The Sun is the sole cause for the existence of the universe. Sun illuminates the entire world. Sun is the protector of the world. Sun is supreme light (Param Jyoti). Jyoti is light, star, fire and Sun.
The Sun rises with healing in its protection, contact with the beams provides for virtue and its onward transmission. The Sun provides light to all the heavenly and earthly bodies. Sun is the saviour of all the things having life.
The energy of the Sun is directed towards the welfare of mankind. The Sun rays give the energy and happiness to human beings both physically and mentally. The Sun controls the inner vitality as well as the humour bile which are the essentials for the sustenance of life.
The Sun does not have to will, the radiation of light and warmth; it simply radiates light and warmth…. Either we love or we do not love. It does not depend upon us.
Sun shine flows into trees. The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world’s joy. – Henry Ward Beecher
When the Sun rises, the fog melts and there is a vision of God. The Sun light takes the form of life on nature. It is easy in this tropical beauty to get up with the Sun. All the things on the earth and all waters become purified, holy with the Sun rays.
Sun is the only source of knowledge, dispel darkness and awakens this world.
Every Sun-set brings the promise of a new dawn. The Moon rise at one end just as the Sun was setting. Moon reflects the sunlight. Moon light is so beautiful. Moon is restful. The night is calm, still and very beautiful.
Moon, by his pleasant and cool rays, he protects plants, herbs and human beings.
By the Moon shine, all the vegetables are nourished. Through the influence of the Moon, the vegetables become delicious. Without Moon shine, the vegetables can neither grow nor taste succulent. - Bhagavad-Gita
We are placed here as children playing in the lap of nature. – Prof. Teja Singh
Nature is full of divinity. In nature you can see the God every where. Nature is the executive authority to enforce the will of God. Nature’s secret is silence and patience.
The silence of nature is very real. Silence in activity and activity in silence. All actions are done only by nature. For no one can remain even for a moment without doing work. Everyone is made to act helplessly by the impulses born of nature. - Bhagavad-Gita
God is the friend of silence. Trees, flowers, grass grow in silence. See the stars, moon and sun, how they move in silence. – Mother Teresa
A tree is a beautiful expression of mother earth's creativity. Trees are happy for no reason. Love to grow trees – flowering plants, fruit giving trees, trees that trespass into your terrace, trees that call out for a hug and chat. If a tree is entwined by a creeper, the beauty of the tree is enhanced.
Be a gentle friend to trees and they will give you back beauty, cool and fragrant shade, many birds, and birds singing. All one could hear was the chirping of birds - serene and peaceful. The birds rest in the trees now and then... and build their nests, where they feel safe and secure however much they enjoy flying.
Plants are just as sensitive as human beings understand love, hate and friendship.
Plants are just as sensitive as human beings understand love, hate and friendship.
Trees do not grow over night. They must be nurtured throughout the patience waiting of many seasons. Trees are forever. Trees know a lot. They listen sympathetically, and they are kind. Trees are wondrous teachers of tolerance and forgiveness. It offers protection and gives shade even to the wood cutter who destroys it. You hit a tree with a stone; trees that gives it fruit to the deserving and to the undeserving alike, for the same reason without giving, the tree would die.
The tree should be watered at the roots; when the base of the plant is watered, it is the same as watering the branches, blossoms and fruits of the plant. If you water the branches of a tree, water will be wasted. For nourishment to reach the entire tree, its roots have to be watered. We do not pour water on every leaf and flower
A flower is a creature of a day but it gives great joy to the people. A flower gives fragrance unconditionally. A flower is open and dances to the breeze.
Trees, flowers, fruits and vegetables should neither be plucked nor even be touched in no-moon day. It is a day on which Sun and Moon give food and light to them.
Trees, flowers, fruits and vegetables should neither be plucked nor even be touched in no-moon day. It is a day on which Sun and Moon give food and light to them.
The blossoms of a huge tree are innumerable. But only a few develop fruits. All others drop off. Among those that bear the fruit, many fall away before the fruits become ripe. And at last we pick only a few ripe fruits.
