Violence is of physical and mental, mostly caused by insecurity and frustration. Violence takes in many forms. Religious violence, political violence, social violence but often fanatical in observance, domestic violence in family disputes etc.
Physical violence can be reflected depending on a lot of factors like upbringing, environmental influences in childhood early life events, circle of friends, family dysfunction, unsupported relationships, social problems like racial discrimination, unemployment or poor housing conditions, homelessness and psychological factors.
People fear none now and heedlessly violate the law of the land(earth, ground, a country). They give little importance to ethics. We feel the need for ethics.
Those who bring havoc are invariably poor thinkers have indulged in extremes; act according to their whims and on the spur of the moment. Broken homes splinter society and produce offense or crime.
Breach of faith is a crime punishable by law. If a man breaks the law it will go hard with him. Those who act contrary to law are punished. Do not take law into your hands. Crime can never be hidden.
Once a you engage in wrong actions, and sinful deeds, you will not hesitate to carry out serious crimes. If you allow one sin to enter and dwell in your conscience, you pave the way for the entry of a thousand sins.
Your conscience will become blunt and lose its sensitivity. Doing evil deeds will become part of your nature. - A P J Abdul Kalam, former president of India
One who steals the property of others starts a series of crimes and suffers the consequences thereof.
Those who commit six kinds of offenses towards others - one who 1. setting fire to the house of another house (to destroy him or take revenge or to do evil to someone), 2. venom him (something which if we eat or drink causes illness, or even death) 3. deliberately falls with a weapon in hand to kill (to injure others without provocation or one to treat unjustly to hurt badly), 4. steals his wealth (it is wrong to steal, even a thief would try to justify his act of stealing), 5. or land 6. or wife (abduction, to take away others wife like Ravana is a grave sin) which men experience through others actions. - Gita
Among all kinds of killers, Time is ultimate because time kills everything. - Gita
Domestic violence increases more in economical independence and desperate need to survive. Stress is one of the causes for the increase in individual acts of violence.
The good live and thrive in the Sun-shine of God's grace, though material riches they may not possess. Do, good your future is assured. And see, let nobody indulge in sinful activities.
A man without sufficient energy through, life cannot sustain. The energy of a man should not exceed its limits. A man of violence has excessive energy. He uses his energy not for the happiness of his life but to disturb the peace of others. He is drawn towards using his mind powers in the wrong ways.
"Don't ask what the country has done for you; ask yourself what you have done for your country. - John Kennedy
Some people are engaged in violent activities because they are not aware that it is only going to give them more suffering, more pain and more ignorance. Men who oppose humanity sit in the shadow of ignorance(want of discrimination) and darkness (absence of reason and true understanding).
Man seeking cruelty will be met by life with darker cruelty. He who challenges to ruin another will surely meet with utter ruin. – By Karma Yogi
Ruthlessness destroys anything in the world. There is no logical reason why a belief in the harmfulness of violence should automatically be reflected in one’s attitudes.
Dictators ride rough shod over the rights of the people. Their behavior may lead up to serious consequences.
Violence and volatile behavior are obstacles for humanity, and its harmony. Violence destroys community, makes brotherhood impossible and ends by defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers. Violence is not the way.
Scorpion venom is within tail, fly(dirty house-fly, desires to move on the wound) venom is within head, serpents venom within fangs(ego is a venomous serpent, spitting fire with a forked tongue) and brutal venom is in all the organs.
Violence often brings about momentary results. Violence is always futile, that no wars are really won. No war brings peace, for violence only brings violence.
Violent delights have violent end. - Shakespeare
In spite of temporary victories, it never brings peace. It solves no problems; it merely creates new and more complicated ones. Violence is bred by inequality, non-violence by equality.
The Lord is victory. True victory is always based on Truth, and that which is obtained by fraud and deception is no victory. - Gita
All wars are a dreadful waste, even to the victor. War does not even help the victor. It makes him brutal and proud; nothing is added to his culture. And war certainly does not aid the loser. You may win the battle but lose the war. The after effects of war are really terrible.
Man should not die by violence, even as punishment of an offense.
