The society will be happy where peace, calm, co-operation and tranquility will prevail.
Where there is faith, there is love; where there is love, there is peace; where there is peace, there is God; where there is God, there is no need.
The social institution is dividing society into four divisions of social life and four occupational divisions or castes, is not meant to divide human society according to birth. Such divisions are in terms of educational qualifications. They are to keep the society in a state of peace and prosperity. – Bhagavad-Gita
Modern world is considered to be advanced in the standard of the mode of passion.
Association with material nature entangles man in the different modes of nature - goodness, passion and ignorance. Due to the association of these three modes, his desire to dominate the material world is there.
Money comes and goes, but Morality comes and grows. Selfless love for others is the highest morality, highest ethical principle. - Gita
Consciousness is originally pure, like water. If we mix water with a certain color, it changes. Water will merge with things. Similarly consciousness is pure, for the spirit soul is pure. But consciousness is changed, along with the association of the material qualities. – Bhagavad-Gita
The three enemies to human life: Lust, anger and greed. They lead to degradation of the soul. – Bhagavad-Gita
Lust is a strong need, love is not a need. When you love, you settle down, nothing more is needed. You can just sit here for a lifetime. 'Needing' is a synonymous weakness.
Every individual soul, has his personal individuality and a minute form of independence. By misuse of that independence one becomes a conditioned soul, and by proper use of independence he is always liberated.
Spirituality and spiritual knowledge teaches us, that the spirit is different from the body, and is changing its body and enjoying in different ways.
Sense of unity, a spirit of friendship and co-operation, and adjustment for peaceful purposes brings happiness.
One who gives away shy while singing music, playing some instrument, dancing, fighting with enemies, while taking food, and in transaction or business; glories for happiness.
The strength of the group depends upon its organization. The organizationally well built groups are stronger and are in a position to subdue and eliminate those which lack that organization and cohesion.
Every good business will have its best years followed by lean ones.
To make progress in keeping with her own individuality and genius, it cannot serve the purpose. Suppression of an opinion may deprive the latter of some good and wise expression of thought.
Generosity, fluency of speech, courage or fortitude, wise in good and bad; these four come along with the birth since these cannot come by practice.
We should never go beyond bounds in our dealings with others. When the harsh treatment and harshness crosses it limits, we have to suffer. No progress can be made Whenever disruptive tendencies pushes, she had to face humiliation and whenever she stood united she attains glory.
Friendship between any two persons or groups may be lasting and strong if both of them have the will and the spirit of sacrifice of their interests and it is considered moral.
You can get there only if your hands are clean. Let us unite, to increase energies and strengthen ourselves.
Oneness doesn’t mean that they have no individuality, just they are all agreeable to the purpose of the creation. – Bhagavad-Gita
Waves in ocean are like difficulties that come across you in life. When the waves come, bend your head, hold yourself and the water drains as it is. OR come back smiling, water will wet your feet and drains back.
True idealism consists of blind faith and optimism. Prospects of success is patience and determination.
Difficulties are placed on our way to inspire greater efforts; we must take them as challenges and turn them into opportunities. Greatness lies not in never falling, but, in rising every time you fall.
Real greatness lies in humility and simplicity. Humility and simplicity are the characteristics of greatness. Humility is God's nature. He is everyone's Servant; He is the universal Servant.
Rivers doesn’t drink its own water, trees doesn’t eat its own flowers and fruits, clouds by raining yield crops even though clouds doesn’t eat the harvest, so also scrupulous and dutiful man uses his earned money for generosity.
Generosity of spirit will get you everywhere. The generosity would win, hands down.
From food, creatures come into beings, from rain is the birth of food, from sacrifice rain comes into being and sacrifice is born of work. – Bhagavad-Gita
The first and the foremost occupation of a man anywhere under the Sun is to secure food.
Water is prominent for all rivers. Even if adequate sunshine, air and water will become scare things. It will tell upon their health, both mental and physical. _ Bhagavad-Gita
With the rise of the sun, the activities of human beings are set up. Without the help of Sun, Moon and Fire, no one can live. The Moon causes man's body to grow.
The Moon is illuminated by the reflection of the Sun rays. By the moon shine, all the vegetables are nourished. Due to the moon’s influence, the vegetables become delicious. The moon shine is so pleasing that people can easily understand that they are living by the mercy of God.