In front, there is fire; at the back, there is the Sun; in the night, (the ascetic sits) with the knees stuck to the chin; he receives alms in his palms, and lives under the trees; yet the bondage of desire does not leave him. - Bhaja Govindam
Nature is calm. Nature spreads vegetation giving us fresh air. Nature delights us in the beauty, and gives harmony and peace. Nature is man’s teacher. We can see nature not only with our eyes, but with our hearts.
Nature is a Poet’s best friend. The poet can see many things in his mind's eye.
Love of nature and its beauty with imagination can create poetry. Great Poet’s lived on earth, and created beauty by touching upon earthy topics. It is an overflowing love elaborating thoughts, which is purely spontaneous and creative. It is not set in motion by any quality of function of its object. It is the love of nature and God operating in the human heart. Lose yourself in nature and find peace. Only nature has that power to make minds tranquil. Loosen up and relax in nature, will let us go without food and water.
Man’s heart away from nature becomes hard. – Standing Bear
The Earth is the foot hold of God. Earth knows exactly how to bring happiness to Earth. Wide mother earth is here ready to give us all our desires. The mother is neutral to all different kinds of her children. Cleanses and changes our life for the better.
Refinement implies purification of mind, action and knowledge. A normal person will be drawn towards the ups & downs, success & failure, happiness & unhappiness, wealthy & poverty, friendship & enmity are like filters that purify the soul from the impurities in its journey towards liberation.
None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul; you have to grow inside out.
Man begins to struggle and fight against nature. He makes many mistakes, he suffers. But that 'mistake' has been continuing beyond memory, therefore the mistake is eternal. When a 'mistake' is permanent, it is not a mistake; it is intelligence. But eventually, he conquers nature and realises his freedom. When he is free, nature becomes his slave.
Freedom is obedience to the laws of nature. Every thought that we think, every deed that we do, after a certain time becomes fine, goes into seed form, so to speak, and lives in the fine body in a potential form, and after a time, it emerges again and bears its results. He molds his own life. Man is not bound by any other laws excepting those which he makes for himself.
A soul searching into discovering, the human being goes through this tough process of worship with the body, mind and soul with a hope that they would emerge free and clean of the negative mind set that is a constant impediment in the process of one’s life. People satisfy their spiritual yearnings by seeking harmony with nature and the universe. Changing is the nature of the universe. A man can be happy if he undertakes a good number of trips and picnics and spend time on tour and travel. Just it restores our energy.
'Sacred place' refers to places of pilgrimage. Only picnics or pilgrimages can give the needed solace. Some people go on pilgrimage to atone for their sins. People forcibly undertake the pilgrimages visit holy places in search of some spiritual benefit. The process that happens through this is that there is a lot of self-forced physical suffering that one goes through. People walk up the hill in many ways, some visit holy places for just the joy of experiencing nature, while some others to trek and some other dip in sacred rivers to earn grace of God.
River Ganges is eminent of all the rivers. The Ganges is flooded with the nectar of knowledge.
Crores of people travel long distances with the firm faith that bathing in Ganga as a means of purification, they will be purified by a bath in the Ganga. Isvara does not let their faith go unrewarded. "Ganga does purify people. When the faith of a person she resorts to her is intense, he is greatly benefited by her. This, however, does not mean that one will be redeemed if one commits sins deliberately and then bathes in the Ganga."
A dip in the Ganga will remove those sins that are unknowingly done or knowingly done once for which we are repentant.
Among the rivers Lord Krishna is the Ganges(Ganga). The purity and the sacredness of the Ganges is mentioned in innumerable places in the scriptures and the puranas. - Gita Makarandam
Being either in a jungle or among the mountains keeps people in touch with reality. It is good to admire nature and feel the hand of the creator behind the scenes and understand you are also a part of it. Mountains are a place where people come to exhaust their impressions of samskaras that belong to the past and this removes the need to repeat faulty actions in future which are propelled by wrong thought patterns.