Violence is immoral, it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding. Violence only begets more violence. It thrives on hatred, tragic bitterness and brutality rather than love.
A cobra hypnotizes its victims by weird swaying motions. Serpents mind is made up of Mercury. Mind is not stable. People cannot be kept under one's sway at all times.
One who provides a place and accommodate a knave mistaking a foe as a friend will be last with slavery and servitude. No man loses his freedom except through his own weakness. One who gives one’s freedom to the other naturally becomes a slave of the latter. – Mahatma Gandhi
Those who employ violence are literally disarmed by overwhelming sentiment against their stand.
It is something like a parent who continually mistreats a son. One day that parent raises his hand to strike the son, only to discover that the son is now as tall as he is. The parent is suddenly afraid-fearful that the son will use his new physical power to repay his parent for all the blows of the past. Many of them fear retaliation.
"Don't retaliate with violence." If any one slaps you on the check, turn the other check to him is indeed a message of non-violence and forgiveness.
One who may not have the power to retaliate and will therefore not do so. Such a one is not said to be of a forgiving disposition. On the other hand, one who has the power or strength to retaliate and yet does not do so, is said to be forgiving. Power is not eternal.
Make no effort to be either at war with, or in league with, enemy, friend, son, or relative. If you want to attain the status of Vishnu(divinity) soon, be equal-minded towards all things. - Bhaja Govindam
Reacting negatively makes victimization mentally. Positive qualities lose their strength, to sense the right, in seeing what is correct and what is not.
Negativity is highly contagious, chronically negative people fear the unknown with suspicious nature.
To retaliate in kind would do nothing but intensify the existence of hate in the universe. Along the way of life, you must have sense enough and morality enough to cut off the chain of hate. This can only be done by projecting the ethic of love to the center of our lives. At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
Remember the old saying, "A good general never starts a battle that is not going to win.
Non-violence is generally taken to mean not killing or destroying the body, but actually non-violence means not to put others into misery or distress. - Bhagavad-Gita
A man who believes in non-violence has deep faith in the future. This faith is the reason why he can accept suffering without retaliation. Non-violence, means that one should not do anything which will put others into misery or confusion. Non-violence proves nothing but valuable for humanity.
A lean compromise is better than a fat law suit. Compromise is a virtue. Compromise and implicit trust in human nature is the very essence of suffer and struggle.
The way of non-violence means a willingness to suffer quietly and patiently under all provocation without striking back. Accept ruthlessness and frightfulness by bravery, bravery consists in dying, not in killing. Learn to turn the other cheek as often as is necessary, and accept pain or hurt that comes to you. It is the only common sense for human beings.
If someone pushes you, don’t push back….We must have the courage to refuse to hit back…. - Martin Luther
Non-violence has a spiritual concept; Passive physically, but strongly active spiritually. Non-violence resists, often expresses itself through non-cooperation and avoids not only external physical violence but also internal mental violence.
Non-violence is infinitely superior to violence. Non-violence has to be practiced…..Non-violence, when it becomes active, travels with extraordinary velocity, and then it becomes a miracle.
Where there is action, there is the fruit of action; and where there is fruit of action, there is rebirth; and where there is rebirth, there is suffering. Blessed are those who suffer for the sake of righteousness. Where there is struggle, there is a life.
A winner never quits and a quitter never wins. He who runs away commits mental violence. Some things are worse than violence is cowardice. If cowardice is the only alternative to violence, it is better to fight. You gain nothing by becoming coward.
Insecure feelings, jealousy, resentment gives you hate; envy makes you ruthless and violent. A man with a restless mind, inevitably accuse and use harsh words with reaction of fear, delusion, leading to rivalry.
Overwhelming insecurity that stems from an unstable childhood or disruptive family life.
Reacting negatively makes victimization mentally. Positive qualities lose their strength, to sense the right, in seeing what is correct and what is not.
Negativity is highly contagious, chronically negative people fear the unknown with suspicious nature.
To retaliate in kind would do nothing but intensify the existence of hate in the universe. Along the way of life, you must have sense enough and morality enough to cut off the chain of hate. This can only be done by projecting the ethic of love to the center of our lives. At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
Remember the old saying, "A good general never starts a battle that is not going to win.
