when he hears the talk of an ignorant who is with deluded understanding, and observes what they say and do.

Desire steals away man’s understanding. The desire resides in the mind and the senses.

Freedom is never be valued as security. Freedom of thought, action and physical movement. Freedom comes to those who have self-realisation. The state of absolute freedom is beyond all relative values. Freedom from bondage of karma, is salvation.

When there are no desires and distractions, the mind by itself comes to rest in its on source(Soul).

The five material elements can affect the physical body only, because the body is composed of the five elements. They cannot affect the mind(ego and intelligence) the subtle body. The subtle body continues to exist.

The five elemental forces(strength) cannot affect the Soul. Soul being the subtlest element nothing can touch or affect it in any way.

The gross matter can break up or destroy only a gross object. The sword can cut through a plant or human body, but it cannot cut the Air or the Ether. – Gita Makarandam

Weapons cannot cut, fire cannot burn, water cannot wet, wind cannot dry up the Soul. The nature of Soul cannot be seen by the senses, cannot be understood by the mind, is not subject to any kind of change.

We all have our inner consciousness. You can fool everyone but not yourselves. No one can change your destiny, however your actions, can be changed by your own behaviour. - Swami Vivekananda

Water, Earth, Trees and women; by birth they are pure.

Pure water has no taste but if salt is added to it, it tastes salty; sugar makes it sweet. The Lord(Paramatma) is akin to pure water which can acquire different qualities.

Human life should have humility like water. Have patience and embrace life like the Earth.

Trees are wondrous teachers of forgiveness. A tree is a beautiful expression of mother earth's creativity. Trees are described as being superior to animals and human beings. Tree worship links us with the Nature spirit.

By teaching us to worship Nature, our great sages gave us the key to survive on earth. Worshipping trees and relating them to our lives is a unique tradition. The woman are usually ideal home makers and excellent, though somewhat possessive mothers. You can only understand a woman with your heart.

At birth, we are pure; pure consciousness. Consciousness is originally pure, like water. Consciousness always exists, but when it is covered or degraded by ignorance, it is a form of unconsciousness.

Water will merge with colors and appears in that color. Caste and colors, emotions and thoughts come out in the middle, differences and diversity(is Maya, illusion), reunions and forgiveness, love and togetherness. The visible world is a world of diversity and the invisible world is a world of unity(oneness).

The water has no mind to receive the image. Water represents pessimism. Pessimism is caution. Caution does sometimes make sense, and fearful of the future. Caution is the beginning of wisdom, in speech as well as in action. For every action, there is a reaction.

All actions have their origin in thoughts and these thoughts arise in the mind. The heart is the source of the mind. Knowledge cannot be acquired without a source. Knowledge of pure consciousness makes us realise that the entire universe is nothing but consciousness.

Water stands for the mind. The mind is attached with the body automatically develops self-interest, attachments, attractions, distractions, where from come tiredness, depressions and differences.

Instability are the distractions of the mind. Distraction causes memory loss. Lapse of memory can lead to costly mistakes. Water is responsible for preservation of things already possessed.

Water rules extremism and emotional sentiments. Water element seeks to be surrounded with a flowing stream of togetherness. Too much togetherness distracts the mind. Perseverance will ultimately conquer all mental distractions, and the mind comes to rest in tranquillity.

Fiery lust(desire) easily eats away the mind of the distracted man. Distracted by the temptations of life, thoughts wander without rest and peace.

Moon: Moon is very closest body to the earth, his exerting pull on the watery oceans to generate tides, suggested his sway over the mind, emotions and sensitivities(intuitive perception).The moods depend on the phases of the Moon.

Moon is unsteady, rules emotions colouring emotional attitudes, which controls the mind and body.

The Moon's power to move great bodies of water. Since man himself consists of 70% water. Of all the heavenly bodies the Moon's power is more visible and dramatic, simply because it's the closest body to the earth.

The Moon planet is covered with dust, but within that dust the living beings(entity, truth, reality, existence) can live.

Notice the Moon's changing shape and appearance. As it waxes and increases in light, it slowly grows into a perfect, round ball in the sky. When it wanes, it gradually disappears, so there's nothing visible but a thin silver of light with a faint, silver shimmer. Mysterious lunar influence that causes the tides of the ocean to flow in and out. Yet, the Moon doesn't really change at all. It just seems to.

The ebb and flow are but one tide. It is natural that every person has his ebb and flow in life.

Keep your heart as deep as the ocean and as broad as the sky. And of all bodies of water, the ocean is the greatest. – Gita

It is hard to tell which stirs the lunar emotions more deeply - children, food or money. Nothing can be changed or overcome by getting all stirred up.

Mind is unsteady and difficult to control. Practice and dispassion is the way to control the mind. When dispassion develops, the out going tendency of the mind stops, and then it can easily be trained to look for the Self within. – Gita

Stars are many, Sky is one. The sky is bluer over another ocean. The stars shine brighter in a different place. Stars in the Sky cannot shine bright without the Moon.

The Moon influences the mind. Basic passions(activity) flow and work through the mind. Flow of mind is thought. The mind generates thought and intellect approves and confirms it.

Mind expresses itself in activity, in desire, power and energy.

As soon as one sees a material object, man, animal, plant, a stone or anything else, he takes in the object(objective reality) through the visual sense organ- the form, the color, shape and complexion and other aspects of its external appearance (forgetting about reality).

Face is the index of the mind. The fleeting thoughts and passions of mind cast shadows in the face.

Beauty is soul deep, not skin deep. One cannot judge or reject people by the color of the skin and appearance of the body, but by the content of their character(unity of thought and deed).

Garments to beautify, appetite and fondness for food, qualities for women, and education for men; are primary things.

This man has a good person. Person speaks of the external appearance. The man who wears a particular dress or ornament is different from the dress and ornament that he wears. What you see is what you get. Eyes are the windows of the soul.

Our eyes give us knowledge about various objects they see. This is the nature of the organ of sight. Eyes provide sight. Heart provides insight into the nature of things and perfection.

The eye of flesh can only see material things. Even physical ether is invisible to the naked eye. That the human eye is grossly erroneous in its perceptions can be seen from very simple facts. In fact, the eye is the most powerful cause of delusion for man. - Gita Makarandam

Deluded man suffers on account of the powerful influence of nature(inert) and its qualities.

The food he eats, the words he speaks, the way he thinks or walks or acts - all these activities clearly show what quality is predominant in him at any particular time. No man is dominated only by one quality. The three qualities express themselves in the mind, at one stage or other.

There is a fire in the stomach which digests all food sent there, when the fire is not blazing there is no hunger, and when the fire in order we become hungry. – Bhagavad-Gita

Eating, sleeping, sex life and defence are to be found everywhere.

The need for sex, like the need for food, is a burning hunger all over the world. When you are hungry, you eat food, but after the stomach is full, then there is no point in thinking about food the whole day.

For the hungry man, all the food in the world is not necessary. A few handfuls are enough. Excess of food creates uncontrolled emotions.

All the organs of senses and their action is limited to sometime and it should be over after that. But thinking about it, as the whole thing all the time is obsession. – Ravi Shankar, Art of Living

In-completion of any sense creates attachment of that object. Attachment leads to desire, to get them. You attempt to remove inner in-completion through indulgence.

Good qualities can overcome deficit of beauty, but beauty cannot fulfil the deficit of good qualities. – Edison

Having many good qualities is not only enough, make them useful to your life.

Education is a growth and not a passive receptivity. The very essence of education is concentration of mind, not the collecting of facts. Truth lies not in facts but in harmony of facts. Truth is beauty, and beauty is truth.

Truth and knowledge both are regarded as parents with respect. Knowledge is power, acquire it. There is no royal road to acquire knowledge. The more power of concentration the more knowledge is acquired. Knowledge is the beginning of spiritual life.

When he rises to the mental plane, he considers the character, qualities and nature of the object which could be understood only by the mind.

The end of education is character. Emotion, controlled and directed to work, is character. Negligence of character building, defeats the purpose of education. Every little action has its effect on character. Character is more important than intellect.

The wise sees knowledge and action as one; they see these two are relative truths.

A wise man maintains his balance of mind in fair and foul weather. Wise men control their minds. A word to the wise is sufficient. Wise people always have something to carry. The wise man is happy with trifles. He leads a careful and responsible life with equanimity.

When he rises higher still, he finds that all the universe and creation with all that exists in it is nothing but the soul. This is the spiritual plane of vision.

Bodies are many, Soul(Self) is one. Beings are many, breath is one. - Sri Vidya Prakasanandagiri Swami

The body is nothing but the changed form of light. Directly or indirectly, the man is taking light as his food. The food when enters a body, it takes the form of life.

The uneducated need light and the educated need more light. - Swami Vivekananda

The Sun is the source of all life. Sun is light. Sun light gives energy to the living beings. Where Sunlight is there shadow is also there. Light(brightness and pure knowledge) takes the form of life on nature.

In a pot of water, in the river, in the ocean, the Sun's reflection is seen differently. But the Sun is only one.

Sun is the only source of knowledge, dispel darkness and awakens this world. If the Sun is not there, the whole world becomes lifeless and dark.

The Sun has no meaning without sunshine, at its most cheerful; without heat and light. And heat and light would not exist without the Sun. With the rise of the Sun, the activities of human beings are set up. Without the help of the Sun, Moon and Fire, no one can live. The Moon causes man's body to grow.

The Sun rays fall on trees. Trees and plants are inert. The Sun gives fragrance to the flowers and plants. All the things on the earth and all waters become purified and holy, with the Sun rays.

The Sun's rays contain seven colors. When they are merged together, the rays appear white. If the Sun's rays are only in one color, there could never be such variety of color and fragrance in nature.