One God is the Soul, One Race is the Human race and One religion is the Religion of Truth. – Sri Vidya Prakasanandagiri Swami
True spirit of religion should be brought home to the people. Religion teaches us values. All values are related. Values are culture in action. Culture may be defined as pursuit of truth, respect for hard work, cultivation of sense of beauty and practice of virtue.
Religion is surviving as a kind of social service and mild ethical sensitivity. Religion is something beyond the sense organs.
Peace is better than conflict. Non-violence is the farthest limit of humility.
Acharya of Kanchi, said the "usefulness of our life should be established, and only then the welfare of society could be ensured." - Sri Jayendra Saraswathi, Kanchi
The rulers should always be very strong and give protection to the weak.
The seeds of a major dispute have already been sown or seed of hatred sowed in the hearts of people, by selfish motives of opportunists, and try to benefit from the idea of disunity. But they would not like to soil their hands.
He want people to be weak and helpless in order to perpetuate his rule. The evil gathers its strength instead of weakening.
Jealousy is the most deadly disease than any other physical disease. – Sri Vidya Prakasanandagiri Swami
Excessively obsessed with uncontrolled mind, are liable to starve themselves or starve others in order to gain or obtain their desired thing, disturbing social harmony and peace.
You cannot be a slave of the flesh and at the same time be the master of the universe. – Sri Vidya Prakasanandagiri Swami
Like deluded fish caught in a net, they have no way to come out. Deluded by wealth and false ego, he has to struggle very hard to maintain his existence in the material world.
Conquer six hidden enemies to rule the people; Desire, anger, greed(miserliness), infatuation, pride and jealousy. Otherwise our education, our wealth, and our power will be of no use.
Through infatuation and desire, one's mind gets into distress and this leads to ignorance. Anything which does not liberate a person is ignorance.
Pride is due to illusion. He is induced by pride and bewildered by false ego, he creates his own principles. He thinks himself independent and powerful in every action. He thinks that since no one can equal in strength, power or wealth, he can act in any way and no one can stop him. – Bhagavad-Gita
Politics without principles, Wealth without charity, Knowledge without character, Science without humanity, and Work without sacrifice is nothing. – Sri Vidya Prakasanandagiri Swami
He believes in his own strength, and he does not know that whatever he is presently gaining is due to his past good deeds. But, he has no conception of past causes. Our future lies in the past.
All those who love life, its beauty and goodness; who would like the different kinds of divisive tendencies that of destruction, to be given a send off.
Ignorance is darkness. Where there is darkness and superstition, there is tension and suspicion, distrust and fear of each other. When there is illusion, knowledge is absent.
Education is the most essential necessity for a man. It structures the mind, the body, and the spirit. The end of education is character.
Education is a preparation for life. It is a means to develop one's own personality, to become excellent citizens. - Peri Swamy
Credit should be given to who ever works hard. Merit should be recognized wherever it lies.
The educational ideals of a country are determined by the requirements of the age and by its social order, its culture, morality and the genius of the people, its moral and spiritual values and the state of its economy.
Brain, mind and intellect increases with the food we eat, and food that is served with the hands of a mother.
One should treat woman as the embodiment of motherhood.
Woman is blessed by birth, along with serving others she will do her own work. So it is our duty and responsibility to protect her at every stage of life.
All desires will be satisfied by the parents. Gratitude and loyalty towards them gives peaceful life.
It is more important to understand the fact that rights do not stand by themselves, they grow out of duties.
Character is nothing but a number of interests and habits bound together. Any action repeated many times becomes a habit. Habits formed in one's childhood make or mar one's future. Childhood has many golden opportunities of forming good habits. The good and bad habits we have, stem from the company we keep.
Childhood shows the man as the morning shows the day. - John Milton
Incompatibility in family, with kith and kin(friends or close relatives) or culture can drive one to bad habits or bad company causing serious health problems.
The body and the mind function by habit. If the habits are bad, man ruins himself, if the habits are good, man saves himself. Whoever does good will never come to woeful end. - Gita
Once everyone does his duty, and the rights will automatically take care of themselves. The need to be more conscious about duties than about rights.
Fasting is not good for a growing child, do eat. Burn your lethargy, laziness and excess calories. Bad habits should be nipped in the bud, otherwise it becomes as a necessary. You cannot succeed in any thing if you take it easy.
