Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Lord Vishnu is imperishable banyan tree. Tolerance as a tree, spreads its roots(above). The tree that fulfils all desires, and its strong root(all expectations at its root) is dharma(the quality of virtue) or Duty.

Vriksha in Sanskrit means tree. The tree(the tree of illusionary perceptions) is a symbol of life happens right where you are, when energy comes in and flows out without your moving even a little bit.

Lord Vishnu as imperishable banyan tree, has its leaves as the Vedic hymns(Sruti, air of life) , its branches(three qualities that gives food to the tree) down to earth are the epics and mythology, flowers are sacrifice and rituals, fruit is salvation. - Bhagavad-Gita

Trinity of the stem - Knowledge, Karma(work, action), Meditation(worship).

Vedas is the root for Knowledge, wife is the root for home, hard work is the root for paddy(food grains), and wealth is the root for the world. The law of karma(action) is the foundation.

Know the Origin(spirit) of Karma (the nature of sacrifice, to be in Brahma(Vedas). The Brahma(Vedas) springs from the imperishable.

One who knows the tree is the know-er of the Vedas. Lord Vishnu illuminates and spreads light in all the seasons as imperishable banyan tree. – Bhagavad-Gita

The jiva or the embodied soul is the bird that lives off the fruits of this tree. Hungry birds from all over the world come and eat its fruits in the tree.

Birds build their nests on the branches of a great tree. Birds are supposed to leave their nests. In nature the baby bird actually pushed out of the nest by his anxious parents. So that he will learn to fly and survive. Any kind of flying is for the birds.

Human body has two different appearances. One is worldly for mundane things and the other is spiritual side of appearance.

Just as in the growth of vegetation, Air and Sun play an important role in the development of the human body.

The Sun is life-giver. Sun light gives life to all living beings. In the same manner, with the strength of the Soul ten different winds ‘dasa vayu’, air works inside the human body.

The wind(air in motion) is invisible, yet strong. The wind is free and unpredictable, and it is impossible to guess(something without being sure) in which direction it will blow. The mighty wind moving everywhere is placed in Ether(Sky); always rests in the Sky which has no contact with the wind.

The wind of God’s grace is constantly blowing.

1. Air in the heart inhale respiratory wind or air to breathe in(life, existence, vitality), 2. air to breathe out(to heat) or exhale, 3. air that spreads in the whole body, 4. air in navel and throat, 5. air in the navel or equality in air, 6. air in organs(Ether, a volatile fluid) or air in sky(truth, cloud, vacuum, empty space), 7. air in the eyes, air that holds the breathe or in solitude, 8. air in glands(glottis), to emit air through the nose or sneeze, 9. air that makes the sound or yawn 10. air in the stomach or Fire. – Garuda Purana

Sun represents our soul; the spirit, not the body. Air nourishes our life and we all need fresh air to breathe.

In nature, as with people, an over abundance of water can make air foggy(dreamy fog) and sticky, just as the right amount of water can make air moist, fresh and cheerfulness.

The living spirit of a mother’s heart breathes through Gita.

Spirit soul sustains the material universe of earth, water, fire etc., represented as the body. The Spirit soul, due to contact with material nature, gets different types of bodies.

Soul is always immortal. It is more than water, than sky, than air; only Soul consciousness lightens more.

Spirit soul, situated in the heart of physical body, consciousness is illuminating the whole body. When the soul is present in the body. There is consciousness all over the body. – Bhagavad-Gita

Our body consists of five basic elements: Earth/wood, Water, Fire, Air and space. Space(ether) is made up of air.

The solid prithvi(earth); the liquid apa(water); the gaseous vayu(air); the energy(kam) within matter, agni(fire); and the amount of space an object takes up for its shape, called Akasha(sky).

Vayu is Kham(ether), finer than ether is mind, finer than mind is intelligence, finer than intelligence is false ego, and finer than false ego is the soul.

The five elements, the ego, the intellect, the organs of action, the sense-organs, objects of sense-perception like sound and touch, the modifications of the mind, all these together constitute the human body "Kshetra". Kshetra (field) is the ground in which something is grown. Seed which is watered sprouts into life and grows. He reaps what he sows. - Gita

If the seed has to sprout, it should go beneath the soil with the attitude; I am nothing'.

As soon as a tree sprouts from a seed, it has to be watered to keep it alive and to enable it to grow. The tree of bondage is nourished by the water of Karma. In the absence of this water of Karma, the tree of bondage will wither away. Otherwise, by continuing to perform more and more Karma-s, this tree becomes bigger and bigger.

Many indeed are the evil consequences of ignorance. The most important amongst them is the sprouting of the ego. There are three kinds of bodies - the gross, the subtle and casual.

The eye of flesh can only see material things. Even physical ether is invisible to the naked eye. That the human eye is grossly erroneous in its perceptions can be seen from very simple facts. In fact, the eye is the most powerful cause of delusion for man. - Gita Makarandam

Ignorance is the root of the tree of bondage. Our gross body is its bark. Since the life of the senses which surround us is the cause of the body's growth, it may be compared to the inner part of the tree. The numerous veins and arteries that course through the body and pulsate within us are the branches of the tree. The five organs of knowledge may be considered to be the tips of those branches because that is where the flowers bloom and these flowers may be likened to the sensory organs. The fruits of the tree constitute our sorrows and joys.