In rainbow we see the phenomena of seven colors separately. Herbs, plants and flowers absorb those colors which they need and flourish in strength and beauty. – Gita Makarandam

Rain makes a rainbow. It is the mind that sees the Sunshine behind the 'rain' . Lots of people enjoy looking at rainbow. Rainbow has seven colors. The seven colors visible in the sun-rays are found in the rainbows. When the sun-rays are passed through a prism it shows Spectrum(seven colors).

Color of mother is of pearl. Pearl is for emotions, color to ingrain one's thoughts. The part where the Sun rises-sunrise, purity of luster in a pearl; pearls of wisdom come in different colors like Pink, white, pale yellow, soft blue and pearly Grey etc.

Colors can be hot or cold. Red, orange, yellow and infra-red are hot colors. Blue, indigo, violet and ultra-violet are said to be cold colors.

Colors like orange, red and yellow are warm, known as advancing(to bring forward) colors. Warm(the temperature is eternal spring) colors are bright and splashy, attracts our eyes and excite emotions. It makes form or shape, picture seem larger. Purple, blue, violet and green are shades of gray are cool, known as receding(to retreat) colors. Cool colors are opposite to warm colors. Cool colors give slimming effect.

The three primary colors, blue, red and yellow to make millions of hues. Mixing of colors and layering will also work very well. Some colors would mix, while others would repel one another. Lighter forms will flourish. The colors will harmonize.

Combining unusual ideas is at the heart of creating thinking. The more often you do something in the same way, the more difficult it is to think about doing it in any other way.

One of the life’s great pleasures is letting go of a previously cherished idea. Then you’re free to look for new ones.

Colors can make your life aesthetic. The aesthetic was a mix of dark and light, the dreadful and magnificent. Colors can excite you, depress you and delight you. Each colors works individually and collectively. Use contrasting colours which you can mix and match to great effect. Life is color and color is health.

Colorful garments are different, cotton is same.

Violet: Violet is a mixture of scarlet red and cobalt blue or black, is a secondary color. Violet rays are said to cure incessant and profuse bleeding, cancer, pain in knee joints, varicose veins. Ultra violet rays produce Vitamin D to the body. To remove the pains in bones the ultra violet rays are passed on the effected part.

Indigo: Indigo is deep blue, it is the color of primary element water. Blue indigo moods of discouragement and depression. Indigo blue is extracted from plants and trees and the other one(blue) color is chemical.

Indigo rays are cooling in nature and are a general tonic for good health. Indigo is said to cure eczema.

Sky(Ether) which is accommodating in nature; through Sky Air comes, through Air Fire comes, through Fire Water comes, through Water Earth exists.

Brown: Brown is inclined to red or yellow. It is a dusky color. Fawn is a light, yellowish- brown color. Brown color represents earth and endurance. Brown is for stability and the solid practicality.

To control of the internal and external organs, endurance is an absolutely necessary quality.

Earth is the birth place for every living being. She's the place you came from, your first home. It is a colourful place to live. The Earth stands of existence and being itself. Passivity is the typical behaviour.

Being yourself is always hard enough to do, without people trying to force a personality change. A strong life force makes a human being totally alive, alert and present, a weak life force results in sluggishness and fatigue.

Earth contains Air and needs it, but Air neither contains Earth nor needs it. Earth is obligated to remain where it is, moving only through earthquake, volcanic or outside forces.

Air has freed itself from such restrictions, moving above the Earth at whim, neither changing Earth nor long remaining. Earth is detached from Air, seemingly unaware of its existence, until strong winds disturb the plants and flowers growing on its surface, rooted in its bosom.

Earth remains where it is placed by Nature, unless moved by inner explosion, or through outside forces. Force should be avoided.

Fire can scorch Earth but never completely destroy it. Earth will support Fire, forming a stable foundation for its flames; yet too much Earth can bury the brightest(brilliance in) Fire.

Earth is surrounded by full of water, numerous streams of water and warm springs.

Water seeks a home, which it finds within the Earth, penetrating Earth and moistening it, which is a blessing to the Earth-for it is Water’s penetration alone that allows Earth to “mother” all forms of living plants, trees and flowers.

Without the enrichment of Water, Earth is dry and useless. Without the Earth to moisten, Water’s course is aimless and equally useless.

These two elements were designed each to need the other. But too much Water can turn Earth into mud or quicksand. And too little Water can be lost, can disappear within the mountains of Earth.

One drop of water a day, falling steadily over the years on a rock, will finally split the stone in half. A few drops of water dripping steadily on a rock for a long period of time will wear the rock away into fine sand.

When Water meets Water, there is no resistance, resulting in a continual stream of inspiration, flowing eventually into a greater ocean of enlightenment, or on the negative side, it may trickle into a stagnant inlet, where(dull, stand-still, a position out of which) there is no escape(to go free from trouble).

Every enlightened person should possess and practice truthfulness, control senses, love(absence of malice), fortitude and absence of jealousy.

Love travels in a circle too, if it's true love.....which is, after all, the only kind you really miss when it goes away.....and promises to return.

Hatred and malice(ill-will, envy) lead people into evil. Evil causes sorrow and misery. – Gita

Race and birth are of no importance in spiritual enlightenment. Every one can seek for it and find it by the very purity of his heart and intensity of his devotion. – Gita Makarandam

Enlightenment is an altered state of consciousness that can bring about a state of causeless unconditional love and limitless joy. Love is the healing stream of life.

In the progression of life, stagnation is not acceptable. Confinement, or smothered through circumstances or restriction of any kind, (like the unkindness of keeping a bird in a cage) or being in child-bed brings serious illness.

Water cools the thirst but, when out of control, brings destructive floods. Flow of water is the river. Unrestrained river floods and destroys life.

Water is not only the strongest and most powerful of the four elements. The water element, which is more mystical and mysterious, more intangible and elusive, than the vibes of the Fire, Air or Earth.

Water is always moving. Water that is flowing, clean with the Sun rays and air with gentle breeze is eminent.

Air moves around above a stream, a lake, a river, an ocean etc. Air doesn’t even know the Water is down there(never look down), nor does it care. Think of the way rain water, falls down through the Air, right through it, without asking as if the air didn’t even exist.

Odd things do happen to all of us, every few years or so, and we don't notice right away that they have happened; we only notice the oddity of the incident or event later on. They mind their own and they fully expect you to mind you.

Unlike Fire and Water, Water and Air are not mutually capable of destroying each other. Actually, Water and Air tend to ignore(to take no notice of something or someone) each other, if anything.

Air penetrates Water…stirs it, churns it into lashing waves…then moves away or attack over which Water has no control.

The element of water, when it saturates Air with enough moisture causes to clarify the atmosphere of dreamy or blue fog, smog and misunderstanding. Fog(very thick mist, like cloud all around) is a colloidal suspension of water.

Water penetrates Air in the form of moisture, it causes Air to be heavy.

But, in the process, it also brings to all of Nature the blessed relief of rain, magically changing Air into its own element, that easily changes into another substance over which Air has no control.

Air is intangible, invisible always moving everywhere… and no where. Air has no particular shape. Air must move.

When Air meets Air, there is complete freedom of movement, little or no restriction. This blend can result in a glorious mental, emotional and spiritual uplifting.

In freedom lies intelligence. It is not just discipline but true freedom. Freedom is not something devoid of order; it is a flowering in order. Emotional entanglements can bring troubles. Too much mental and emotional freedom can create its own confusions.

The spiritual fields uplift consciousness leading to harmony, peace and a feeling of fulfilment.

The movement of the air influences the movements of everything. But although the wind(air in motion) is great, it is still situated within the Sky; the wind is not beyond the Sky. Still He is aloof from everything, as the Sky is always aloof from the activities of the wind. – Bhagavad-Gita

The mighty wind(air in motion) moving everywhere is placed in Ether; rests in Ether which has no contact with the wind.

The wind, may carry good or foul smell, may be gentle or strong, but Ether (sky) is not affected by it. The sky will not fall down.

But Air becomes stale and polluted without the winds of change, and Air can be whipped into the frenzy of a tornado(of blind fury, uproots trees) under certain conditions.

Like an elephant is strong that can uproot trees but is scared of the mahout's small stick(if one holds the iron rod). Perhaps all roots scream when they are unearthed; only, we don't hear it. It hurts the nerve - ends of compassion.

Why thunder(the distant thunder of Vulcan, the lame God) lasts longer than that which causes it.

Everything that is there in this universe is madhu or nectar; the rivers, the thunder, the lighting, the trees, all are madhu. That madhu is indeed Brahman(pure and perfect, or reality) because madhu also means immortality.

Nature(prakriti), soul (jiva) and Realization(Self) are the three Brahman. – Gita

By peace and purity, man realizes Brahman. One who knows Brahman is called a Brahmin. A Brahmin is supposed to devote his whole life understanding Reality. – Gita

Brahman is called the one present within you. It is the cause for the very existence of objects that move and don't.

Ignorance and Maya are synonyms. ‘Maya’ is illusion that is beyond the senses, ignorance of mind and karma(action).

Maya creates the appearance of duality. Illusion and reality both are inter changeable. It's hard to tell where reality ends and illusion begins. They blend-then they separate. Reality is nothing other than his own Self.

One gets the knowledge of the Self by constantly doing virtuous practices, charity and service to others in a impartial spirit, company of holy men and meditation of the Lord.

Four things are nectar; Milky food(mother’s heart), A fire in chilly weather, An honour granted by king, And loved ones come together. – Panchatantra

Food taken becomes nectar. Nectar can be perceived by practical experience. Passion is the fuel that lights the fire of life.

Meeting a beloved, friend or relative, seeing the Sun breaking through the clouds after a dark, rainy day, a rainbow, a sudden gentle breeze on a hot afternoon, all these things make us happy and light up our face.

Goodness in wife, Sweet words of a child, An honor granted by King, and delicious food; these four things are nectar.

Fire is the source of heat and light. Heat and light are the energies of the Sun; the Sun with its warm rays gives energy, hunger in the stomach(digestive fire), and without fire(fire wood, fuel)we cannot cook the food.