People climb mountains, in holy places just to get close to God. Climbing the stony paths of the mountains(body penance), pilgrimages across various countries and civilizations are meant to be an arduous experience where the pilgrim’s ego is crushed and the light of the soul shines through the perspiration and endurance of all the hardship that one faces en-route. Sometimes looking and watching up at mountains in silence, mostly standing aside, staring vacantly at the towering mountains and the flowing river is a wondrous sight.
Life is more like a river. Life takes sudden twists and turns. There are unexpected ups and downs. Just as mountains have valleys and peaks, life also has got its own share of ups and downs and successes and failures.
They challenge the wise and the ignorant, the young and the old. It is foolish to say that I would enjoy only the peaks and not the valleys. The wise and the strong look at the scenic beauty of both.
In a valley we walk slower. When everything us becomes easier, the waters grow calm, we become more open, fuller and more generous.
The water in the stream was too good to just let go. The stream remains, though its water does not stand still - the stream of lovely things that change watched by lovely eyes that change. Life is just like the flow of a river, with quick changes in its course. Different rivers flowing through distant regions finally reach the ocean. River merges with the ocean.
One goes on pilgrimage to the place where the sacred river Ganga joins the sea; or observes the religious vows with care; or offers gifts. But if he be devoid of knowledge, he does not gain liberation - according to all schools of thought - even in a hundred lives. - Adi Sankaracharya
A river never stops running. The fact is; that the sacred rivers has come down a thousand miles from its source the mountains and flows through the rocks; does it or can it, go back to its source.
In India, there is a great tradition of honouring rivers - the water element. Today, no river is fit for drinking even a hundred kilometers away from its source. We are pouring so much industrial waste, sewage and garbage into the rivers. Neither does the river want you to offer flowers or fruits. This is not the way to do pooja(worship). Pooja means honouring so you have to stop dumping waste into the rivers. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Water contains prana Shakti of life force in abundance. Water is prominent of all rivers. We regard our rivers as we would our mother. We worship them. May our waters be generous. Rivers are symbols of patience. These rivers have brought many of us closer to one another.
In India, there is a great tradition of honouring rivers - the water element. Today, no river is fit for drinking even a hundred kilometers away from its source. We are pouring so much industrial waste, sewage and garbage into the rivers. Neither does the river want you to offer flowers or fruits. This is not the way to do pooja(worship). Pooja means honouring so you have to stop dumping waste into the rivers. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Water contains prana Shakti of life force in abundance. Water is prominent of all rivers. We regard our rivers as we would our mother. We worship them. May our waters be generous. Rivers are symbols of patience. These rivers have brought many of us closer to one another.
Rivers from all the sides, altogether will come moving in rainy season only. Sun is only the causes of rains. By him only the beautiful seasons are forming. Seasons are depended on Sun. Seasons cause rains. Rainfall after the season is over is like a day after the fare. Rain is the source of livelihood for everyone. After the heavy monsoons were over; and the earth is bursting into fresh green life. When the harvest time comes, all farmers will be happy with their produce and there is general prosperity.
The holy month of Margasirsha (mid-November to mid-December) is the ornament of the year, where people fast, pray and do penance. Among seasons, Lord is the flowing spring. The atmosphere in spring is pleasant and equable, so the month is most suitable for spiritual practice. - Gita
The spring season is the most beautiful, and nature puts forth all her beauty in this season. Spring is a season universally liked because it is neither too hot nor too cold, the flowers and trees blossom and flourish. Spring season is youth for trees. Spring is considered to be the most joyful of all seasons. Grains are collected from the fields at this time and the people become very happy.
The peasant sows the seeds when the field is tilled and watered. The heart shall yield the richest harvest when watered and sown by the sacred waters of the Gita and it immortal message.
Trust in the God and Nature to find a way to connect with you and lead you on to a new, higher purpose as well as a more fulfilling life. Yajur Veda describes the Nature.
Love nature, it loves you for ever.
Love nature, it loves you for ever.
God is not only in his temple; he is where the tilt works the hard ground and where the farmers in their fields in sun and shower, bound with us forever and everywhere. – Mahatma Gandhi