Earth gives birth to all living beings. Bhudevi is the presiding of Mother earth; Mother is very noble soul. Mother earth is ready to provide for all the needs and desires.

Earth only can carry and bear the weight of all living beings. Earth is more fearful and it is surrounded with full of water.

Brahma(Vedas) Varaha, the divine boar, he lifted the earth from waters with one horn and placed it firmly on the waters, like a lotus flower. – Varahavatharam

Water covering the surface of the earth signifies death and its power; when it is beneath the earth, it becomes the living water.

Water enriches Earth, Earth provides a home for water, but the wrong blending of these two create mud or quick sand (insoluble).

The elements of Fire and Water are combining and each has the latent ability to destroy the other. Fire and water are inimical. So also blending of fire and earth create violent scenes frequently.

Earth(solid) is certainly heavier. Water(liquid) is non-resistance. Fire(heat) is certainly consuming. Air(vapour, gas) is invisible and generally not even noticeable on the surface. Air has no particular shape.

The five elements are interdependent and are created from one another. For anything to be solid, it must have been liquid previously. For anything to be liquid, heat is required. In order to have heat, some combustive gas is required. All this inter play occurs in Space, which is the womb or mother element.

Brahma, the creator of life, is also present in our body system. This faculty is available within us in the form of our reproductive ability.

People can have excess of any one of these elements – Earth, Water and Fire in different ways. When these elements has to overwork, it gets weak and the body becomes prone to diseases.

Internal diseases arise due to inherent weakness or congenital weakness of any part of body. For example, weak liver causes diabetes, weak lungs cause asthma, weak heart causes high or low blood pressure etc., Such diseases can cause harm to the human body or the human mind.

The divine mother is permanent and all pervasive in nature, without a beginning or end. Mother is very noble soul. Mother nature fulfils all our desires and helps us to cure all the diseases.

We take great care about the quality and quantity of coal or wood we put in the cooking fire place. We also give it enough air to burn properly. This enables the fire to give enough heat and reduce smoke and ashes.

Lord Krishna says to Arjuna, “Burning fire consumes pieces of firewood and reduces them to ashes; even so does the fire of Jnana(true knowledge), convert all karma(actions) into ashes.

Karma the material(physical) activities, for which one incurs subsequent reactions.

Fire place is in our stomach. The fire substance is more in the human body. Fire and Air are friendly as fire burns more brightly if it comes into contact with air.

Next to air, food is a matter of life and death to people. The food we eat and the water we drink influence our mind, thoughts and emotions.

The body is built by food, and the food eaten should be properly digested before it turns into blood and vital energy. In the form of Fire, the Lord dwell in the body. He digests the food, associated with the vital forces of inhale and exhale.

The basic elements of water, fire and earth/wood in our body depends upon the food we eat.

Health influences each and every aspect of our well-being. The signs of good health can be easily recognised by everyone.

Skin, bones, nerves, hair and flesh or fat; these five are earthly qualities. – Garuda Puranam

One who has no control over himself on the earth; dirt covers the physical body, the mind becomes impure by sorrow, fear, distress and hatred. - Gita

Let your skin breathe. Dirt breeds germs, and sickness spreads fast in a family. Fear, uncertainty, worry and gloom are deadlier than germs.

A magnesium and zinc deficiency, diabetes, liver disease and chronic constipation can give rise to body odour.

Our skin is the largest organ in our body and one of the major elimination organs as well. It is the protective layer that safeguards our internal organs.

Skin regulates body temperature, and also helps our body remove excess water and salt. Salt draws fluid into the tissues. The condition of our skin is often a reflection of our insides.

Giving into depression can cause itchy sensations in the skin and even boils. Itching shows that a greater flow of blood is required around that part.

When too many toxins are produced in the body, they get discharged through the skin. In fact, most skin disorders are a result of stress, hormonal imbalance and too many toxins in the body.

Imbalances and toxic overloads that collect due to improper elimination and Poor liver function can reflect in skin conditions such as eczema, enlarged pores or acne, nervous rashes and a number of other disorders.

Improper digestion leads to the storage of fats and toxins in the body. Toxic emotions are worse than the toxic food.

Skin disease is not an independent disease, lack of vitamin C, and indigestion resulting in impure blood.

As more and more toxins gather under the part of skin, the nerves ending at that place become dead and numbness is found on that particular part of the skin and the color of that part is damaged. The highly sensitive is numb.

Skin, the sense of touch separates man from the nature. - Bhagavad-Gita

The skin has full of pores exhaling toxin from the body and it is necessary to maintain its health and hygiene.

The excess of working of organs and the negligence of necessary hygiene, the illness starts in the body.

The more amount of fats we consume, more oilier our skin. People with oily skin develop few wrinkles than people with normal or dry skin. Dry skin leads to the formation of wrinkles.

To some extent, wrinkles are a result of biological aging. To maintain the cleanliness of the body in old age is rather difficult. It is best to oil the skin on the outside rather than from the inside.

The better the diet, the healthier the skin. Good sleep is a must for healthy and glowing skin.

