His Holiness Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswati Swami, Kanchi, stresses on ordinary virtues which are applicable to all human beings: Control of Senses, Ahimsa, Greed, Ego and Arrogance.
Desire is the cause of all troubles of Human beings. Desire will not get permanently suppressed; continuous efforts should be made to control it. Through the discipline of sense and mind control, you will behold the deity that resides in your heart.
Humans are privileged to have desires. Having desires is not wrong, but these have to be fulfilled conforming to the order of Dharma.
Charity with sweet words,
Knowledge with humanity,
Courage with patience,
Wealth with renunciation
These four auspicious things destroys dark ignorance, and hard to attain. – Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswati Swami
Control of mind and senses generates tremendous energy; a tender firmness, a soft intensity and patience. The senses they say are great, greater than the senses is mind, greater than the mind is the intellect, but greater than the intellect is the 'Self". Realizing thus the self by the control of senses & the purification of the intellect annihilate this 'formidable foe' "Desire". - Bhagavad-Gita
Control of Senses: Each individual is an integrated package of strengths and weaknesses. There is no human desire stronger than the wish to live. This is true in the case of ordinary human beings. To make your life happy and smooth, following some basic virtues will help you in adapting, adjusting, retaining and growing.
Personal hygiene and cleanliness establishes, “the mind clear and harmonious, one-pointed, control of senses, the knowledge that comes to you by purity and ability to realize one-self ”.
A disciplined life is based on self-control, a few wants and a middle path. The words, restriction and contractions cannot suggest anything bad in nature.
People having balanced nature, never go to extremes. They avoid the path of extremism. A person living only for the satisfaction of the senses, lives in vain. One, who is not interested in self-improvement, gives himself to low thoughts of enjoyment of the pleasures of life.
The senses say, “myself first”,
Ethics say, “I must hold myself last “.
One, who cannot control his mind lives always with the greatest enemy mind, leads miserable life. The senses and the mind require engagements. One, who controls his mind and senses, is dear to everyone and everyone is dear to him. A man of controlled senses cannot be offensive to anyone.
If one enters a mountain-cave full of darkness, he cannot say how long the darkness has been there. You cannot imagine that changing oneself is an easy process. It never happens overnight. Evolution is a slow and steady process. You need to have resilience, patience and the right attitude to become a better person.
"If the mind is not under control, it is no use living in a cave because the same mind will bring all disturbances there. If the mind is under control, we can have the cave any where, wherever we are to attain purity of living. Live in the midst of the battle of life. Anyone can keep calm in a cave or when asleep. Stand in the whirl and madness of action and reach the center and you cannot be moved." - Swami Vivekananda
Material desires, when unsatisfied, generate anger, and thus the mind and body becomes agitated. In material existence one is subjected to the influence of the mind and the senses. One, who is entangled in profit calculation and sense gratification, cannot have peace. Try strenuously to control desire and anger. Practice makes these difficulties seem less. A man should get free from desires and feelings of possessiveness.
Ahimsa: Ahimsa paramo Dharma. Not hurting others by our limbs alone is not Ahimsa. We must not speak such words as will hurt the feelings of others. We must not even think ill of others. The main fruit of practicing Ahimsa is controlling the mind. There is a secondary side benefit also. If one does not do harm to others by his body, mind or tongue; those near him with the idea of doing harm to him, will forget that idea and become non-violent. - Kanchi Swami
The practice of Ahimsa has to be carried out in thought, word and deed. Ahimsa bears the essence of all religions. Ahimsa means not to limit others progress or not checking progressive life of any living entity.
A man with disciplined life cannot be quarrelsome, aggressive or violent. The qualities of humanism will not make a person aggressive and ill-behaved. A man with self-control and discipline stands for freedom from anger through self-learning.
Speak soft and pleasant expressions to please others.
A man who is adamant, arrogant, selfish will not care about peace and harmony of others. Give up wrong aggression on others. Temper takes you to trouble, and pride keeps you there.
It is good to think well; it is divine to act well. – Horace Mann
Think before you act; and think also after you act. Never be impulsive in saying something which you cannot take back. Especially when in anger, it is always better to wait for a day, to let the feelings pass. The golden rule is, “to think before you leap”.
Tension is an indication of the fact that the person has more duties than rights and is too much engrossed in worldly affairs. Such a person can not make proper use of words and the want of right words creates friction with other people. Introspection becomes totally absent. He should learn yoga or meditation and make his mind free from excessive noise of words; learn the art of using soft spoken language or economy of words. It has generally been found that those who suffer depression indulge in loose talk. Thus tension is caused by the violation of words.