There is a fire in the stomach which digests all food sent there, when the fire is not blazing there is no hunger, and when the fire is in order we become hungry. - Bhagavad-Gita

When the Sun releases fire power instead of shining, reservoirs get emptied leaving the hydel projects powerless. When the wind becomes violent, power towers collapse like a pack of cards. When the earth shakes its mane, topless sky scrapers crumple to rumble. When the ocean raises a cyclone, cities shiver. But nothing can effect the creative power of the human mind.

The restless of spirit, man is stronger than Nature.

Spirit is the basic field of creation, and matter is created by spirit. Spirit is not created at a certain stage of material development.

Black: Black for instance has a powerful aura. It signals aloofness and a sense of being something special. The color also stands of concentration, minimalism. Black is a kind of color and allows people to keep options open.

People who want to stand out in a crowd tend to choose black clothing. Everyone loves standing out in a crowd, but make sure you're standing out for the right reasons.

Black color is protective against witchcraft.

Black represents dirt, very dark, sullen(sullen detachment or deceptive answers, angry and silent, gloomy), horrible, frightful. Black hand symbolises protection for the weak, the poor and the helpless, as much as it symbolises a threat to the disloyal, the greedy, the pushy and the snoopy.

When rains flush the snakes out, they can be deadly threat. Disease of the human body is one of the greatest threats to its survival.

Everything is black or white for these people. Black is the opposite of white. The fervent friend or best friend and a subtle foe or the worst enemy. There are no shades of grey. The lower mind is your enemy and the higher mind is your friend.

The greatest enemy of consciousness is isolation.

Over doing a good thing is as harmful as indulgence in bad things. Think good even of your enemies. First, learn how to forgive your enemies - and do for others what you want them to do for you.

All kinds of love is centred in the Self. We love everything – son, wife, wealth, land etc., for the sake of the Self alone.

Selfishness is vice. Selflessness is a virtue. Selfless love for others is the highest morality, highest ethical principle.

Love has a tendency to become possessive. Possessiveness is enormous. Avoid extremes in all matters. Be moderate, avoid excess in all things. Anything extremity is always harmful.

Hatred is condemned as the worst enemy of man. Give love, you get; give hatred, you get only hatred in return. This is the natural law.

Extremes of love and hate is an exhausting and unnecessary strain on the nerves. The opposite of love is not hate, the opposite of love is indifference. Dislike towards an unpleasant object is common to all. Let not the poison of mutual suspicion and hate divide people. Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed.

Suspicion doesn't rhyme with serenity, but with sadness.

Suspicion is so dangerous to love is because it can cause deception(some form) to manifest when otherwise it wouldn't have, because the one unjustly suspected becomes weary of being falsely accused.

Love is its own reward and joy. Love is joy. Joy and sorrow are inseparable and interchangeable. Sorrow is always followed by compassion, the overwhelming need to forgive and to be forgiven.

It is selfishness that produces jealousy. The rust of jealousy and suspicion which are only lonely synonyms for fear. It doesn’t stem from a possessive nature but from fear of rejection.

Jealousy is the jaundice of the mind. All jealousy must be strangled in its birth, or time will soon make it strong enough to overcome the truth.

But as the mind is impure, man is unable to see the truth as it is. The impure mind is the foe, and the pure mind is the friend. Where there is impurity, drive it off.

The impure mind is unsteady and restless due to the winds of desire blowing constantly, like the light placed in a windy place. – Gita Makarandam

If the mind is unsteady, sorrow is the result or happiness at the sorrow of others.

No man or woman, really wants to be unfaithful to love. Unfaithfulness inevitably brings only the sharp pain of guilt and tangled emotions, never joy.

Know the truth, through the control of the conscious mind. Truth has to be experienced but not taught. Truth is beyond knowing. It is something beyond everything.

Truth sometimes hurts. Yet there can be no unfaithfulness where there is truth for unfaithfulness is dishonesty. Truth can solve any difficulty, when it is faced with openness and compassion.

Don’t be blinded by arrogance. Arrogance stands as an obstacle. Arrogance stems from an inner doubt of his/her abilities. Arrogance decays compassion.

Inner realisation should lead to outer expression of love and compassion. Compassion makes a man strong. Compassion is a noble quality. Love is compassion, for loss of life. Love others as you love yourself, feel of others as you feel for yourself.

A man in affluence should not insult or with thoughtless mind speak about a King, a Serpent, a Brahmin, a Scholar and a feeble man.

In Vedic literature, the king is considered to be the represented of God. The king should believe in the life after death. Love is life; hate is death. The king should be responsive to criticism and should not give scope for scandal(disgrace).

Lie is a sin. A lie has no leg, but scandal has wings. As a king, he must set an example to the people.

The Nagas are different from the Serpents. The Nagas have many heads, but they are devoid of poison. Nagas need Air. – Gita Makarandam

The snake depends upon the rope, and the rope does not depend upon the snake. Snakes of Kama(desire, lust) and krodha(anger). – Gita

Serpents mind is made up of Mercury. Mind is not stable. Ancient astrology refers Scorpions as Serpents.

Serpents have only one head but they are poisonous. Serpents desire to live and move near the trees and plants. Scorpio is water, emotionally fearful and mentally suspicious by nature.

The colour of Mercury is yellowish Green or Greenish yellow according to different authorities. Light green is a combination of Green and yellow mixed in equal quantities, they result in complimentary colour.

In ancient days, the serpent is the emblem of wisdom, power, duration, life and eternity. Life is a search for wisdom and power.

Wisdom presents three fields of human powers or faculties: (1) the field of knowledge, (2) the field of judicious activity, and (3) the field of understanding.

Wisdom teaches judicious activity. Wisdom is how we use knowledge. Knowledge tells what to do, wisdom teaches how to do it.

Spiritual wisdom occupies itself with the future prospects of life. It proclaims “what gaineth a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul”. It reasons the purpose of life.

Ignoring Lion is as risky as under estimating a Scorpion. The Scorpio sense of justice is as strong as the sense of revenge.

Scorpio women(outward femininity) intensity, and inner craving of self-importance in family causes ulcers or nervous breakdown, even in women. It's impossible for her to be detached or casual.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” applies to both stove burns while cooking food and Scorpio stings' bites hard even siblings. Simple directness has no sting in it.

Ego is a venomous serpent(spitting fire) with a forked tongue. There is no venom as sharp as sharp venom of tongue. Words are more deadly, than even the venom of a snake.

Strong and bitter(distressing, to give someone pain or sorrow) words indicates a weak cause. Wicked tongue is worse than an evil hand. Clever enough to connect cause and effect. Words may be subtle or rough his/her tone of voice becomes harsh. Harsh speech can create enemies. Go easy on coarse(harsh) speech.

Words can kill and words can heal. Kindness heals all ills. And kindness is what real love is all about – by a loving word or a kind deed, heals the wounds of people.

Scorpio doesn’t admire weakness, or people who give up easily. Scorpio may have compassion for losers, but respects only the winners.

Finders may be keepers, but losers may not  weep. Be bold when you lose and be calm when you win.

Most of the people try to change the effect while the cause remains, persuading themselves that they are doing it out of love. It is the ego masked as love.

Love, kindness and forgiveness is the vital energy.

Love is far more than an emotion or a feeling. Contentment is within reach for a person who is compassionate and loving. Try to be loving and compassionate, because those are signs of an evolved life.

The word human is synonymous with love, compassion, gentleness. Remember, only a human being can develop compassion and empathise with others. Compassion is a sublime healer - of anything.

One should have friendly feeling and kindness for all beings, and do service to them. Service to man is service to God. Service is love in action.

Love leads one to service and service to peace. – Mother Teresa

True forgiveness does overlook, the obvious differences in their natures and personalities and true forgiveness does forget, forgetting injuries without holding bitterness is the nicest kind of absent-mindedness, and they both are blessed, to a large degree with this quality. Forgetful gives life and forgiveness gives life to others.

A forgiving disposition cannot be had by one who has not conquered anger. Anger is listed, along with desire and greed, as one of the internal enemies of man, and must be overcome. A greedy person pays no attention to the quality of his words and deeds.

Brahmin: The Brahmin recites Mantras. A man who has studied the three Vedas or with good qualities or an innocent victim is a Brahmin. He may give charity and also receive charity from others. To make Brahmins insulting longevity decreases.

A table is not blessed if it has fed no scholars. – Yiddish proverb

Conies are feeble yet they make their abode in rocks. There is no apparent danger to the conies, nevertheless they act on the principle of precaution to protect themselves from any possible danger. That is the wisdom of precaution.

Always take heart in time of danger(of fire). You're in danger of being crushed beneath someone's large foot. Let the heart rule the head.

‘Live and Let live’ to be yourself and realize that others must be themselves too.

Grey: Grey is a combination of black and white, a color halfway between white and black; a dull, grey sky. Grey color is seen in clouds. Grey indicates modesty and reliability.

In a place where the modesty and honor of a woman is violated, all things become hostile in result. It would be a terrible mistake to snub her family.

Despite her modesty and natural shyness, she's tough enough and strong enough for others to find comforting when dark clouds(of gloom) gather. It is quite true that she's basically shy.

Sometimes we see that clouds cover the Sun; but that is actually our imperfection. The clouds cannot at anytime effect the Sun. HE is always bright and glorious. The covering of the clouds is from the view point of those who are below the clouds.

When the clouds spread over the Sky one cannot see the Sun, who is above the clouds.

The disturbance of the storm clouds does not affect the Sun(Soul) or the Sky(Ether) through which they pass. Ether is not visible to the senses. Ether cannot be seen.

The Sun causes heat and absorbs water, and then again releases it in the form of rain.

The rain brings hope and a relief from the scorching heat of summer. However much rain water falls on a mountain top, it will not remain there. It will flow down to the river below. The low-lying receive water from all sides. Everything will come running to the place where there is humility.

Rain water is always pure.Traditionally, rain is the season of togetherness.