The weak, the dull, the idle, the negligent can never hope to achieve anything even in worldly matters, much less in spiritual life. Ignorance and negligence drags you down. - Gita
Negligence of duties, leading to despair and then to frustration, which becomes the greatest misfortune in the life. If you wish, you may make a conscious effort to create the future you want. Frustration can lead to arguments and fights which can spoil personal relations.
Life independent of and in isolation from society has no meaning. Some service work, and activity keeps you active. Serve before you gain.
Duty and responsibility towards family, society and humanity leads to liberation of the self.
Division of humanity, social and cultural disparity also provides a good cause for complaint.
He do not know what should be done and not be done, to whom he should work to meet his basic needs or requirements. Needy is synonymous weakness.
Some of them know only duties, they do not know their rights. Some of them unfortunately are conscious only of their rights, they do not know duties.
He doesn’t know where he can be deceived, and where he will be thrown. He makes all things complicated and he is always in trouble.
Worldly affairs, hesitation, shy, generosity and sense of duty; one who doesn’t possess these five qualities, association is supposed to be a mass of ignorance.
He/She does everything whimsically by his own desire and he do not recognize any authority or law. He do not believe in authority, he is very impudent due to ignorance and illusion.
The grass on the other side is always greener. Do not get hypnotize and expose yourselves for love and money. Money is an illusion, a mirage. Any false step in making friends leads to permanent harm in life. It is better to be an ignorant than misguided.
Always be careful and watchful. Even little carelessness can cause more harm.
Carelessness not being alert and attentive becomes obstacles. You are careless doing something wrong knowing that it is very wrong. You know that certain things are not good for you and knowing this too well, you do it. Or knowing too well that you have to do something and not doing it is giving you trouble. You know that if you do not do a certain job you will be in trouble, but despite knowing that you will be in trouble, you get into trouble. Nothing is fated, everything is formed. - Swami Vivekananda
The greatest enemy of consciousness is isolation. One who is aloof, he does not desire to enjoy the body, nor does he desires to get out of it.
The qualities of the material modes in the body will act, but as spirit soul the self is aloof from such qualities. – Bhagavad-Gita
He who doesn’t hate illumination, attachment and delusion when they are present or long for them when they disappear……
One who learns to perform his duties with authority(law) and experience, will succeed in life.
One who is blessed to listen scriptures by the learned people gradually becomes enlightened. Knowledge will develop to the point of meditation.
Vedic knowledge is called sruti(air of life), learning by aural reception. The Vedic hymns, meant for elevating oneself, are called the leaves of the tree. – Bhagavad-Gita
Sow the seed of self-discipline. Water it with love fence it with the God name. The tree will yield you the fruit of immortality. - Swami Vivekananda
Retire to meditate. A man retired from household life should practice austerity of the body, mind and tongue; worshiping God, performing sacrifices, charity and penance. True knowledge is better than penance.
Worship of God, (of the twin born) of Brahman, teachers, elders, holy men, cleanliness(purity of mind), integrity, celibacy, non-violence. These are said to constitute bodily penance. – Bhagavad-Gita
The speech which gives no offense, which is truthful, pleasant and beneficial, regular recitation of Veda, these are said to be the penance of speech. - Bhagavad-Gita
Serenity of mind-gentleness, silence, self-control, the purity of mind, this is called penance of mind. -Bhagavad-Gita
Everyone has faith in God, regardless of what he is in the mode of darkness, illusion.
Some perceive God within themselves through meditation, others through the cultivation of knowledge or intellectual pursuit, and still others through fulfilling desires.
Penance preformed out of foolishness, with self-torture or torture others, destroy or to injure others is said to be in the mode of ignorance. To undergo penances for something which is impossible is certainly in the mode of ignorance. - Bhagavad-Gita
Penance alone could overcome penance. Anything which does not liberate a person is ignorance.
The human life is especially meant for purifying one’s existence. Cleanliness(purity of mind), proper behavior and speech keeps the mind and body calm.
Cleanliness is the way to Godliness. Cleanliness is essential for making advancement in spiritual life. Cleaning of the mind is as important as cleaning of the body. Internal purity should be sustained by external purity of body and the environment.
As far as purification of senses is concerned, one should always remember the holy names of God and chant. This process cleans the accumulated dust of past karma from the mind.
God Shiva is both the preserver and destroyer of the human race.