Amino acids are the building blocks of healthy muscles, nails, skin and other connected tissues in the human body. Special nerve endings in the skin, muscles, ligaments and various organs set off electrical pain impulses when injured or inflamed. These impulses travel through the respective peripheral nerves and up the spinal cord to reach the brain.

Brain regulates emotions and the sense of smell. The sense of smell became the dominant source of information. Similarly, smells, of which we are unaware, may change our moods. Variation in smell and sound too can affect the functions of the brain.

Our ability to feel pain and react immediately to it is essential for our survival.

Souls need exercise too just like bodies. The human body requires a certain minimum level of activity. Exercising is another way of eliminating toxins by sweating through the skin.

Like a muscle, patience can be strengthened with regular exercise. The right attitude and a little practice capture the power of patience.

Exercise stimulates muscle growth. Lack of exercise affects muscle co-ordination. Make your muscles iron and nerves strong as steel.

The primary nervous system consisting of the spinal cord connected to the brain and a network of nerves emerging from the spinal cord to spread throughout the body. There are ten important nerves(whitish fibre which proceeds from brain) that gives strength to the human body.

Cerebellum helps us to keep our physical balance and fine - tunes the muscles to produce smooth, coordinated movements.

Protein is an important component of every cell in the body and provides 10-15 percent of energy in the diet, all the cells of the body are made up of protein.

Protein is found in major organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver as well as in muscle, hair and nails. It is also found in hormones and enzymes and is involved in tissue growth and tissue repair.

Hair is the richest ornament of a woman. - Martin Luther

Hair: Poor food choices can also lead to hair loss. Your diet can make a lot of difference. Low haemoglobin levels lead to hair loss. Low thyroid levels(hypothyroidism) also cause hair fall.

Diabetes, anaemia, calcium, vitamin A deficiency, zinc, iron, any acute illness, stress and poor blood circulation are the other causes.

Iron deficiency leads to low haemoglobin levels which in turn reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of blood and affect the hair follicles.

Wheat-grass is beneficial in preventing premature greying of hair.

We have innumerable glands whose work is the secretion of hormones. There are for ever adjusting themselves in harmony with our chemically changing environment without and are responsible for our emotions, desires, mental balance, rate of growth and length of life, that is moving around the Sun.

Nails are one of the last parts of our body to receive blood and nutrients during times of illness. Nails appearance is a sign of defeciency or body changes.

Pituitary gland or the central nervous system: Duct less glands are pituitary and Thyroid glands. Pituitary gland controls the glands, governs the brain and the development of body.

When our nervous system gets affected, we experience a wide range of emotions like depression, mood swings etc.

Brain regulates our emotions like love, hate, pain, anger and fear. Excess of emotion causes even insanity.

The thyroid gland which generates the hormone thyroxine, whose function is to regulate the rate of growth and metabolism. Thyroid gland needs to produce adequate thyroxine in order to maintain ideal body weight. Too little of this hormone causes overweight and sluggishness. Too much of it leads to thinness(loses weight) and over activity(hyperactive).

A low thyroid function affects your calcium and vitamin intake.

Milder deficiencies of thyroxine - even in later life - produce slowing of thought, loss of memory, inability to concentrate, lack of initiative and a general lethargy. Such persons are also very sensitive to cold.

The flesh is willing, and able to maintain on Earth(for a while) but the mental attitude is changeable and restive.

Hormones are produced by the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland(a small organ situated at the base of the brain just below the hypothalamus). Through the pituitary, brain regulates the functioning of other endocrine glands-thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands, ovaries and testes.

These hormones govern growth, response to stress, reproduction, the production of milk by the female breast and the constancy of our bodily temperature and internal fluids. They also govern functions of the brain itself.

Infants with defective thyroid glands, deprived of the hormone thyroxine, produced by it, suffer mental deficiency.

Pituitary gland sends orders to other glands. This gland may be damaged due to fear, or injury or during pregnancy. It will lead to malfunctioning of other glands also.

This gland also governs the growth of the mind and brain. During the course of normal aging, the brain undergoes a number of changes. Mental retardation or evil thoughts due to insufficient working of this gland. It is evil when the bad thought comes, and the evil mind cannot merge in Soul.

One easily takes to carnal(flesh,worldly) enjoyment; after-wards, look there is disease of the body. Although, in the world, death is the refuge(shelter), even then one does not relinquish (with draw from) sinful ways. - Bhaja Govindam

Endocrine glands: Endocrine glands play a very important role not only in the development of our body and mind, but also in the development of our looks, and even character. Thus they play a vital role in our behaviour and happiness.

When the endocrine system gets affected, we may experience a wide range of disorders varying from menstrual irregularities to weight gain to hair loss.

Those who believe in Karma do not exhibit a docile behaviour. A docile person, who takes everything lying down, will be trampled upon.

Character lies at the depth of our most serious thought that stands for our values. Lack of passionate jealousy is due to something more than strength of character.

The frontal lobe(the foremost part) is responsible for enthusiasm and drive, social norms, behaviour, reaction to varying situations, capacity to plan ahead and the acquisition of skills in language. It also exerts overall control on the other parts of the brain, in particular the limbic system.

The integrity of the frontal lobes, appears essential for all kinds of thought. Damage to frontal lobe of the brain leads to apathy, incontinence of thought, and behaviour with unrestrained show of emotions.