You wouldn't be able to rejoice in the sunlight if you had never experienced rain, nor would spring be so magical if it were not for winter.

Do not cross the rope that is tied to the calf; do not run in the rain and do not see one’s own(self) shadow in the water.

Reasoning and reality were clouded. Melancholy(who weeps melancholy tears continually or continuous tears that moisten the eye) and pessimism color your rainbows gray before you even reach out to touch them.

Maya(illusion) is like a cloud. Clouds come out in the middle and cover the sky. Worries are only passing white clouds. Clouds move more but rains very less.

The cloudy, misty, far away looks comes from sailing out there among the clouds(your head in the clouds), somewhere in the future. The future is important only it relates to the past. Every silver lining has a cloud, whenever dark clouds come into view. "Every cloud has a silver lining".

People are worried about worries which never happened; about climbing mountains and crossing rivers before reaching them. Constant fears keeps you away from seeing tomorrow. Your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. Few possess the required patience - or faith in the promises for tomorrow.

Yesterday always appears more beautiful in dreams than it was in actuality(reality) she's more interested in creating a real present, which is the way yesterday only seems to have been, a solid improvement over the past.

By looking at the mountain, you can't climb the mountain; you should will yourself to climb the mountain.

Just as mountains have valleys and peaks, life also has got its own share of ups and downs and successes and failures. They challenge the wise and the ignorant and the young and old.

It is foolish to say that I would enjoy only the peaks and not the valleys. The wise and the strong look at the scenic beauty of both.

When a person enjoys both success and failure then he has strong personality. His vision and thoughts inspire others also.

Nothing in this world is black or white, one or the other everything is Grey, a mixture; therefore tolerance is the only way to balance life on anyone's scale.

Grey is a neutral and cool color, represents winter season. Winter season is for seclusion. If winter comes...the miracle of spring cannot be far behind poetic inspiration. Poets sing love.

The penniless poet leaves an indelible mark on you.

A poet is often absolved in the cloud. Clouds laden with rain spread far and wide in the sky. He tries to turn raindrops into pearls of wisdom through prayer, Mantra and meditation.

Meditation is a process of unlearning the limitations of delusion imposed on us by our egos. Meditation, single focused mind awakens your awareness. Meditation triggers creativity.

Certain thoughts are prayer. There are moments when, whatever be the attitude of the body, the soul is on its knees. - Victor Hugo

Through imagination poetry springs out and through penance Mantras come out. Penance alone could overcome penance. Love of beauty and intelligence together can create poetry.

Perception alone is creation. There is no creation other than perception. Perception of a thing is its origination. Perception through the sense organs is indeed wondrous. Sensitive perception is rare in any field.

A creative person is one who, when he encounters a problem, is focused on the solution and is not a victim to the problem. Convert the problem into a spring board for possibilities.

Inner strength comes from struggle and endurance, not when you are free from problems.

It is sensible to be neutral. One who is tolerant, behaves alike to foe & a friend and also to good & evil reputes and who is alike in cold & heat, pleasure & pain, and he is free from attachment. - Bhagavad-Gita

Man is confronted with doubts and difficulties, physical, mental, moral and spiritual. Mind is confused and perplexed with doubt. Faith over doubt. Doubt is caused by ignorance. Doubt springs up as to whether he has the ability to even carry on. The intellect which obscured(hidden) by ignorance regards right or wrong, wrong as right and perverts all things in darkness(Tamas is Maya).

Sleep also means ignorance. In sleep one does not do anything at all. But sleep is not self-realisation.

One who conquers sleep, one who conquered darkness ‘Tamas’, is constantly wakeful and intellectually alert. Stay alert for defence purpose. An alert mind is not a problem; an unaware mind is. The wakeful and watchful man has no fear of falling away from his goal.

He who has subdued his mind is awake in that which is right to all beings. – Gita

Tamas (knowledge) is narrow and blind to Truth. He sees matter and there is nothing beyond it such narrowness is the result of ignorance. Ignorance of one's own nature is the cause of fear.

Confidence is sacred trust. Confidence is essential, trust it. Confidence breeds success. No one succeeds without effort.

Make conscious effort with faith. It is faith born of knowledge, judgement and decision. In truth, faith is just optimistic approach about the outcome of our present activities.

God gives power to the faint, strength to the weak; and unlike the ones who rely on the natural powers and sources, the faithful wait on the Lord, renew their strength and mount up with wings as eagles. They run but are not tired; they walk but without fainting.

Effort to walk, even an ant can travel thousand miles of distance; when remains without flying, an eagle(a large bird of prey which lives on lonely mountains) also cannot move and travel one step forward.

The truly high is ever low. The truly swift is ever slow. Slow and steady wins the race.

Having been taught and trained by the divine wisdom, some move swifter than the eagles and stronger than the lions; their youth is renewed like that of an eagle by the experience they acquire. They move and mount by the law of liberty as the eagles do, using the wings of instinctive power, of intellectual precision, of knowledge, and of spiritual wisdom. They scale heaven and earth at will. They build their nests high, as the eagles do on the in accessible rocks.

Sky gives strength to the birds. Even an Eagle in the Sky cannot fly long distance without Air. Can anyone do without air? Can any one go without air even for a few minutes.

Learn to work hard. Work is not only a social responsibility but also personal fulfilment. By means of difficulties and hard work, purity in the heart and tolerance comes easily. Tolerance rhymes with tranquillity.

Tolerance means, one should practice to forgive minor offences to bear insult or dishonor from others. – Gita

Three things to Love; Purity, Honesty and Hard work.

Love can solve all difficulties and if there's enough of it around. Love is a feeling of relatedness in society, something or somebody. Love can be a sense of belonging to a cause.

Be pure like Fire which purifies everything. Purity of thought, intention and action.

There is no substitute to a strong mind. It is strength born of purity and truthfulness which help one to make a difference in life.

Purity comes first and prosperity next. Purify the mind with good work for the sake of humanity. Pure and prosperous homes provide the best training ground for spiritual practice.

More than anything give your love and affection, kindness and protection to your parents, wife and children.

Honesty is beautiful and deception is ugly. Deception is an unnecessary burden. Telling the truth saves a great of trouble.

Honesty is your guiding star in all matters. An honest man always keeps his word. He is a man who always acts up to his word. Being honest at any cost is a golden rule of life. A man’s honesty is put to the proof when he has power in his hands.

Livid: Livid color is a mixture of black and blue. Black(clouds or moods) represents darkness. In darkness, there are no rainbows. A life given to darkness is a godless life. Darkness (gloom, obscurity) could be removed only by light(knowledge).

Knowledge and ignorance are contradictory: Knowledge leads to liberation from suffering, while ignorance leads to endless misery.

Suffering is not always a misfortune. It often helps us to grow. In the depths of sorrow, we receive light. Light is certainly a symbol for knowledge and wisdom. When the light is kept burning always, there is no fear of darkness.

Food and sleep do not liberate one from all miseries. Miseries are experienced by a person only when he is in the plane of ignorance. Knowledge alone can relieve us of our miseries.

The ignorant man attaches himself with his body and is concerned with all its sufferings. Knowledge which releases us from suffering and bondage, is the Truth.

Knowledge involves understanding the difference between the soul and the body. Yet, the soul is the most important part of the body; without the presence of the soul, the body has no value. – Gita Makarandam

Yet we all seek ignorance(want of discrimination) alone! And we wish we are intelligent.

Blue represents obstacles(stand invincible on the way) and determination. Determination initiates a positive action. Perseverance will ultimately conquer all obstacles.

Jealousy, raw passions, impulse, anger, frivolity, waste, laziness(to take up anything), carelessness are all obstacles of life.

Jealousy is an emotion that has roots in a basic insecurity. It is unfair to be jealous. Lack of passionate jealousy is due to something more than strength of character.

A person's character becomes strong and stable by will-power and discipline.

Character is repeated habits, and repeated habits alone can reform character. Liberation comes from within and not by being a slave of habit.

When Iron metal merges with water, what happens to is. Iron becomes rusted. The rust of jealousy and suspicion which are the only lonely synonymous for fear. Jealousy could bring serious friction. The friction is more intense when the relationship is a close one.

'Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust. Oil those brains before they rust.'

Public scenes and raw, naked, uncontrolled passions causes embarrassment. Grossness, coarseness, obscenity and vulgarity offend her.

The hot brain is impulsive(stormy impulses), wilful, wants everything here and now.

Blacksmith(a man who makes things from iron), bends the iron rod when it is red hot. An iron is burnt in the fire, by turning all the sides, transforms into strong steel. The hammering it gets turns iron into a shape.

Make your muscles iron and nerves strong as steel. Developing iron-will makes you overcome any difficulty. Steel becomes a symbol of power. For one thing her spine is made of stainless steel.

The subdued mind is a friend, and the turbulent mind is the enemy. The beauty of nature delights and calms the mind, and the turbulent impulses are subdued of their own accord(union of the mind). - Gita

Don't let your smile be snatched away. Usually, give your anger freely and smile rarely, as though a smile is costly. Make your smile cheaper and anger expensive.

Wearing a continual 'happy face' and smiling just to be polite is hypocritical. Perhaps it is, to some extent. But it's also more open, tentatively inviting friendship.

A human being thinks twice before saying something. The Vedas say: what a person thinks he will speak and what he speaks, he will do.

A person with undisciplined energy gets angry. Awareness was missing, so the anger came up. When a man gives way to anger, he loses his power of proper discrimination between right and wrong.

Be careful what you say and how you say. And the word 'carefully' means attentively, with awareness, meditatively, with love, with caring. One can just look without caring at all; then one will miss the whole point. That word 'carefully' has to be remembered in all its meanings, but the root meaning is meditatively. It means without mind, no clouds of thought in the sky of your consciousness, no memories passing by, no desires..... nothing at all, utter emptiness.

Everything is like a dream sequence(order), like the rainbow colors formed on a bubble. The colors die when the bubble bursts.