One who is not self controlled and whose mind is disturbed cannot practice meditation. When he is disturbed by various anxieties, the best means is chanting the holy name of God. He will be saved by unknown spirit, even in defenseless circumstances.
When one is accomplished in the practice of meditation, he ceases all disturbing mental activities.
A person, who knows the value of right language and economy of words, can communicate well. The quality of words, expression, appropriate language or economy of words is essential for peaceful life. The words to please and delight….
Any form of communication is effective only when there is transference of feelings and not mere transference of words; which happens only when you speak to express yourself.
The other name of Love is humility. Humility will always remind us the virtue of humbleness. By humility, we mean sharing some of your own human weaknesses and mistakes. We all have weaknesses and when you come up in front of others and show that you are not afraid to admit yours, you create an intimate climate where others can acknowledge their personal short comings as well. Being humble in front of others makes you more credible, more believable and paradoxically more respected. People can connect with you more easily.
Humility is not a sign of weakness. Only people with the most balanced and mature minds are capable of this. Humility does not mean you think less OF yourself. It only means you think less ABOUT yourself. You never know whom you would meet again and again in the journey of life. Always respect the individuals whom you meet, irrespective of age or seniority. You have something to learn from everyone. Give due respect to everyone who comes to you and never try to humiliate them.
A person who feels good about himself can find good in others. Make changes to become positive and friendly. When you start respecting the self-image of the people around you, you will be able to gain their respect. Even if you carry good intentions to correct others, only by carrying respect in your words; they will look up to you and accept your messages in their life. Cultivate friendship which will conquer all hearts.
Voice of love says, “God understands your intentions, but man understands only your actions. When your intentions as well as your actions are good you win both the worlds.”
Speaking truth means the union of speech with the mind. Speaking the truth saves a great deal of trouble in your life. Truth is relative; everyone could be right, each in their own way. Having one thing in the mind and speaking something different is untruth. That will do well to people combined with kindness of truth. As such truth constitutes kind utterances combined with the peaceful nature of the mind. If one gets accustomed to speaking truth, whatever he says will become truth. – Kanchi Swami
A man who treats falsehood as truth can never invoke the Spirit. If he ever does it, it will lead to no result. One can cheat anyone, not himself. Self-deception leads to incompetence. Only incompetent people try to behave like brave men. One who betrays someone cannot be true to anyone else. If one hopes to reach the Spirit through falsehood, he is one who tries to touch the sky by outstretched hands.
"Speak the truth", and let a man overcome anger by love; let him overcome the liar by truth. - Gautama Buddha
This world is conquered by the person who has truthfulness and patience. Fearing nothing you could live the truth. One who speaks the truth, is kindly and humble, controls the community of people.
Greed: Ever know that wealth is the root cause of all evil; in truth there is not the least trace of happiness in it. To the rich there is fear even from their sons; this is common everywhere. – Adi Sankaracharya
The destroyer of all good qualities is greed. When you are greedy you make somebody else do the action. You model people and often control their behavior or actions. You may treat other people’s minds as machines intended for your use.
Habitually manipulating people delight in carrying out secret plots and subversion with hidden behavior. Driving a person to foolish behavior is not accomplishment, it is shameful manipulation.
Knowledge leads to unity, Ignorance to diversity. – Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Ignorance is thinking that which is changing. You try to control others’ mind. Ignorance is a weapon of offense. Acceptance sees people how they are and not as you want them to be; including their ability to see you as you are.
A person habitually tells you, provoked by his greed that there is greed in you. You are not aware of it, or you are unwilling to concede it. That is the positive value of a negative person. The moment you recognize it and exhibit a willingness to give up the bad trait, that person disappears. To give up selfishness, jealousy, anger, envy and resentful thoughts, exhibit a willingness to accept, who accuse you having these vices. Ignorance doesn’t transform into knowledge as long as you avoid it or avoid the person in your life that represents ignorance. Avoidance is austerity; Acceptance is prosperity. - Ravi Shanker Art of living
The confession of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom. – J. F. Kennedy
Craving for others’ love and affection, showing too much interest about their activities will lead to less concentration on your own happiness. You want to know the mind of the other person in and out.
Some people with uncontrolled mind enjoy divide and rule; creates fission with insecure feelings. To sadists and masochists, pain is pleasure. Intensely craving for power and authority that men are in constant turmoil and they blame others for their failures.
A greedy person is obsessed with anger, causing pain and suffering to others. Destructive mental attitude gives misery to others and makes you miserable.
