Monday, December 29, 2008


Health and happiness is a good fortune and the greatest wealth. Happiness makes life peaceful, cheerful, meaningful and wonderful. Happiness is a feeling of the mind. Happiness comes through self-realization. Just cultivate the habit of being happy.

Contentment is the first sign of happiness and prosperity.

1. The sign of prosperity is a smile.
2. The sign of prosperity is freedom.
3. The sign of prosperity is willing to share with the people around you, without fear.
4. The sign of prosperity is ‘trust your-self’ and ‘self-confidence’.

Riches are not from abundance of worldly goods, but from a contended mind.

You are the source of your own happiness. Nobody else can make you happy other than yourself. Love your life and people around you; the more you care for the happiness of others, the greater your own sense of well being. Love is the healing stream of life. Love makes life beautiful. Love beautifies the giver and elevates the receiver. If you can bring a little joy and peace even for a day into the heart of a person, then that is true eternal love. The less you open your heart to others the more your heart suffers. Let your heart open; offer a smile or a kind word and live in the hearts of everyone.

Without love, we are birds with broken wings. – Swami Vivekananda

Togetherness increases happiness in all aspects of life. Friendly attitude can change the vision. The moment that we share a timely word, shows: “I care for you “. Don’t turn your back on friends who are down and out. Make yourself available all the time.

F = Few
R = Relations
I = In
E = Earth
N = Never
D = Die

Your own thoughts make things beautiful or ugly. Beautify your life by creating something that interests you. The happy person has the gift to improve the environment wherever he lives. Accommodate yourself, untroubled to resolve and experience peace and happiness by yourselves.

Patience, tolerance and laughter are necessary ingredients for a happy day and happy life. Life is too precious to be taken too seriously. Laugh at life and its twists and turns. Detached approach to certain things helps you in so many ways. Have care but not attachment.

Your state of mind is up to you; make up your mind to keep yourself happy. If you really want to be blessed with peace: do your own thing and get on with your life.

All human troubles stem from an over-emphasis on the emotions and an exaggeration of personal feeling. The root causes of unhappiness are desire for power and authority over others and materialistic gains etc. Extremity and intensity of anything leads to miserable lives.

Running after every want, need and whim sends happiness speeding away from you. Do not try to command and rule everyone. Learn to obey; the command will come by itself. - Swami Vivekananda

An individual with uncontrolled mind cannot attain divine behavior. Uncontrolled emotion coupled with a faint heart would only lead to destruction and weakens Positive Qualities. Cultivate a moderate and balanced behavior; a change of attitude can make everything better as far as emotional issues are concerned. You know that the words you speak have the power to make or break. You need to watch your words. Avoid making hasty and unfair judgment offending others emotionally.

Do not make an attempt to criticize or magnify defects and faults in others. It is very easy to point out the defects, search for something wrong, all being more or less imperfect, but he is the real benefactor of humanity, indirectly who helps an individual to overcome his imperfections under whatever circumstances he may live. – Swami Vivekananda

A person with unhealthy mind and imagination assaults with hurting words of insult leading to humiliation, which is almost unavoidable. Where there is a subject of unprovoked attack from somebody, learn better to turn the other cheek than respond in kind. It would be wiser to keep distance from situations which become controversial. To reduce miseries know when to back off, how far to retreat. To rob your peace and happiness some people contemplate with word games to make fun. There is much food for thought in contemplating word games. Friction often helps for some to get their way. They keep themselves comfortable and make silly rumors to put you in a bad light. This is over bearing to you. Have less interaction to avoid trouble that creates underlying tensions.

Suffering is not pleasing to anyone in the world. Not even a cockroach likes suffering. No human being wants to suffer. Learn not to make others suffer.

When oppression and suffering go beyond a point, words become redundant. Close your lips and don’t panic that you have been singled out for rough treatment. Human heart can’t bear the disapproval. If people around you refuse to listen or take any notice of your hurt, do not give much importance to please them; move forward very slowly, but surely. Have faith in you. Clinging on things and people for dear life too causes pain. If you know the hurt, be careful to maintain politeness, when you’re annoyed, so irritability is softened by your courtesy and detachment.

If you lose temper, you start losing everything in life. Tolerance is the only way to behave like a human being. Tolerance is not suppression. It avoids unnecessary fights. It gives you the true ability to respect others and to co-operate with open mind.

Old Chinese saying: “the branch which doesn’t bend in the wind, breaks”.

A little flexibility and tolerance will work wonders and gather good will for the future. There is a great virtue in flexibility.

Compassion and Tolerance are not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength. - Dalia Lama.

Sometimes circumstances become intolerable after so much of patience… maintain silence to keep your-self peaceful. Silence strengthens your mind. Silence is the best friend that never betrays. Sit quiet for hours and the effect of silence is so pleasant when you are alone. Let your heart break silently. Non-contact with anyone else can also bring certain amount of peace. Your mind will get back to its shape. It can bring up the ability to realize; and brings about clarity in thing.