Non-violence is generally taken to mean not killing or destroying the body, but actually non-violence means not to put others into misery or distress. - Bhagavad-Gita
A man who believes in non-violence has deep faith in the future. This faith is the reason why he can accept suffering without retaliation. Non-violence, means that one should not do anything which will put others into misery or confusion. Non-violence proves nothing but valuable for humanity.
A lean compromise is better than a fat law suit. Compromise is a virtue. Compromise and implicit trust in human nature is the very essence of suffer and struggle.
The way of non-violence means a willingness to suffer quietly and patiently under all provocation without striking back. Accept ruthlessness and frightfulness by bravery, bravery consists in dying, not in killing. Learn to turn the other cheek as often as is necessary, and accept pain or hurt that comes to you. It is the only common sense for human beings.
If someone pushes you, don’t push back….We must have the courage to refuse to hit back…. - Martin Luther
Non-violence has a spiritual concept; Passive physically, but strongly active spiritually. Non-violence resists, often expresses itself through non-cooperation and avoids not only external physical violence but also internal mental violence.
Non-violence is infinitely superior to violence. Non-violence has to be practiced…..Non-violence, when it becomes active, travels with extraordinary velocity, and then it becomes a miracle.
Where there is action, there is the fruit of action; and where there is fruit of action, there is rebirth; and where there is rebirth, there is suffering. Blessed are those who suffer for the sake of righteousness. Where there is struggle, there is a life.
A winner never quits and a quitter never wins. He who runs away commits mental violence. Some things are worse than violence is cowardice. If cowardice is the only alternative to violence, it is better to fight. You gain nothing by becoming coward.
Insecure feelings, jealousy, resentment gives you hate; envy makes you ruthless and violent. A man with a restless mind, inevitably accuse and use harsh words with reaction of fear, delusion, leading to rivalry.
Overwhelming insecurity that stems from an unstable childhood or disruptive family life.
Jealousy is an emotion that has roots in a basic insecurity. Jealousy of all types is merely a deep seated fear of rejection. It is not love that produces jealousy; it is selfishness. Jealousy is often irrational. Jealousy is the bitter enemy of happiness. Jealousy is the most deadly disease than any other physical disease.
Reality can never be illusion, nor can illusion ever be called reality. It's hard to tell where reality ends and illusion begins. They blend - then they separate.
When reality doesn’t support delusions(false beliefs), the mind will be constantly dwelling on negative thoughts. The reaction is not dangerous really but no longer capable of interacting normally with others. The behavior is often modified drastically by nature of thinking and vision. There is a tendency to extremes in behavior, swings from normal to abnormal. Their psychological and emotional cycles are more complex than the normal people.
Being excessive sensitivity and extremes of emotions make others uneasy and nervous. Too much display of emotions, raw passions, undue suspicion, and pride are all obstacles in life. Public scenes and raw naked, uncontrolled passions makes people often feel embarrass and uncomfortable.
Some may unconsciously absorb the habit of immense pride and arrogance. They are found to be head strong, always irritable and in a foul mood, even have volatile tongue couched in humor.
There is no venom as sharp as the sharp venom of tongue.
When their dominance is restricted or offended, they retaliate as much fervor as once loved. They can go into a sudden rage of impatience and irritation. When frustrated is evident there language becomes abusive.
The Vedas say: what a person thinks, he will speak and what he speaks, he will do.
There is nothing to be gained figuring how to get even, by firing off in all directions or hitting the wrong targets. When you try to get even, you hurt yourself more than you hurt the other. Seek for justice, not revenge. It is literally boring to go out of the way to get even.
If you project hatred and jealousy they will rebound on you with compound interest. Remembering this will prevent you from doing wicked things. – Swami Vivekananda
Envy, hatred and quarrels destroy your ability to enjoy even your food. Anger and hate makes you tired and nervous, ruining your looks, giving you blood pressure, heart trouble and many other ailments.
Reality can never be illusion, nor can illusion ever be called reality. It's hard to tell where reality ends and illusion begins. They blend - then they separate.