Endocrine glands play a great part in governing the proper functioning of all the vital organs, metabolism of the body and the brain, adjust the body against changing environment and thus protect the body against any illness.

Endocrine glands secrete thousands of different types of hormones directly into our blood. Hormones controls mind and body. Hormones keeps our body activities in order.

Hormonal imbalance leads to mood swings, irritability, lethargy, joint pains, excessive hunger, premenstrual syndrome and lack of mental alertness. The inherent energy when in balance, constitutes health and when deranged causes disease.

Proper functioning of hormones in our body is very important and most vital for health. Mind and body must both be as free as the wind.

Thymus gland: Thymus gland is a very important gland situated below the thyroid. It protects the child up to the age of 15.

Thymus gland due to any reason, if it becomes active, one gets dullness, gets tired soon, leading to total in-activeness.

Thyroid & Para-thyroid gland controls supply of calcium and phosphorus in body. And also controls the development of body. When puberty occurs in a male, which is a sexual change, there is simultaneous change of voice.

Overworking leads to overgrowth of bones, bulging of eyes. Less working leads to rickets, convulsion, teeth problems, twisting of muscles, fatness and dullness.

Saliva, urine, virile, marrow(the soft substance in the bones) and blood; these five are watery qualities. – Garuda Puranam

Only in saliva, the sugar is digested when the stomach gets tired, you invite disease and even fat. Disease is caused by toxins in blood, bile or due to excess of heat.

Excess sugar in the blood is very damaging. Your major body organs like the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, eyes, skin and nerves become vulnerable.

As long as a man is in full of blood, he need not fear much about diseases.

The body is made up of skin, blood, flesh, bones and so on. It contains within it urine and faeces. There is less urination, so more toxins gather in our body. This leads to less oxygenation, toxins are not cleared from the organ and thrown out of our body.

Parents should ensure that children, especially in their teens, take in sufficient calcium to match the rapid growth of bones along with height. When we are young, the body absorbs calcium more efficiently.

A lemon produces citric acid, and our bodies produce many chemicals in urine, blood, and bodily secretions.

The malfunctioning of less urination, the fire is weak, blood is not created in enough quantity and it gets impure. Exercising not only improves blood circulation but also strengthens blood vessels.

The flow of calcium and other substances is regulated through the blood supply. The body needs calcium not only to fortify the bones, but also for other physiological activities like normal muscle contraction and the blood clotting process.

The toxins gathering around vital organs do not allow the current of life to penetrate and recharge the organ. Disease develops around that organ.

The water is supposed to be running. Running water is healthier than still water.

Water retention occurs in the overweight. Water retention could occur due to minor reasons like the intake of too much salt, sugar, white rice, and low-protein diets etc. Salt draws fluid into the tissues. Prevention is better than cure.

Too much salt can strip your bones of calcium. Excess sodium means that our kidneys have to work harder to get rid of it, and in the process lose much needed calcium as well.

Nature wants to throw out excess of water from the body and any retention of it would lead to more diseases. The more active you are, the more water you get rid of.

The Lord is virility in men. Virility, strength(silent strength of purpose), courage and determination(initiates, is a positive action) are all divine qualities. - Gita Makarandam

You can find a trace of the opposite sex in the most virile, that's because there's a little bit of woman in every man, there's a little bit of man in every woman.

The blood is not only a fluid but contains the same salts that are dissolved in the ocean and that too practically in the same proportion. It contains nearly 80% sodium, 4% calcium and 4% potassium. The percentage with respect to magnetism varies. This similarly between the composition of salts in blood and in sea-water is not accidental.

Life has its origin in the sea and the earth's early history is one of the sea life and as such it should be susceptible to the same influence of the Moon and the Sun. Since the Sun and the Moon are considered to be respectively the life-giver and life-sustainer and cannot be a cause of misfortunes or calamity.

The Moon is the nearest the earth, his exciting pull on the watery oceans to generate tides, suggested his sway over the mind, emotions and sensitivities. The moods depended on the phases of the Moon and has great effect on the earth.

The mind is made of the subtle elements of the body. The body is moved by the mind, through the mind. Mind expresses itself in activity, in desire, power and energy.

On the full moon-day or no moon-day the effect of the Moon is the most powerful. At that time owing to the aggravation of the water substance in the body, the heat in the body decreases and there by the air content increases, which travels to head and causes mental disturbances.

The Moon symbolizes the consciousness in the human beings, and confers peace of mind on mankind. Moon is greater than all planets.

Moon who bestows coolness and pleasant environment to the universe, could not do so, and consequently it started suffering from heat.

The Moon’s power to move great bodies of water. The Moon causes man's body to grow. Human body consists of seventy percent of water, as 3/4th of the earth is covered with water.

Pineal gland: Pineal gland controls sex system and water of body. Pineal gland controls the potassium-sodium balance in the body; its malfunctioning leads to more retention of fluids in the body.

Sodium and potassium are two minerals, which play a major role in controlling fluid balance.

A lack of potassium can lead to increased sodium retention and calcium loss and raise blood pressure. Cut down on salt and sugar and increase your potassium intake. This can be done by eating more fruits and vegetable juices. Increase the intake of vitamin C. It acts as an organizer and controls the development of the glands and regulate them.