If you can be quiet and silent, only breathing remains like the air inside a bubble. When there are no thoughts, there is nothing but breathing.

Blue: Blue is colored like the sky stands for pragmatism and intellect. The color of the sky is seen as being much more open than black, the so-called 'color of power'.

The blues that don't go away.......

In the sky, the clouds appear in the sky and disappear. Yet, the steady sky does not have a hold on the clouds, nor is it affected by its presence.

Blue is a color of a cloudless sky. Blue is for practicality. Navy blue is for discipline and formality.

The sense of action and the feeling of activity belong to intellect only, and no one can touch the Soul which is beyond intellect. Intellect has its limits but the heart has none. Heart is greater than intellect. Heart is more important than intellect.

All powers comes from the sub-conscious mind. Trust your sub-conscious feelings. Learn only through the senses and through experience. Every experience is a good experience. Perceptions can also be highly subjective and biased by previous experience.

Mind and the intellect are parts of nature, and they are subject to errors(error of thinking) and mistakes in their concepts and conclusions. However, error is the backyard of perfection for it is by learning from past mistakes that we become better and brighter individuals.

Good nature and good sense must ever join, To err is human, to forgive is divine. – Pope

When virtues of forgiveness, friendship, gratitude, silencing the mind, shedding ego, setting right one's relationships in all spheres of life, witnessing without commentary are understood and realised and become a part of the individual's life, then he is on the path to illumination.

True love is a akin(related to blood) to the feeling of forgiveness and sacrifice. Forgiveness is divine and it is spiritual.

Spirituality is a direct and positive manifestation of the spirit which is an integral but intangible part of the human being.

Love means surrender of the self. Self-surrender implies lack of self-discipline. Since, no discipline can be absolutely perfect and no relationship is perfect. Perfection itself is an imperfection, removing the charm of contrast from life, all the exciting textures formed by light and shadow, leaving only a flat surface, dull and unexciting. You would learn the art of seeing beauty even in imperfection.

In a state of ignorance, imperfection is natural and perfection is an effort. Perfection hides; imperfection shows off.

Every relationship has some, few areas of real conflict. Everyone is unique. Everyone is incomparable.

Individual relations are personal. Laws are impersonal. The personal is stronger from a personal point of view. The impersonal is a qualification from the legal point of view. Devotion and knowledge are illuminated by universal law.

Law and Judgment is changeable, but Dharma(the quality of virtue) will not change. Dharma is for your own good, for your own salvation. The soul is accompanied only by Dharma. It is only Dharma which can bring prosperity to all. Dharma alone can give peace and happiness.

Duty to work and sense of responsibility(towards family and children) is always greater than rights.

Our elders saying, ‘not to have a single enemy’, to earn the good-will of all will always will always stand us in good stead simply means we must impersonally qualify ourselves.

Impersonal detachment is more difficult than attaching the mind to the activities of God.

One who understands the nature of Devotion will be in ecstatic joy. He enjoys peace. He is self-sufficient and he is not in need of anything from anyone. He has absolute control over his thoughts of mind. He performs his duties with detachment. Detachment of the mind from external reality.

As for detachment, it is not meant that one should have no feeling for children, wife and home. They are natural objects of affection. – Bhagavad-Gita

Lord Shiva as neelajeeva rules and controls the Sky(Ether) on spiritual plane for liberation.

Sky(Ether, the space above the earth is subtle, spreads through all and cannot be seen) is made up of air. Sky and Earth both are dumb. The highly eloquent is dumb. A dumb person does not lie but he is not looked up to as one who never lies.

The space element is very abstract. You cannot catch space. When you save your mind from negativity, you fill the space you are in with joy, fun, confidence, and coherence. If we speak negatively about all mistakes, then there is nowhere on earth you can really survive. When we try to see perfection in others, then we forget to see our own imperfection. Protect the space, save the mind at any cost. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Blue rays are said to reside in all cavities of the human body and in the brain. There will always be some degree of mental and emotional restriction, for various reasons.

Separation from wife, disgrace from people, remnant of debts, work with vicious man(a man without light), friends coming in penury; these five things burns the body without the fire.

Avoid justifying wrongs of loved ones. When something separates a man from a partner he's allowed himself to get close to, he can carry a torch for many years.

Criticism, however, should be used sparingly. Too much stress on mistakes will cause him to worry unduly, sometimes to the point of actual illness.

One who makes a mistake or commits an error of judgement he's looks miserable. Sympathy for human mistakes, gentleness of spirit softens the severity of surface sternness.

We all make mistakes. Mistake is the gain of life. The best time to mend a mistake is when it is small. But that 'mistake' has been continuing beyond memory, therefore the mistake is eternal. When a 'mistake' is permanent, it is not a mistake; it is intelligence.

One cannot do anything without intelligence. Intelligence refers to the power to analyse things in their proper perspective. – Gita

Sometimes mistakes can be helpful. Acknowledging mistakes require humility, a virtue.

Who ever makes himself great will be humbled and who ever humbles himself will be made great. Without humility, understanding is not truly possible. God loves the meek and the humble and disdains the proud and the vain. A little humility can help you steer clear of any disaster.

The beginning of knowledge is humility. Humility is a great virtue.

It is only an error in judgment to make a mistake, but it shows infirmity of character to adhere(remain fixed or attached) to it when discovered. – Christian Nestill Bovee

A business man who knows the ins and outs of his job will prosper. Success in business and customer service go hand in hand.

The merchant looks blue as he sustained a loss in business, or making wrong decisions in business and losing money. Business is for one purpose only, to make money. Family life is never neglected for business. He was blue with cold. It is difficult to decide who is accountable for his lost. Falling down on his job depresses him.

Money is important, fully expects to be paid for his efforts. He's well aware of his comparable and current market value, and he won't hesitate to move on, regardless of his basic loyalty and stability, if he feels you're being unfair or unreasonable.

Being short of money he is in bad humour. Consequently, withdraws from participation in activities such as conversations. He will pretend to be disinterested as cleverly as he pretends to be ill when he's not enjoying himself at a party.

Pierson blue is complimentary color. It is a mixture of Cobalt blue and Green.

The blue color reduces the increased Blood pressure, heart beat, respiratory problems and is resulting in good health. Blue, shades of blue, and the color of the sky keeps our heart healthy with peace and tranquillity.

Blue color cools the body. It is said to be a cure for mental depression.

An unjust accusation made against a person puts a him to depression(dullness). Depression is rooted in lack of control. One must not give in to depression because of failures.

Pessimism will depress. No amount of practical diet, conservative habits and stubborn resistance to illness can overcome the dangers of pessimism.

Sometimes in life, difficulties give opportunity to grow more. The sure way to miss success is to miss the opportunity. Irresponsible action brings failure. We have to carry on our efforts in spite of failures. Each time we fail, it is only to rise spiritually higher.

Desires keep disturbing the mind in spite of repeated efforts. Repeated efforts alone can turn the mind back from pursuing external objects.

Seek life for expressing the Spirit, do not seek Spirit to enrich your life. One who nurtures the injured spirit never carries a grudge in spite of having been disgraced. He is the one who enjoys peace and harmony with a warm heart, like that within a flower.

Silence and forgiveness are just like the harmony found in the members of a family. Harmony is happier than hostility, and compromise is more creative than conflict. Compromise can avert conflicts. Peace is better than conflict.

He who can maintain the attitude of detachment, surrender of the self remains restful and lives in peace. Peace is the immediate reward of self-surrender to God.

Submission, humility and selflessness are synonymous with rich peace, and other inner and outward serenity. Serenity of mind implies internal purity.

Those who are silent(to pacify), and action-less should either perfectly purified souls or lumps of dead earth(with the lump in your throat, diseased or life-less), or sunk in dark ignorance.

Silence is not mere absence of noise. Real silence begins when a person withdraws from noise in order to find peace and order in the sanctuary. – Peter Maynard

Silence is an ornament of the ignorant. Silence strengthens thought power. Silence is intuitive experience. Silence speaks more than words. Silence in a woman is like speech in a man. It is silence from which all good things emerge. Where ever good things exist and who ever possess good qualities there is prosperity.

The significance of silence is often underestimated. Silence doesn't necessarily mean ignorance or even concurrence. It could well mean a desire to distance oneself from the situation in order to get a clearer view of the larger picture.

Man has dignity because man has originality. He gets deeply wounded and lonely(solitude), when you don't respect his wisdom and generosity. He keeps himself away from unfairness and will not even oppose others. Though his hands are in society and his heart everywhere, keeps his mind calm in solitude. Solitude is a sign of spiritual attainment.

You have to keep your image respectable in front of strangers. Everybody, but simply everybody, knows its important to be respected.


Work(duty to earn), Worship(with faith), Wisdom(respect law and authority, wisdom of age and experience) are the substance of Gita.


Dedication(to the cause), Devotion(through work, devotion towards Lord), Discipline(the ego), Discrimination(sense of, mind control), Dispassion(single-minded devotion, body control) and Determination(with patience); these six things are essential for the success in life(material and spiritual). - Sri Vidya Prakasanandagiri Swami


Deter not the determination.–Swami Vivekananda

Patience is one of love’s best friends. Patience and tenderness are strong building blocks for passion. Life is to be always positive. Positive thinking brings happiness and purposeful thinking brings power(strength) and success.

Patience is the mother of all virtues. The quality of patience is a desirable virtue.

Patience is a virtue, hard to understand, seldom found in woman, and never found in man. And patience is a virtue which nearly always gives birth, eventually to triplets - Devotion, Faith and Loyalty.


Purple: Purple is a dark, reddish-blue color. It is the mixture of blue and red. Purple makes one passionate and emotional. Purple is a color for royalty and power. Purple is for nobility.


Any position or status acquired as a gift of others or at the expense of the well-being of others including relatives will lead to unhappiness. Without sacrifice one can never live happily in his life.