Desire is the cause of all troubles of Human beings. Desire will not get permanently suppressed; continuous efforts should be made to control it. Through the discipline of sense and mind control, you will behold the deity that resides in your heart.
Humans are privileged to have desires. Having desires is not wrong, but these have to be fulfilled conforming to the order of Dharma.
Charity with sweet words,
Knowledge with humanity,
Courage with patience,
Wealth with renunciation
These four auspicious things destroys dark ignorance, and hard to attain. – Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswati Swami
Control of mind and senses generates tremendous energy; a tender firmness, a soft intensity and patience. The senses they say are great, greater than the senses is mind, greater than the mind is the intellect, but greater than the intellect is the 'Self". Realizing thus the self by the control of senses & the purification of the intellect annihilate this 'formidable foe' "Desire". - Bhagavad-Gita
Control of Senses: Each individual is an integrated package of strengths and weaknesses. There is no human desire stronger than the wish to live. This is true in the case of ordinary human beings. To make your life happy and smooth, following some basic virtues will help you in adapting, adjusting, retaining and growing.
Personal hygiene and cleanliness establishes, “the mind clear and harmonious, one-pointed, control of senses, the knowledge that comes to you by purity and ability to realize one-self ”.
A disciplined life is based on self-control, a few wants and a middle path. The words, restriction and contractions cannot suggest anything bad in nature.
People having balanced nature, never go to extremes. They avoid the path of extremism. A person living only for the satisfaction of the senses, lives in vain. One, who is not interested in self-improvement, gives himself to low thoughts of enjoyment of the pleasures of life.
The senses say, “myself first”,
Ethics say, “I must hold myself last “.
One, who cannot control his mind lives always with the greatest enemy mind, leads miserable life. The senses and the mind require engagements. One, who controls his mind and senses, is dear to everyone and everyone is dear to him. A man of controlled senses cannot be offensive to anyone.
If one enters a mountain-cave full of darkness, he cannot say how long the darkness has been there. You cannot imagine that changing oneself is an easy process. It never happens overnight. Evolution is a slow and steady process. You need to have resilience, patience and the right attitude to become a better person.
"If the mind is not under control, it is no use living in a cave because the same mind will bring all disturbances there. If the mind is under control, we can have the cave any where, wherever we are to attain purity of living. Live in the midst of the battle of life. Anyone can keep calm in a cave or when asleep. Stand in the whirl and madness of action and reach the center and you cannot be moved." - Swami Vivekananda
Material desires, when unsatisfied, generate anger, and thus the mind and body becomes agitated. In material existence one is subjected to the influence of the mind and the senses. One, who is entangled in profit calculation and sense gratification, cannot have peace. Try strenuously to control desire and anger. Practice makes these difficulties seem less. A man should get free from desires and feelings of possessiveness.
Ahimsa: Ahimsa paramo Dharma. Not hurting others by our limbs alone is not Ahimsa. We must not speak such words as will hurt the feelings of others. We must not even think ill of others. The main fruit of practicing Ahimsa is controlling the mind. There is a secondary side benefit also. If one does not do harm to others by his body, mind or tongue; those near him with the idea of doing harm to him, will forget that idea and become non-violent. - Kanchi Swami
The practice of Ahimsa has to be carried out in thought, word and deed. Ahimsa bears the essence of all religions. Ahimsa means not to limit others progress or not checking progressive life of any living entity.
A man with disciplined life cannot be quarrelsome, aggressive or violent. The qualities of humanism will not make a person aggressive and ill-behaved. A man with self-control and discipline stands for freedom from anger through self-learning.
Speak soft and pleasant expressions to please others.
A man who is adamant, arrogant, selfish will not care about peace and harmony of others. Give up wrong aggression on others. Temper takes you to trouble, and pride keeps you there.
It is good to think well; it is divine to act well. – Horace Mann
Think before you act; and think also after you act. Never be impulsive in saying something which you cannot take back. Especially when in anger, it is always better to wait for a day, to let the feelings pass. The golden rule is, “to think before you leap”.
Tension is an indication of the fact that the person has more duties than rights and is too much engrossed in worldly affairs. Such a person can not make proper use of words and the want of right words creates friction with other people. Introspection becomes totally absent. He should learn yoga or meditation and make his mind free from excessive noise of words; learn the art of using soft spoken language or economy of words. It has generally been found that those who suffer depression indulge in loose talk. Thus tension is caused by the violation of words.
One who is not self controlled and whose mind is disturbed cannot practice meditation. When he is disturbed by various anxieties, the best means is chanting the holy name of God. He will be saved by unknown spirit, even in defenseless circumstances.