The pineal gland, in concert with the hypothalamus and thalamus governs the cycles of sleep and wakeful state, among other functions.

Children are born with a soft pineal gland(Third Eye). But it gradually grows less soft as children submit to the imagination-stifling restrictions of their elders, until it finally becomes stone-hard, and like all adults then, they have "rocks in their heads".(literally that term is originated in the subconscious).

Pineal gland(Third Eye) where in lies all psychic power, sensitivity, and spiritual wisdom - the identical process occurs; shrinkage and eventual permanent atrophy(eating away) of the Third Eye from non-use.

Many true mystics and "sensitivities" have suffered a blow on the head, near the Third Eye(pineal gland) which caused it to soften again, as in childhood, allowing them to perceive the real world and the Eternal Now of past, present and Future.

Saints use only love as the method for opening up the Third Eye(and most vital) or pineal gland.

Love as the method for opening up the Third-Eye(and most vital) or pineal gland. But love, quite seriously and technically accomplishes it more swiftly. The truly swift is ever slow.

Besides, the latter can dangerously release the kundalini Serpent power prematurely, which causes all manner of bodily pain and emotionally extreme pain. Kundalini is the embodiment of the Divine and is a source of power. Kundalini is the supreme Power in the form of a snake.

Kundalini is visualised as a potent snake coiled at the base of the spine, which can be aroused by yogic practices to rise through the body's psychic centres to the lotus crown of Liberation.

First learn to love one another purely and unselfishly and contemplate your navel. Love is the essence, pure, selfless and all-consuming leaving place for nothing else. Love needs space to grow untangled.

The navel is the source of vitality, the seed source from which everything else comes. Consciousness must be pushed down to the source, to the roots. Only then there is the possibility of transformation.

Spleen is a gland in the upper part of the abdomen, causes bad temper. First learn how to forgive your enemies or you may have reason to wish your Third-Eye would harden again.

The domination of either the positive emotions or negative emotions is controlled by the secretions of the pineal gland. The secretions of the pineal gland control the secretions of various other endocrine glands which in turn control a range of positive and negative emotions.

Positive emotions like cheerfulness, love and joy etc. Negative emotions like fear, anger, hatred etc.

There is fear in almost everything. Fear always associates itself with desire. Desire is greater than the Lord. There is no ending to one's desires. Desires keep disturbing the mind in spite of repeated efforts.

Several seemingly small deliveries of stress can create enough wear and tear and fatigue to effectively reduce a person's coping mechanisms. This leads to slow functioning of the organs, reduction in vitality and increase in fatigue.

Those with mild depression exhibit signs of chronic fatigue(feeling tired for no obvious reason). There is a saying, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all".

Timidity, weakness, dullness are all cowardly qualities. Despondency(witness), natural timidity(with strangers) and diffidence - these feelings should not be allowed to weaken the mind.

We are witness to a lot of demonstration of anger around us. Despondency(witness), however, is always threatening to swoop down and bring peculiar dreams or weird nightmares which are often precognitive. The unrest mind may be cloudy, dull or disturbed.

In short, our body gets weak and becomes prone to disease. If the disease is prolonged, it affects the endocrine glands.

Major reasons like congestive heart failure, adrenal exhaustion, allergic reactions, deficiency of B1 and B6, renal problems, premenstrual tension or due to the consumption of oral contraceptives and painkillers.

Drugs, painkillers, antibiotics and stress suppress our energy. Energy can be created nor destroyed.

A diet low in fat and sodium, high in complex carbohydrates and proteins to improve circulation and flush out water retention.

Protein is beneficial in many ways and all age groups. Increase the intake of protein in your diet with sprouts and low fat curd.

Water retention can also be caused due to stress and emotional turmoil.

Water is not only the strongest and most powerful of the four elements. The water element, which is more mystical and mysterious, more intangible and elusive, than the vibes of the Fire, Air or Earth.

Water is the most mysterious of all elements. Water will merge with things.

Adrenal gland: Adrenal gland controls production of bile, the liver and flow of blood.

Pure blood enables proper functioning of all the organs and there by increases vitality. Sun controls the inner vitality as well as the humor bile which are the essentials for the sustenance of life.

The keenness of perception(highly developed intellect and artistic taste combine to give keen perception, keen perception keeps desires clear of muddy, wishful thinking, psychic perception, highly perceptive mind), untiring activity, the drive to action(drive to explore, aggressive Mars drive, strong drive, tough business drive, the more emotional drive), inner energy and courage are due to Adrenal gland. This gland intensifies the flow in the blood, proper oxygenation and organizing powers.

Blood vessels in many parts of the body narrow so as to divert more blood to heart and brain.

Over working of Adrenal gland leads to more bile in the system, leading to acidity, nausea or vomiting and severe headache. Excessive flow of bile create excessive acidity in the stomach.

Our mind has a great effect on these glands. Adrenal gland is affected, falling of hair, kidney and urinary problems and cause other complications. Under working of Adrenal gland leads to dullness, timid, less energy, less oxygenation.

Psychological stress activates the adrenal glands to discharge stress hormones called cortisol. When exposed to stress over a long period of time, it can give rise to a multitude of psychological consequences like high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, cancer, immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, depression etc.