Servants, body-guards, children, kith and kin, things, vehicles, money, and paddy; these are the eight forms of wealth.


A servant is bound to obey his master. He should be at the beck and call of his master. It is mean to think of getting money for nothing. Even a humble servant can teach us qualities of generosity, forgiveness, unselfishness and strength to bear burdens.

Have we heard of any servant serving someone else in order to bring about happiness to his own boss or master?

If we take a broom and clean someone else's house, it says much more than mere words. A new broom sweeps clean but the old brush knows all the corners. Being a new broom, he works hard.

The man who feels shy of labour remains where he is. It is wrong to think that manual labour is beneath one’s dignity. A servant who is true to his salt always wishes at heart the welfare of his master.

Idleness is an appendix of nobility. Idleness always brings unhappiness. Idleness is hunger’s mother and theft’s brother. A person does not feel hunger is not inclined to cook.

Generally parents are blind to the faults of their children. Idleness wins nothing. One who idles away his time will go useless in the long run.

Children are tiny persons who see, and demonstrate with simplicity, the magic their elders have forgotten as they've passed through Life's sobering experiences.

A man who is always active, cannot remain idle. An active man or a man of action needs philosophy whereas a philosopher needs patience and peace to discover higher philosophic truth.

Philosophy of life is faith. Faith is created by association with devotees. Devotees desire singing. The devotee alone is fearless. – Gita

Vedic knowledge is required for Self-realization. Objects do not make any difference for the men of Self-realization.

Self-realization brings contentment in the heart. Contentment is a rare quality. The universal truth that it is the virtue of contentment that alone can bring happiness and not money.

We have money but no wealth. Money only can’t buy happiness, it also breeds misery and suffering. If we handle things improperly, misery will come. If things went badly, we feel miserable. Money doesn't bring suffering, stupidity does. Money can bring comfort but it cannot bring joy. Money is beautiful, if it comes in proportion.

Wealth is highly unstable. Wealth slips through fingers like quick silver.

We are taught that all our hardships and sacrifices are not only the results of our past lives but also opportunities for building up a brighter future.

The hard lessons that life teaches us increases mental alertness, strength and more responsibility.

Money which is earned by your own efforts, is considered as great and it gives peace of mind. The very great is very small. You can be courteous, gracious and discriminating with being a prude. In charity, wealth is sacrificed. Wealth is not measured by how much you have but how much you give.

Everyone should have money to satisfy one's need but not to satisfy one's greed. ‘Needing’ is a synonymous weakness. Unlimited selfishness bordering on greed. Greed is very powerful instinct. Greediness makes men crave for everything. Craving makes life miserable. No purpose is served by remaining greedy.

Men whose minds are over powered by greed do not see the evil in the destruction of families and the sin in hostility to friends.

Fear Him and do not unjustly covet another’s wealth. If one covets another’s wealth, it amounts to a sin.

Esa means ruler. Eswara means the sky is His blue form. Eswara means wealth. Eswara is the know er who dominates or controls Nature and the individual soul. – Bhagavad-Gita

Purple color sublimates the physical-mental and spiritual processes of one’s being. It gives psychic abilities and elevates the soul.

All noble thoughts have their rise from the heart. The existence of God appears in good at heart. The heart opens the most impossible gates. When we attempt truly noble things, conscience(sense of right or wrong) makes people brave. Conscience is a sacred duty that protects you every where. It is the light of the soul. It is the form of Truth.

Normal men and women have well-adjusted and dependable consciences.

Noble minds, generous hearts and caring hands are the secret of true happiness. The generosity would win, hands down. A benevolent desires charity. One who sows generosity reaps Love Divine. Where there is divinity, Accept it.

Kshatriyas of old took pride of their blue blood. Cowardice is alien to Kshatriyas. Kshatriyas should protect cows and Brahmans. For the Kshatriyas a righteous war for the sake of justice is a duty. – Gita

Purple blood was born not to fight, not to preach, but to shout out what the common men feel.

A common memory and a common ideal - these, more than a common blood, make a nation. - C. Delis k Burns

Green: Earth, which is one of the primary elements, is said to be green. Green is a mixture of two primary colors, cobalt blue and yellow. Green is the color of Nature and health. Nature in all its moods and manifestations represents harmony and joy.

Love and respect for Nature are inherent in our culture; this is a unique feature of India's value system and philosophy. Love nature, it loves you for ever.

Green is the traditional color of peace. Green color is calming, soothing to the nerves and heart. The deep, honest dreams of dark green, is a quiet color that gives freshness and will help to cool down every negative vibration.

He that studieth revenge keepeth his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well. – Francis Bacon

He who sees that all actions are done only by nature(prakrti) and like wise that the self is not the doer, he verily sees. – Bhagavad- Gita

The senses are in nature. Prakriti(nature) is the origin of the three qualities. Prakriti is inert.

Nature is the executive authority to enforce the will of God. Let God be your life. Nature(the energy of God) heals the mind. Faith in God gives energy and protects us from everything. Faith in God gives breath to life.

Where there is Faith, there is devotion. Where there is Devotion, there is purity. Where there is Purity, there is God. Where there is God, there is bliss.

Nature is constantly changing. Everything is always changing. Nothing ever remains. Change is inevitable. Everything that exists in Nature has its place and relevance therein.

Home, religious places(temple, a place of worship), education, earth, cows, wells for drinking water, and breathing(heart, inspiration) are the vital things that give life.

Home is sacred. Home represents emotional security, where love is. We can all enjoy being at home. He feels more at home when there is plenty of space around himself.

Physical body is the temple of the Soul. One feels peace, harmony and solace in the premises of a temple as the spiritual energy there uplifts one's consciousness.

God is everywhere, but in places of worship, an individual is able to raise his consciousness sufficiently to be able to feel His presence, to be able to commune with Him.

True education comes even from the companionship of trees and the presence of Nature. - Rabindranath Tagore

Green is the colour of leaves. The leaves can be hard or soft; black, white or having a particular hue, damaged, torn or decaying; with dots or holes; long or short and even curled or defective in growth.

Nature is prime impulse, and earthly appetite. - Browning


The relationship between matter(material, subject, cause, affair and importance) and nature is ever lasting.


Nature works everything. Everything that exists in Nature has its place and relevance therein. Everything has purpose in life. Life and love must have a clear purpose. Small things in life inspires us more. It is the life that makes things move and work.


There is no perfection on the Earth. Nothing is perfect – greener pastures always have brown spots, too.


When Earth meets Earth, this blend can build(to put together) itself into a tall mountain of faith and strength, or can instead become a dry desert(extremes of heat, or continuous Sun shine makes a desert), depending on which direction it takes. When agitated, the result can be earthquake, with volcanic repercussions.

What happens during earth quake? Snakes and ants flee their homes. Birds are the first to know.

Green rays impart strength to the human body. Strength(of purpose) is life. Life is the sacred gift of God. If a person has interest in life (zest for life)or desire to live(will), he would endure and survive anything. The will to live should include to live for others.

Patience is the secret key to the other-side of the fence, where the grass always looks greener and fresher. The grass always looks greener in faraway pastures.

The will of the affected person is influenced by threat, inhuman punishment or the influence of an over powering personality.

Every step in your life need not be planned or focused. One can imagine the feelings of his mother who witnessed the scene from a distance.

A calf can find its mother cow; among a thousand kine, so good and evil done, returns. And whispers, I am thine. – Panchatantra

We will not recognise the value of water unless the well is dried. – Thomas Puller

A small well is useful for purposes of drinking and washing. For thirsty man all the water in the well or flood is not necessary. A few glasses will do.

The poet says that we must preserve every drop of water, for a single drop saved inside the oyster's shell, forms a pearl. Preserving water is as essential as preserving one's grace and dignity. Every drop of water is precious.

A stone in a well is never lost. The stone cannot have any existence at all, without the union with the Lord. Life is incomplete without union with God.

Green is ideal for concentration. In concentration, if the mind is disciplined, a person can take right decisions and see things clearly. Concentration (undivided attention on something, or on a problem) causes pressure or tension.

Attachment is bondage. Bondage brings pressure; and from this bondage arises the misery that we experience.

Pressure is inevitable. The solution lies in active management. Pressure is a neutral force; it can be channelled for good and bad. Pressure can be the stimuli we need to enjoy our lives and learn new skills, experience excitement and get things done. It can also be the force that causes depression and anxiety, miss dead lines, break relationships and even become seriously ill.

When you're green you grow; when you're ripe, you rot. Bondage and Liberation exist not in the Self but in the mind. The mind is made of the subtle elements of the body.

Yellow: Yellow is a original color. Yellow is the colour of light itself. The sacred turmeric is natural colour and it is desired by every woman. But this is not a colour for the older woman, or for youngsters who prefer a place in the shade. Don't contrast the yellow with a strong colour.

Yellow cloth, the emblem of renunciation. Inner purification comes first, and then external renunciation. Renunciation is the life of realisation and perfection while one still lives in this world.

No perfection is going to be attained, one is already perfect.

The perfectionist has only a vague idea of how he should be, and time is needed for his entire satisfaction. It cannot be today, or tomorrow or day after tomorrow or in his life. His present life will lead to postponements. He stops living in the present. He does not know that the future will arise out of the present. The future is now.

Enjoyment without possessiveness and renunciation without repression will lead to peace of mind according to our scriptures.

The holy scriptures teach people to act as saviors of mankind and truth or dharma. Dharma(the quality of virtue) is basis for happiness.

Yellow cloth removes phlegm or mucous. It is comfortable and soothing in spring season. Spring, the Sun is low on the horizon gives brightness.

Spring is a season of yellow and red. Spring season is youth for trees, and in this time produces spring wood. A spring or fall(to become lower) shower can do strange things to the inner nature.

Spring turns to autumn. No one grieves when the autumn-withered leaves fall off from the branches. There is always the knowledge that fresh leaves come up with arrival of spring.