When one is accomplished in the practice of meditation, he ceases all disturbing mental activities.
A person, who knows the value of right language and economy of words, can communicate well. The quality of words, expression, appropriate language or economy of words is essential for peaceful life. The words to please and delight….
Any form of communication is effective only when there is transference of feelings and not mere transference of words; which happens only when you speak to express yourself.
The other name of Love is humility. Humility will always remind us the virtue of humbleness. By humility, we mean sharing some of your own human weaknesses and mistakes. We all have weaknesses and when you come up in front of others and show that you are not afraid to admit yours, you create an intimate climate where others can acknowledge their personal short comings as well. Being humble in front of others makes you more credible, more believable and paradoxically more respected. People can connect with you more easily.
Humility is not a sign of weakness. Only people with the most balanced and mature minds are capable of this. Humility does not mean you think less OF yourself. It only means you think less ABOUT yourself. You never know whom you would meet again and again in the journey of life. Always respect the individuals whom you meet, irrespective of age or seniority. You have something to learn from everyone. Give due respect to everyone who comes to you and never try to humiliate them.
A person who feels good about himself can find good in others. Make changes to become positive and friendly. When you start respecting the self-image of the people around you, you will be able to gain their respect. Even if you carry good intentions to correct others, only by carrying respect in your words; they will look up to you and accept your messages in their life. Cultivate friendship which will conquer all hearts.
Voice of love says, “God understands your intentions, but man understands only your actions. When your intentions as well as your actions are good you win both the worlds.”
Speaking truth means the union of speech with the mind. Speaking the truth saves a great deal of trouble in your life. Truth is relative; everyone could be right, each in their own way. Having one thing in the mind and speaking something different is untruth. That will do well to people combined with kindness of truth. As such truth constitutes kind utterances combined with the peaceful nature of the mind. If one gets accustomed to speaking truth, whatever he says will become truth. – Kanchi Swami
A man who treats falsehood as truth can never invoke the Spirit. If he ever does it, it will lead to no result. One can cheat anyone, not himself. Self-deception leads to incompetence. Only incompetent people try to behave like brave men. One who betrays someone cannot be true to anyone else. If one hopes to reach the Spirit through falsehood, he is one who tries to touch the sky by outstretched hands.
"Speak the truth", and let a man overcome anger by love; let him overcome the liar by truth. - Gautama Buddha
This world is conquered by the person who has truthfulness and patience. Fearing nothing you could live the truth. One who speaks the truth, is kindly and humble, controls the community of people.
Greed: Ever know that wealth is the root cause of all evil; in truth there is not the least trace of happiness in it. To the rich there is fear even from their sons; this is common everywhere. – Adi Sankaracharya
The destroyer of all good qualities is greed. When you are greedy you make somebody else do the action. You model people and often control their behavior or actions. You may treat other people’s minds as machines intended for your use.
Habitually manipulating people delight in carrying out secret plots and subversion with hidden behavior. Driving a person to foolish behavior is not accomplishment, it is shameful manipulation.
Knowledge leads to unity, Ignorance to diversity. – Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Ignorance is thinking that which is changing. You try to control others’ mind. Ignorance is a weapon of offense. Acceptance sees people how they are and not as you want them to be; including their ability to see you as you are.
A person habitually tells you, provoked by his greed that there is greed in you. You are not aware of it, or you are unwilling to concede it. That is the positive value of a negative person. The moment you recognize it and exhibit a willingness to give up the bad trait, that person disappears. To give up selfishness, jealousy, anger, envy and resentful thoughts, exhibit a willingness to accept, who accuse you having these vices. Ignorance doesn’t transform into knowledge as long as you avoid it or avoid the person in your life that represents ignorance. Avoidance is austerity; Acceptance is prosperity. - Ravi Shanker Art of living
The confession of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom. – J. F. Kennedy
Craving for others’ love and affection, showing too much interest about their activities will lead to less concentration on your own happiness. You want to know the mind of the other person in and out.
Some people with uncontrolled mind enjoy divide and rule; creates fission with insecure feelings. To sadists and masochists, pain is pleasure. Intensely craving for power and authority that men are in constant turmoil and they blame others for their failures.
A greedy person is obsessed with anger, causing pain and suffering to others. Destructive mental attitude gives misery to others and makes you miserable.
People need identity and significance. Everyone struggles to look significant in their own ways, all stem from need of identity. If they don’t find the right ways to feel significant the sheer desperation to fulfill this need makes people to choose even wrong ways to feel significant.