Silence of thoughts is the best form; by silence one can make progress very quickly and bring back undefiled individuality.

Sometimes, happiness and peace can be calm and quiet thing, a moment of rest upon the wind that makes sunset less sad and haunting......and brightens the sunrise with a gentle promise. Stress is a natural feeling that is created when you react to a particular situation. Generally there will be no major reasons for stress. Stress is self imposed suffering. There is a life of quality and hope after mental stress.

Causes of misery and stress to be avoided:
1. Emotions and feelings that are hidden, repressed end in illness.
2. Lack of close communications & distrust.
3. Indecision accumulates problems leading to anxiety and worries.
4. Negative imagination leads to suspicion and pessimism.
5. Living on appearances, superficial expressions, giving the impression of perfect well-being. 6.The refusal to accept the reality and the absence of self-esteem makes you alienate yourselves. 7. Do not allow issues to breed for no reason.

Forgive yourself and forgive others. Flexibility makes you tension free. Change yourself, to suit the changing times and try to remove your psychological blockages. Adjustment and adaptation is the outcome of best lives that lived the longest.

In order to fully relax, one must be able to let go. Do not hold or hang on to the past. Learn to give up and let go those thoughts, feelings and associations which are holding you back. Letting go works well on the past and the future. This brings us into today. Sometimes it is impossible to completely let go of the past, however hard you try.

Old Chinese saying: “You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head; but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair”.

Have patience with all things, but mostly with yourself. If you lose patience you will become a patient. Patience controls the mind, calms anger, brings peace, gives strength to bear pain and sorrow, and makes you humble.

Problems arise when you are unable to handle yourselves dexterously. Problems often come to you in the form of crisis. Try to face every problem as it comes. Do not borrow others’ problems. They can better care and handle them as much as you can. Your weaknesses attract problems. Rather than praying God for a life, that is problem free, ask for strength to overcome an obstacle.

Character lies at the depth of your most serious thought that stands for your values. Emotion, controlled and directed to work, is character. Personality rises to the occasion of surmounting problems when character feels helpless. Personality is the quality which makes a person what he is as distinct from other persons.

If wealth is lost, nothing is lost; If health is lost, something is lost; If character is lost, everything is lost. - Proverb

You deprive yourself of happiness when you think you are not ‘good enough’. Give yourself a good cry freely; wash your stress through tears and emotion. It won’t hurt you. It will only help. If you stop crying, you will stop laughing too. Then you stand in the corner with a long face. You don’t even laugh or smile and begin to get inhibited. After shedding tears on unexpected issue; stop! No more weeping; stand on your feet, be steady, pure and sincere to the back bone. Make your muscles iron and nerves strong as steel. For one thing, her spine is made of stainless steel. Developing the iron-will, makes you overcome any difficulty. Steel became a symbol of power.

The blacksmith bends the iron rod when it is red hot. An iron is burnt in the fire, by turning all the sides, transforms into strong steel. The hammering it gets turns iron into a shape.

If you think of tomorrow’s hardships you cannot be at peace today. In reality all the hardships that come to you give an opportunity to glow more in your life. Sometimes even difficulties can workout for your advantage and for a positive reason.

He, who grumbles at a little thing that has fallen to his lot, will grumble at everything. Always grumbling makes you lead miserable life, and everything will be a failure. He, who is over-cautious about himself, falls into dangers at every step; He, who is afraid of losing honor and respect, gets always disgrace; He, who is always afraid of loss, always loses.

Strive for the wealth which never fades.

Learn from past lessons; falling down is not failure, but lying down is failure. You become wiser through failures. There is a purpose for each stumble and fall. Nothing can happen to you, if you make yourselves susceptible to any situation. The heart should become strong enough to bear anything in life. The heart should take every moment as it comes; and that is possible only, if you do not get too much attached to anything in life. At the same time Dreams would never sprout if totally detached.

A person without dreams is a person without hope. Each Sun rise brings a new dawn of impossible dreams and an unexpected solution to old problems.

Time heals all sufferings and injuries.

1. Flowers teach us how to smile, at difficulties.
2. Hills teach us how to stand firm in belief.
3. Oceans teach us how to conceal sorrow deep in heart.
4. Moon teaches us how to be calm.
5. Sun teaches us how to be bright.
6. Rivers teach us steady flow towards goal.
7. Trees teach us dedicated social service.

We smile when something pleasant or pleasurable happens. A smile is an involuntary reflection of happiness. Many simple and small things that cost us nothing make us smile.

Create your own peace and happiness with calmness. We start a new life every morning. Begin each day as if it is the beginning of a new life.

Lord Dakshina MurthySilence and Peace

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