Tension can affect the nerves to a marked degree. Tension, fear or worry disturbs the adrenal glands and through it the digestive system. It leads to the malfunctioning of other organs of the body that leads to chronic diseases.

No disease or illness develops overnight. Fear is due to worrying about future. Fear is caused by our Birth, should refers to the body.

The liver is the main organ involved in metabolism of fats. A magnesium and zinc deficiency, diabetes, liver disease and chronic constipation can give rise to body odor. The fire in the stomach becomes weak you get less appetite, so food is not digested properly resulting in constipation or diarrhea.

The most common cause of constipation is insufficient consumption of water and fiber, and lack of exercise.

Natural dietary sources of magnesium are almonds, nuts, soya beans, leafy vegetables, corn and oats can reduce body odour. Green juices and fruit juice enrich the blood, treat anemia, eliminate bad breath and body odour.

Increasing consumption of junk food leads to a zinc deficiency. Zinc is elementary in skin health as it helps in production of new healthy cells, by participating in protein metabolism.

Lymph gland: Lymph gland is a colorless fluid in the tissues of body. Lymph glands clears the toxins from the body. But when such toxins are in excess in the body, this gland has to overwork and becomes weak.

The weak lymph gland is greatly damaged, and through it other glands are damaged.

Lymph glands stops formation of pus on any cuts or boils in the body and prevents germs. These glands quickly heal the wounds.

Cancer is the lymph gland. Cancer is a malignant tumor(eats away) and harmful gland. Tumors can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems and they can release hormones that alter body function.

And a stage is reached when lymph glands become toxic and instead of secreting toxins in the body. When the proper functioning of a cell is disrupted, the process leads to cancer. A mass of abnormal cells that grows out of control and do not die.

A biological brain disorder is similar to having cancer - it does not go away, but it sure does spread and its destruction causes lots more problems with time.

"Cancer is curable if detected Early".

The cancerous growth should be operated and the poison removed from the body, so that the entire organism might not decay and die. A surgeon is ever ready to discard the dead wood(earth).

The long-term cause of cancer is the imbalance caused by disturbing the metabolism of our body through going away and away from nature causes chronic diseases.

Lungs and stomach are autonomous and will function well so long as they get oxygen and proper blood supply.

Lungs breathing system and stomach, the digestive system play the most important role in the functioning of the body. And only through them disease enters our body. Toxins are gathered in the lungs and congestion of lungs or in the mouth.

A strong man is one with strong lungs and a weak man is one with weak lungs. Lung power and self-absorbed determination suffice beautifully to allow him to get his way.

Wearing damp differences of opinion can give you an emotional cold, which could develop into flue, and even into pneumonia. Then love can die. Know, there is no life without love.

Important causes of pulmonary(affecting the lungs) system are respiration, breathing(heart palpitation), phlegm or mucilage, pneumonia(inflammation of the lungs, fever with phlegm), fever, shrinking of the body, weakness, having no taste(to be disturbed with nausea, sickness), and heart burn (suffering with extreme pain).

Care should be taken for proper breathing and expansion of lungs. Out door games, running and laughing and even crying by children gives enough scope for the expansion of their lungs.

When lungs expand, they push the diaphragm down-ward; when lungs contract, they pull it up into the chest cavity.

The diaphragm - a resilient yet flexible muscular membrane that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity.

Laughter is an explosion caused by the sudden release of energy. This usually happens when there is a jump in thought. Laughter enhances our energy levels and provides relaxation to our muscles. Laughter is the light and lightens the world.

Walking in the flower gardens, walking in the moon light, breathing the fragrance(smell) of the sandal wood and paste, slow breeze fresh air, listening to music, inhale fragrance smoke of benzoin(resin), and visiting sacred shrines gives health and increases longevity.

Take a deep breath. When you take a deep breath, air is brought down into the lower portion of the lungs where oxygen exchange is most efficient. As a result, the heart rate slows down, blood pressure goes down, muscles relax, stress fades away and the mind gets calm.

Pancreas glands: The pancreas, an organ that lies near the stomach, makes a hormone, insulin, to help glucose enter the cells of our body. Glucose is the basic fuel for the cells in the body, and insulin takes the glucose from the blood into the cells.

The higher the insulin circulating in the blood stream, the more will be the fat storage as well as food cravings. Exercise helps lower the insulin level and also increases insulin utilization.

Most of the food we eat is turned into glucose(simplified sugar) so that it can be transformed into energy for various activities.

Sugar strains the organs of the body and depletes the body of its nutrients. Sugar clogs the arteries, suppresses the immune system and stresses our pancreas.

Pancreas glands regulate the digestion of sugar in the body through insulin. Less working of these glands leads to diabetes.

Over working of pancreases gland you will have more and more desire to drink.

Over functioning of pancreas gland leads to low Blood Pressure(BP), migraine headache and cold. At times creates more desire for sweet foods and drinks, sometimes leading even to alcoholism.

Alcohol is bad for the kidneys. Excessive use of alcohol can cause severe kidney and bladder disturbances, which in turn result in violent headaches of migraine intensity.

The very food that gives you pleasure today will give you pain tomorrow. Every pleasure has a pain. And in the long run consuming excess of sweets leads to diabetes.