Some people become unique even by developing extreme problems that set them apart from others. In fact, some people develop the subconscious ability to make them ill in order to gain the caring attention of others. From dressing in unique ways to carrying a certain style; all stem from this need. You can never be at peace with yourself; if you want everyone to pay attention. Obviously, when your trumpet is too loud, others will begin to withdraw from you and begin to lose out your relationships. Obsession is in-completion of any senses creates attachment of the object and possessions, rigid control on everything; yearn for power, and captivating nature. Greedy to over protect things and loved ones shows stifling to them.
Shun the place where one abounding by wicked and suspicious people and ruled by a greedy man. - Swami Vivekananda
A person, who knows the value of right action and right discrimination, doesn’t indulge in useless activities.
Some people become unique even by developing extreme problems that set them apart from others. In fact, some people develop the subconscious ability to make them ill in order to gain the caring attention of others. From dressing in unique ways to carrying a certain style; all stem from this need. You can never be at peace with yourself; if you want everyone to pay attention. Obviously, when your trumpet is too loud, others will begin to withdraw from you and begin to lose out your relationships. Obsession is in-completion of any senses creates attachment of the object and possessions, rigid control on everything; yearn for power, and captivating nature. Greedy to over protect things and loved ones shows stifling to them.
Shun the place where one abounding by wicked and suspicious people and ruled by a greedy man. - Swami Vivekananda
A person, who knows the value of right action and right discrimination, doesn’t indulge in useless activities.
Lack of intensity, the heart is free from greed and acts free from longing without any sense of egotism attains of peace.
Ego and Arrogance: Ego is your secret enemy. You can manage an open enemy; but it is difficult to manage the hidden, unknown enemy. The faceless enemy ego blocks your progress down considerably. Arrogance stems from an inner doubt of your abilities. An arrogant mentality does not allow you to see and recognize goodness in others. At times you may not treat others as human beings or fellow individuals with due respect.
Ego prevents you from adjusting and accommodating with others. This leads most of the people to ruin anything in their life. Arrogance is thinking that the self or the intellect and the instruments of perception are the same. Meeting some people make a point, and keep sticking to it and argue about it senselessly.
Ego does not have the ability to see the self, the intellect and the instruments of perception as separate. Humility and humbleness are the quite essence of modest behavior; praise the good qualities if they are found even with the enemy. Neglect the vices if they are found with the preceptor. Do not emulate them.
Vain pride will eliminate the results, which will elude the seeker.
Every moment of your life, every ray of your mind and every faculty of your being have to be resolutely directed towards the task of freeing yourself from the coils of the narrow egoistic personality.
Control of Senses - S
Control of Anger – A
Control of Greed – G
Control of Ego – E
Sage like qualities evolves to become gentle and wise. Real evolution does not mean physical development but development of consciousness. Evaluate every aspect of your life.
When your senses controlled, you will not get too much attached to anything in life. If anyone follows (even some) of these principles with great determination; the God will surely help, for God helps those who help themselves. Control of mind and senses brings divinity; opens to everything in life; gives something more pure and good heart.
People who swear by pure ‘Reason’ claim to be agnostic but have a high sense of social obligation and personal ethics. The truth is, achieving a spirit in life, “Live and Let Live”, combining a firm approach with abundant consideration for others feelings.
Ego prevents you from adjusting and accommodating with others. This leads most of the people to ruin anything in their life. Arrogance is thinking that the self or the intellect and the instruments of perception are the same. Meeting some people make a point, and keep sticking to it and argue about it senselessly.
Ego does not have the ability to see the self, the intellect and the instruments of perception as separate. Humility and humbleness are the quite essence of modest behavior; praise the good qualities if they are found even with the enemy. Neglect the vices if they are found with the preceptor. Do not emulate them.
Vain pride will eliminate the results, which will elude the seeker.
Every moment of your life, every ray of your mind and every faculty of your being have to be resolutely directed towards the task of freeing yourself from the coils of the narrow egoistic personality.
Control of Senses - S
Control of Anger – A
Control of Greed – G
Control of Ego – E
Sage like qualities evolves to become gentle and wise. Real evolution does not mean physical development but development of consciousness. Evaluate every aspect of your life.
When your senses controlled, you will not get too much attached to anything in life. If anyone follows (even some) of these principles with great determination; the God will surely help, for God helps those who help themselves. Control of mind and senses brings divinity; opens to everything in life; gives something more pure and good heart.
People who swear by pure ‘Reason’ claim to be agnostic but have a high sense of social obligation and personal ethics. The truth is, achieving a spirit in life, “Live and Let Live”, combining a firm approach with abundant consideration for others feelings.
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