Reasoning, intelligence, wisdom, experience, imagination are fine. But they will never help you experience a falling leaf. It has to do with awareness.

A leaf is not a leaf(also ear-rings); that we must understand ourselves to understand what's beyond us; that awareness delimits our mind; and that awareness, unlike memory, is self-effacing. For there can never be individual awareness.

The falling leaf, like life - a bright yellow leaf started falling. Even as there is a moment of happiness in seeing a leaf, there is sadness in experiencing a world without a leaf. A leaf is not a leaf, it is a symbol of Life itself.

Yellow rays are necessary for the thermal equilibrium of the human body. Those not able to do sustained work are said to benefit from yellow rays. These rays are hot in nature.

Yellow is for desire, accelerates mental activity. Yellow stands for cheerfulness and optimism.

It is only when you let go the desire that the desire(with faith) fructifies. - Sri Vidya Prakasanandagiri Swami

Cheerfulness is a life preserver, life power, dispelling of darkness and propeller of hope. There is always hope, where there is life. Hope lingers in the heart. To love and be loved is the secret of cheerfulness. Love needs space to grow untangled.

Cheerfulness is a personality trait. We can imagine how a man's face shines when a noble thought enters his mind. He can turn obstacles into opportunities, and great calamities into greater glories.

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you fail to focus on your goals.

Life seldom defeats these people permanently. They believe that tomorrow will surely be better than yesterday and today is pretty interesting. Mood spells are gone almost before the clouds have a chance to obscure the Sunshine.

Optimism is faith. 'Have faith in yourself first', Even the poison of a snake is powerless, if you can firmly deny it. – Swami Vivekananda

The man of faith gains knowledge. Knowledge leads to detachment.

The men of true knowledge are not affected by praise or blame just as the mountain(a mountain is huge) is not moved by the winds. Trees, mountains and hills are not moving. The Vedas resemble a huge mountain. - Bhagavad-Gita

There are people who scan the Sky for clouds. To them the Sun is only a thing which cast a shadow. They predict disaster and extinguish hope.

I have seldom seen much ostentation(show) much learning met together. The Sun rising and declining, makes long shadows; at mid day, when he is highest none at all. - Joseph Hall

The reflection of the Sun is only an illusion. The Sun and shadow cannot meet together. Yet, the Sun and shadow are inseparable.

Orange(amber): The color of orange is reddish-yellow. Orange is a combination of scarlet red and yellow, and is a positive force. This is an emblem of strength, energy and vitality.

Orange can be a tough colour to wear. Orange colour is external symbol of asceticism and renunciation.

The ascetic with matted locks, the one with his head shaven, the one with hairs pulled out one by one, the one who disguises himself variously with the ochre-colored robes - such one is deluded, though seeing, does not see. Indeed, this varied disguise is for the sake of belly. - Bhaja Govindam

The Sun's rays are said to be effectively brilliant red and yellow(orange –yellow) in color. The Sun rays are said to cure various illness.

Scholars say that throwing up Water is more than an obeisance(a bow, homage) to the Sun God.

The Sun is the only source of knowledge(light), dispel darkness and awakens this world. When the Sun of wisdom rises, the fog melts and there is a vision of God. The Sun is perennial reality.

Orange rays are said to be effective in anxiety and restlessness, and constant movement of a person from place to place, talking and thinking too much.

Anxiety, fear, egotism and depression are the natural enemies of human life.

A father naturally feels anxious about his children. Fear is due to worrying about the future. Fear always associates itself with desire.

Orange color is for love. Love is a feeling that exists within our consciousness. Love people more than things. Love can conquer anything. Therefore we all yield to the love. The best way to get love, is to give love.

Love is necessary of life, value it. Through love, hate perishes.

Saffron: Saffron is a color for sagacity and wisdom. Saffron represent a joyful liberation. Saffron cloth is worn by a seer(they are learned in Vedas, and able to perceive the Mantras and have renounced all desires).

Unscrupulous man, Traditional man, Fool, and Scholar, dressed(worn) in Saffron, whose hands are adorned with the holy staff(Danda) and the holy water-pot becomes respectable.

A seer, like the tortoise wisdom is firmly fixed withdraws and with holds (as holding the mountain on his back) the mind from attaching to any sense-objects like color, sound, fragrance etc.

Our seers have pinpointed the supreme goal of human life by saying that, "a man is born not to desire life in the world of senses, but to realise the bliss and full of knowledge.”

Yogi considers insult as honour and vice-versa. He should be ‘’tridandi’, having gained control over his thought, word and deed. The yogi does not always remain in meditation.

What is night to all beings is day to a self disciplined Yogi and what is day to all creatures is night to the silent seer. – Bhagavad-Gita

A seer desires meditation(deep thought). One becomes a seer by vision only. He believes, desires, strives for, acts, and plans projects according to his vision.

To know God he must have both the hearing and the vision of Him. God is light; on Him there is no darkness.

A person devoid of vision cannot establish the demonstrative evidence of what he believes. Each person demonstrates himself or herself, both inwardly and outwardly by the concepts he or she holds inwardly and displays outwardly.

Maroon: Dark maroon(Crimson maroon) is not a female color. Crimson maroon is a mixture of Scarlet red and Violet. It is a complimentary color.

Red black tint colored cloth, it is a mixture of red and black color is favourable in winter and spring season. Maroon(dark red) is a color of will power.

When hate and fear, are both conquered, the will is free and capable of immense power.

Rajastic(dust) knowledge is higher, he sees many things distinctively and separately. His vision goes deeper into the qualities of each thing which divides one from another. But he has not yet arrived to the basic Reality.

The Rajas(passionate action) man is very ambitious and full of desires(desires for objects). He likes those who help him and dislikes those who oppose him. Do as you would be done by.

He is restless, lacks peace of mind and is always after fame and name. Desire for fame and egoism is bondage. Bondage exists in the mind.

Ego which in its turn causes anger, greed, jealousy and other evil qualities.

Reasoning and reality were clouded due to illusion(of knowledge). He loses himself in multiplicity and manifolds and sees separateness' everywhere(where no separation exists).

Separateness comes from identification with the body. Separateness is born of ignorance which binds man to the body. The ignorant man identifies himself with the mind.

Obstinacy is the sister of constancy. – Montaigne

Independent judgment has come down to the level of personal feelings of men who are subject to a hundred vile(worthless) passions and prejudices.

In you, in me, and elsewhere too, there is but one Vishnu(God). Vainly do you get angry with me, being impatient. See the Self in all things, and leave off everywhere ignorance which is the cause of difference. - Bhaja Govindam

Like the air; it is most difficult to control the mind.

The internal enemies of man are the five senses and the mind. The mind is doubtless fickle, mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it. The disease of the mind cannot subside by feeding it with greater wealth, power and position.

Red is for desire and anger. Desire is a form of the mind. Anger is a wave of the mind.

Anger destroys the meditation. One is a foe to the other, like fire and snow. Excess of heat burns it, excess of cold stiffens snow. Snow blocks the way.

Excess red color results in destruction. Destruction is the appearance of grudge and revenge. Envy, jealousy, and hate ruins humanity.

In many relationships men and women pretend to show love when they are in reality expressing possessiveness, authority, jealousy and distrust.

Jealously is most enviable, distance it. Jealousy enters the heart, gradually it removes the discrimination. The man perishes when he loses the power of discrimination.

Jealousy and possessiveness are not quite the same thing. Jealousy can sometimes bring a sense of emotional security. One who is possessive cry a lot and hurt inside deeply. But they cause violent scenes infrequently. He who is really hurt doesn't talk.

Five things to watch, your words, actions, thoughts, character and heart. - Sri Vidya Prakasanandagiri Swami

Day and night, dusk and dawn, winter and spring, come repeatedly. Time plays game, life is fleeting, yet one does not leave the winds of desire. - Bhaja Govindam

Red: Wearing red colored cloths is favourable in rainy and comfortable in winter seasons (spring breeze). Red clothing gets one noticed and indicate an extroverted or even eccentric character.

Scarlet red is a primary and original color. Wearing red increases secretion of bile, controls wind and phlegm(in the throat and nose), keeps heat and gives strength to the body.

Red is for strong emotions. Red color aggravates the heart beat, and respiratory wind. Blood pressure is due to its high wave strength is more powerful.

Red is a color of fire and blood, gives heat. Fire and heat cannot be separated. Fire represents forceful optimism. Fire stands for the power that renovates the universe. Fire charts its own course, ever reaching toward the heavens.

Fire, which will either consume itself, and burn out or light the darkness; melt the ice and fear of negative thinking. We cannot imagine fire without brightness.

The fire element symbolises knowledge. It also symbolises desires. From the fire of desire, the element gets transformed into the fire of knowledge. And that is the whole aim or purpose of human life. - Art of living, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Fire belongs to the realm of dynamic power, life action, prana. Calmness is the source of the energy and dynamism.

Positive energy can have its downside of exaggerated optimism, and so-called negative energy can have its bright side of comfortable security and soothing passivity.
Fire secretly fears that water can put it out. Fire is aware that water can put out its flame(a tongue of fire). Fire and Water stand for change, creation and destruction.
Sheer idealism is impractical, and spontaneous enthusiasm can never replace experience.
A large Fire can dehydrate or dry out a small amount of Water, with excessive heat. On the other hand, large quantities of Water can extinguish Fire, put out its flames. Therefore, Fire instinctively either fears or respects Water, and vice verse. Both subconsciously sense the danger, that each is cable of completely destroying the other.

Fire, friend of air. Air fans Fire, and causes to burn more brightly, stimulating enthusiasm and excitement or inciting passion and anger. Air can incite Fire into action.


Too much Fire can burn up the oxygen in Air, making it difficult to breathe. And too much Air, such as a strong wind(air in motion), can cause a flame to flicker ever more dimly.


Next to air, food is a matter of life and death to people. Food is necessary for life; it is a necessity.


Man and woman does not live on bread alone. The bread cast on the waters not only feeds his ego and returns again increased, but it makes people happy, one of the things he enjoys most in life.