Diabetes is an affluent disease which is precipitated by an indulgent, urban lifestyle, little or no exercise, eating refined foods, poor stress management, excessive drinking etc.

Exercise has a balancing effect on blood sugar and appetite and it also helps eliminate craving for food to a certain extent.

Spirit of soul is in the heart. People with a healthy heart are friendly, easy-going, humble and content with life. In Eastern medicine it is said that heart disease first enters in the mind.

Emotional disturbances like love, hate, pain, anger and fear effect heart-beat, pulse rate and blood pressure.

Regular exercise or walking increases blood circulation to the brain. The heart not only regulates blood circulation but also controls ‘consciousness’ as it inspires(breathe in) the mind and nervous system.

One may suffer from nervous complaints due to intense mental activity.

When our nervous system gets affected, we experience a wide range of emotions like depression, mood swings etc.

All these glands are interrelated. With proper functioning of these vital glands, not only for the proper growth of body, but proper growth of the mind and personality is also ensured.

A glowing skin, lustrous hair, a firm body and radiant eyes are not possible unless a person is healthy from within. Person speaks of the external appearance. Personality signifies the inner endowment, not the outer appearance. Spirit lies beyond the center of personality.

Voice or sound of any form, thoughts, vacuum(null, space without air, feeling of emptiness), illusion and doubt; these five are sky(Ether) qualities. – Garuda Puranam

Sound in Ether is Lord. Sound unites man with the God. Life is incomplete without union with God.

The space element is very abstract. You cannot catch space. When you save your mind from negativity, you fill the space you are in with joy, fun, confidence, and coherence. If we speak negatively about all mistakes, then there is nowhere on earth you can really survive. When we try to see perfection in others, then we forget to see our imperfection. Protect the space, save the mind at any cost. - Art of living, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The space around us is not empty. It is filled with subtle energy which contains all the secrets that you need to know, about yourself and all that you need to know.

Space is like the soul which is omnipresent(present in all places and at all times). Have a feeling of oneness with all, which leads to Lord - the God within us.

Space pervades all places including the ocean. Therefore space is to be considered greater than the ocean. The Lord is even bigger as we consider it to be the cause of space itself.

Space is so subtle that it cannot at all be affected by formation of matter or its destruction.

There are three ether's: 1. the material ether(gross), 2. mental ether, 3. the intelligence ether. One is subtle than the other. The third is the subtlest of all. - Gita Makarandam

Mental alertness causes quickness of perception, with sharply increased sensitivity to sights and sounds. The thoughts may cease altogether. Emptiness creates the sound. Learn the art of being empty. Vacuum may be filled by divine knowledge or Meditation.

Human talents like mathematical skills or skill in the performance of work, proficiency in language, creative or musical abilities and recalling of memory etc.

Perception alone is creation. There is no creation other than perception. Perception of a thing is its origination. Perception through the sense organs is indeed wondrous. Sensitive perception is rare in any field.

Communication is primary form of expression. Language, speech(expressive speech, life-giving) and memory. Words can heal and words can kill. Kind words can heal.

Language makes for identity. Language is worth a thousand pounds a word. Speech is silver, Silence is golden.

Dreams are illusion. Illusion brings poor memory, poor vision and difficulty in concentration. The illusion is shattered, the moment Truth is seen. The dream-world may be beginning-less, but the moment one wakes up it is all gone. Dreams are related to feelings or impressions about events in the recent past that did not merit consideration. Dreams are always about one's own thoughts, feelings and deeds.

A person without dreams is a person without hope. However, there is always hope, where there is life.

A person beholds so many things in a dream. At the time of dreaming, everything appears real. Dreams are unreal, a world of fantasy, created by the imagination and Life is the nitty and gritty of it all. Dreams, are need gentle protection from harsh reality.

It's hard to tell where reality ends and illusion begins. They blend - then they separate.

Imagination and Truth are soul mates. Neither could exist without the other. Imagination needs plenty of boosting and lots of room(space) to grow, or it can easily become stifled. Truth is beauty - and beauty is truth. Seek the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

You can hum the melody, but the lyrics keep slipping away. A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

A damage on the right-side of the brain produces no effect on its song, but a damage on the left-side can distort its song.

Confusion, causes in relation to tidiness and when expressed anything in a negative form, when a fight catches unaware. Anything happens unimagined; with jealousy if someone talks something irrelevant to the need, forced to be around negative people, or new surroundings and various situations that unexpectedly and accidentally take place.

All human relationships - Life itself must have a clear purpose and a definite function. Lacking of a defined goal of and aimless activities, mind becomes confused and finally withdraws.

Insecurity feelings result from the Moon’s slightly destabilising effects, but the real situation is very different and your position is secure in many respects.

Imbalance in energy can be caused due to death of a loved one, fear of illness, low self-esteem, jealousy, a feeling of insecurity, ungrounded fears, depression, lack of purpose in life, lack of emotional support from family and friends etc.

True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it is lost. Friendship is on mind in two bodies.

Bereavement (more than one in childhood or youth, and troubles in life) can trigger depression. The best way to mourn the dead is to care for the living.

Illness, inability to comprehend; doubt, carelessness, laziness(to take up anything), non-attachment towards the senses, hallucination, delusion(distorted thoughts) and instability are the distractions of mind which cause obstacles in the path. – Sri Ravi Shankar, Art of living

Hallucinations(disordered perceptions) of a schizophrenic minds, that may involve any of the five senses, including sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. Hearing, seeing, or feeling things that are not there, false perceptions is hallucination. The person may hear voices when nobody is speaking, or he may carry out a conversation with an imaginary companion. Believe in something that may be totally untrue(false beliefs) make people anxious, nervous and frightened.

Hallucination may also be sparked off by prolonged deprivation of a specific object greatly desired by the person. Monotony and loneliness favor hallucinations.

Delusion overtake all beings, Even at the time of birth. It is only the thought of the Lord that keeps away delusion. Delusion has no beginning, but it has an end. The moment knowledge dawns on man, it ends. True knowledge then removes delusion for ever. Delusion ceases when sin is destroyed. - Bhagavad-Gita

Hunger, body, foggy(thinking) or dullness, sleep and light; these five are brightness(Tejassu, enlightened) qualities(activeness, brilliance of a pure mind increases gradually). – Garuda Puranam

Hunger can bring distress. Hunger is the need for food and it is a physical need. Food is meant to sustain the body and keep it in good health. Food not only sustains the body but also controls the quality of mind.

Food for thought is a philosophical exercise; thought for food, the new philosophy.

The purpose of food is to increase the duration of life; purify the mind and aid bodily strength. You feel energetic, light in the body and capable of working, and even running if necessary.

The eyes cannot see when there is excess of light; in total darkness also they; cannot see. Extremes are alike. Moderate light and warmth are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. - Bhagavad-Gita

Brilliance alone could outshine brilliance.

Mist is something like milk. Milk looks white, but actually it is a colloidal suspension of certain protein molecules. Similarly, fog is a colloidal suspension of water. So is you could create some type of fire, the mist would be immediately driven away; water can be driven away by fire. But by nature's way, as soon as the Sun rises, the mist is vanquished.

We hunger after knowledge, sight and so on as we hunger for food. Excess of study dulls the brain, and causes physical fatigue and nervous disorders.

When you stop moving around, working, thinking, talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting - when all voluntary activities are arrested - then you get rest or sleep. In sleep, you are left with only involuntary activities such as breathing, heart beat, food digestion and blood circulation.

High carbohydrate meals enhance feeling of drowsiness. If you feel heavy, dullness and sleepy, lacks concentration. It indicates overeating or fast eating or weakened digestive system.

Disease leaves a person in a state of perpetual sleepiness. Disease of the human body is one of the greatest threats to its survival. Physical existence becomes impossible by inaction.

So when we finally discover that our Liver doesn’t function optimally and we are suffering from deficiencies, a high body fat percentage, bone degeneration, breast cancer etc., we ought to know that the condition hasn’t developed overnight.

Degenerative disease or degeneration in the body takes place slowly and is usually irreversible. Diseases grow in us over a period of time.

It is not the result of many years of sub-optimal nutrient intake, overwork, unrest mind or poor stress management and a destructive life style.

Shrink(growing smaller), stretch, run, over-pass or to cross, work or business; these five are the air, windy(monsoon) qualities. – Garuda Puranam

The body has become decrepit(worn out with age); the head has turned Grey; the mouth has been rendered toothless; grasping a stick, the old man moves about. Even then, the mass of desires does not go. - Bhaja Govindam

Then there is the air element. We need to have clean energy. We have to sustain this beautiful creation. Serve like Air, which does service to everyone but stays unseen.

For how long will the physical strength that we boast to stay with us - thought out the life(hundred years). No, Youth will last only for a very short while. So, being ever strong is not possible.

When your body has lost all its strength, when your entire wealth spent and when the people around you do not listen to you anymore, it will be Lord's grace alone that can help you. If we are unable to do anything else, we can chant the Lord's name.

Performing duty towards your work because that is where you earn money and get recognition.

Contrary to the common adage, money makes people happier, up to a point. But after the basic necessities are met, money loses its purchasing power.

Duty and responsibility towards your parents, towards your children, towards family and friends with whom you live, towards your work, towards humanity and charity gives peace of mind.

In charity, wealth is sacrificed. Wealth is for morality(Dharma), Dharma is for knowledge, knowledge is for meditation or contemplating on the form of the Lord Vishnu and Meditation is for Liberation.

Brahma is with the qualities of Passion, Lord Vishnu is with the qualities of Goodness, Shiva (Rudra) is with the qualities of Ignorance. Lord Maheswara is above all these qualities.

Youth, wealth and life is transient like the water on the lotus leaf. – Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Swami, Kanchi

Worn out with age and disease, all the bodily functions are disrupted, with damaged organs, and the mind is not in a proper condition. Thus disturbed by the bodily situation, man is distressed. Disease takes away concentration. One may not remember and chant the holy names of God.

The restlessness of spirit, man is stronger than Nature.

Reciting and listening to Vishnu Sahasranama, one is blessed with contentment, peace, prosperity, courage, memory and fame.

Lord Shiva rules and controls the Sky(Ether) on spiritual plane for liberation. Worshiping Lord Shiva with numerous bilvapatra leaves, and uttering his name increases longevity.

The body changes, but the soul remains the same. where there is soul there Lord Shiva resides. Soul neither has nor is touched by happiness and sorrow.


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