These women are nothing if not loyal. She will never hold a grudge, seek revenge, indulge in self-pity or bitterness.


Nothing keeps these people down forever, failure least of all. He's totally consumed in the action of the present. He learns modesty and humility only after many dismal failures.


Besides, people are normally either black or white to him. He doesn't bother with the gray tones. Beyond separate, black and white 'realities' of good or evil, beautiful or ugly - can return to us.


Strangely, most of these people create wealth for others rather than for themselves.


Life is all Sun light, the gloomy past is behind, the miracle of the Future still ahead - and the Present is a time for fun and relaxation. But it's no fun to be the last leaf on the tree if you're suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.


Gloom over past, fear about future, these two bring restlessness to the present. - Sri Vidya Prakasanandagiri Swami


The past and future are mere illusions. The past is dead and gone, and the future is Yet to come. The present alone is real.


To 'rest in the present' is a state of magical simplicity, although attainment of this state is not as simple as it sounds.


For without the present there can neither be past nor future. If one has a present, it is because one had a subjective past, and because one has a present, one cannot escape from his inevitable future which the present predicts. To see the future in the present is knowledge.


The mind rises from the heart and sinks to the heart(soul). Soul is your true friend. There is no other best friend, other than your Soul. Soul is above mind, head, heart and senses. Soul teaches you to smile even in over-whelming sorrow or illness.


Never let the smile go away from you. No body accepts decline. If you accept everything without any hurt only you will survive.


Energy, enthusiasm and perseverance are your real friends.


He was an oddity. He was often lost in his thoughts though he appeared calm. He asked too many questions, and he answered them himself. He seemed to be searching for a friend and had found ONE in himself.


Time has no meaning in eternity. Value your time.....It is a diminishing resource. Time is not absolute and its value is dependent on motion. Each moment of time is different and has its own unique quality. There is a time and place for everything. No body can oppose the time. Time embodies all actions, and brings forth their effects inevitably(unavoidable). Life unfolds in periods and cycles of time.


Time, space and objects are all conjectured by the mind. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.


Pink: Pink is a light red color, is naturally the most romantic of colors. Light red colored cloth removes nausea, and flourishes the mind. It is favorable in summer and also comfortable in Moon days.


Pink is a feminine color, represents love. Pink color which is believed to be the representation of womanhood, various shades of pink is for mental happiness. And it is for friendship.


Three things to Maintain; Promise, Friendship and Affection.

The promise of an eccentric man is like roof of sand. A person can't be too careful. You can't always trust people to be as they appear to be, or to keep the promises they make.

Promises to be kept that can't be broken - Once one makes a promise, it becomes one's bounden duty to see that one fulfills one's commitment at the appropriate time. No promise should be allowed to turn out to be an empty one. A broken promise or bad debt can put a wide crack in your friendship. The tiny crack must be plastered and putting it down carefully and painted as soon as it's noticed.

If you are relatives, you probably run to each other for sympathy when other family members have insulted, angered, or hurt you in a minor or a major way. It's friendship.


Friendship is as necessary as breathing. Friendship is on mind in two bodies. Friendship is to be kept smooth and not allowed to rust. Where there is friendship, Enlarge it. A bosom friend is always faithful.


There are certain things friends do. And there are certain things friends don't do. Friends do not talk about you to other people, unless they're saying nice things. Friends do not break promises. Friends accept you with all your faults. Friends are never disloyal, and friends are there when you need them. It is the duty of a friend to bear a hand in case of need.

Affection and devotion is the necessary foundation of trust and it must be given freely before the need to ask arises. Trust makes love and loyalty be seen and heard through loving glance and tender word.


A friend is one who does good to another without expecting any return. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.


Generally we speak of brother-hood among mankind as a great virtue. Brother-hood is insufficient as brothers may divide, on account of a family dispute they alienate from each other.


A false friend cuts the throat of his friends. A false friend flatters or betrays his companion in time of need. If it is “too good to be true” be careful and take a closer look. The victim of purity is born from naivety.


Not all friends, but certain ones, could be the source of occasional trouble. Stay away from them.

A false friendship and false love is like an act of writing on water, will not endure and remain stable.


It is difficult to separate love and friendship. Love must begin with friendship. Intimacy teaches discrimination against dishonesty.


Familiarity breeds contempt. Familiarity breeds a kind of mental immunity.

Too much of friendship or intimacy with someone brings insult or contempt, and frequently going to others house causes disrespect. The rare sandal wood trees abundantly grows on Malaya mountains, there tribal women uses it as fire wood or fuel for cooking.


An action cannot be performed unless it is backed by thought. Actions speak louder than words.


Tribal's are more blessed with the practical knowledge for living.


Just as the Sun shines directly when the covering cloud moves off, even so, when the veil of ignorance drops off, the inner Light shines forth in all its purity and Glory. - the essence of Gita


We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere. How a person is on the outside doesn't effect his inner true self. It is all about how you carve yourself mentally and emotionally.


Those who eat too much or eat too little, who sleep too much or sleep too little, will not succeed in meditation. But those who are temperate in eating and sleeping, work and recreation, will come to the end of sorrow through meditation. - Bhagavad-Gita


Tradition without purity, meditation without compassion, speech without truth, country without holy men, life without knowledge is nothing. - Sri Vidya Prakasanandagiri Swami


White: White represents transparency(transparent in action). White is for goodness, pure thoughts that removes all defects. The human emotions of the serene(white) is for pleasantness and peace. True peace comes from within.


Peace is the experience of the soul. Peace has a spiritual quality. Peace is the result of a restful state of mind.

White is a subtle treat to the eye. This look can only go wrong if the fabric is not crisp or looks dirty, so make sure that your whites are not too old.

You just cannot go wrong with white. Whatever the event, white is always a winner.

White indicates Sattva(pure, serene knowledge) and reflects Dharma(prescribed duties). Sacrifice is one of the prescribed duties of religious life. Any work of worldly life can be converted into sacred sacrifice. – Bhagavad-Gita


Character, love and service are the characteristics of the spiritual man.


Any work done, with the constant remembrance of God, is transformed into a holy sacrifice. The sacrifice which one performs with knowledge, faith and contemplation becomes more powerful.


The sacrifice of knowledge is greater than the sacrifice of the material possessions. The sacrifice of work culminates in transcendental knowledge.


A sattwic man is gentle, kind, steady, accustomed to speak the truth, worshipper of deities, and Brahmins and enduring.


Sattwic is pure and causes light and knowledge. It produces happiness and wisdom, faith and love. The Sattwic man has contentment and is happy. His thoughts are pure and has no hatred for others.


The external coatings of matter, color, size, qualities are all transcended and the purity in mind, knowledge appears in everything.


White is a color for all seasons, weathers and it is for all moods. White is one of the best bets as it is best suited to add more color to it. It is healthy, gives uniformity in heat and cold.


White represents purity and cleanliness, and to enhance spiritual awareness. Spiritual knowledge is basic instinct of everything.


Spirituality must not be equated with sanyasa though a sanyasa is supposed to be spiritual.


No greater charity can be bestowed upon suffering humanity than right knowledge that leads to right action. - W.Q. Judge


Giving(Charity) is the ornament for the hands, truth is the ornament for the throat, words of wisdom are the ornament for the ears; of what we use are other ornaments we wear? – Sanskrit proverb

Silk 'pure silk' cloth: Silk cloth gives coolness to the body. Silk cloth gives brightness, and climatic changes doesn't effect to the body in cold and heat.

Pure silk removes phlegm, windy complaints, a bitter fluid secreted in the liver, fits, thirst, and tiredness in the body; gives energy and strength to the body.

A flame entices a moth. Moths leave the cacoon once it is ready to be spun.


Woolen cloth: A coarse of cloth made of wool is always pure. Wearing this removes cold, pains in the joints, increases secretion of excessive bile, and the moisture on the skin.


Davila: Garment of tree bark (similar to jute) worn by sages. Wearing this relieves from windy complaints, pain in the joints and gives peace of mind. It is pure, protects from bodily pains, in cold and heat.


Humble sages see everything with equal vision.


Strength, forgiveness, fortitude, purity, freedom from ill-will and arrogance; these are the things supports a man who is born with the 'Divine' nature. - Bhagavad-Gita


A man with divine qualities is one whose actions and behaviour are at levels higher than those one expects or observes in the human.


The search of the Inner-self for the ultimate Truth is spirituality or Self-study and is at the core of all religions. True religion and meditation will manifest it. Religion should be a matter of conscience and personal faith.


A religious man has his reward in high day. True religion is service to the poor, charity to the needy and compassion for the suffering. To do good is your religion.


Help the hungry with food, the naked(needy) with cloth and the poor with money, and the fallen with spirit. - Sri Vidyaprakasanandagiri Swami


Everyone has a tendency to give something in charity. The good live for others alone. When a person performs actions selflessly aiming at good to all, such actions confer welfare on him in this physical world and lead him to salvation.


Each soul is potentially Divine. There is divinity within every human being. Caste, race, and color are no bar to religious merit and spiritual advancement. It is said that the simple daily recitation of the Gita confers religious merit and the daily practice of the Gita gives salvation.


Relations are just debts, all these relations will melt like clouds, all those colors of spring will vanish someday, your nature was changed by relation, yet it would not follow you after a point. - The essence of Bhagavad-Gita in simple words


God and Soul are both spiritual beings and real, whereas the material world is unreal.


Gita teaches the goal of life, transform his earthly life into divine life. Gita transforms the ignorant into the wise; the timid into a courageous; the dying man into an immortal.


Leaving off immorality is the way to immortality.


Appearance of the body changes, as a person puts on new garments giving up old ones, the Soul accepts new bodies giving up old ones. The same Soul gets various bodies depending on its karma. - Bhagavad-Gita


Soul is immortal, it remains the same. Soul has neither death nor birth.


Curious Cows