When reality doesn’t support delusions(false beliefs), the mind will be constantly dwelling on negative thoughts. The reaction is not dangerous really but no longer capable of interacting normally with others. The behavior is often modified drastically by nature of thinking and vision. There is a tendency to extremes in behavior, swings from normal to abnormal. Their psychological and emotional cycles are more complex than the normal people.
Being excessive sensitivity and extremes of emotions make others uneasy and nervous. Too much display of emotions, raw passions, undue suspicion, and pride are all obstacles in life. Public scenes and raw naked, uncontrolled passions makes people often feel embarrass and uncomfortable.
Some may unconsciously absorb the habit of immense pride and arrogance. They are found to be head strong, always irritable and in a foul mood, even have volatile tongue couched in humor.
There is no venom as sharp as the sharp venom of tongue.
When their dominance is restricted or offended, they retaliate as much fervor as once loved. They can go into a sudden rage of impatience and irritation. When frustrated is evident there language becomes abusive.
The Vedas say: what a person thinks, he will speak and what he speaks, he will do.
There is nothing to be gained figuring how to get even, by firing off in all directions or hitting the wrong targets. When you try to get even, you hurt yourself more than you hurt the other. Seek for justice, not revenge. It is literally boring to go out of the way to get even.
If you project hatred and jealousy they will rebound on you with compound interest. Remembering this will prevent you from doing wicked things. – Swami Vivekananda
Envy, hatred and quarrels destroy your ability to enjoy even your food. Anger and hate makes you tired and nervous, ruining your looks, giving you blood pressure, heart trouble and many other ailments.
Hate is the subtlest form of violence...Hatred injuries the hater, never the hatred. _ Mahatma Gandhi
When you hate your enemies, you are giving them power over you; sleep, to control your happiness, power over your sleep, health, and your looks. Your hate is not hurting them, but your hate is turning days and nights into sleeplessness and turmoil.
A heart full of forgiveness, tenderness and love will improve your looks.
If we look after our souls, achieve an inner harmony and spiritual health, our bodies also will become healthy. – Elisabeth Haith
Faces have been wrinkled and hardened by anger, hate and resentment. Burying resentment in silence won’t make negative traits disappear. Vengeance and grudges kills the spirit and makes you lose your skills to survive in life.
Words of a down fallen President and Dictator, “A man shows strong bitterness who doesn’t agree with his attitude or qualities. Hate does not leave a space for a person to be fair and it makes you blind and closes all doors of thinking and keeps away, one from balanced thinking and making right choice or judgment.”
A person with arrogance is bound to face a fall. Everyone has to answer for his sins before God. Repentance is only antidote for sins.
Peaceful mind cannot use mental violence which gives deepest sorrow to others. Body ailments can be treated, but when something goes wrong with the mind there is no life altering treatment possible.
Emotional strength flows from a healthy and hearty sense of self-esteem. Emotionally strong man/woman doesn’t need to be respected, respects themselves. He/She is able to be gentle with others, respect, understanding and peaceful inclinations.
People who have given no attention to real spiritual development and beliefs are always very tender to their own feelings and equally careless of the sufferings of others.
People who create mental violence are neurotically secretive, have immobile and controlled facial expressions. Mental violence is mostly secret revolt, underhanded and kept hidden. These people enjoy mental games and send others into despair.
One who torments and shed reputation of others, have no mental peace in their life.
People who are obsessive have paranoid delusions, false and irrational beliefs, distorted thoughts, delusions of persecutions that people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, fear that they may be deceived. False beliefs or thoughts have nothing to do with reality. They believe themselves to be very famous or important figure, in their family or community.
When mental violence does occur, it is most frequently targeted at family members, friends, and more often takes place at home. Sometimes even in work places.
Hard-mouthed wife(Passionate wife extremes in all matters), ill-nature or betrayal friend, a servant with arrogance, to reside or living in a house along with a serpent; without any doubt, these(any one of) four will cause the dying agony to a man.
One strong characteristic of these people is a silent, dignified superiority of appearance. They may behave soft, sophisticated and refined on the exterior but with a ruthless mind concealed inside. Not that every silent and dignified man is ruthless.
Highly emotional, but often doesn’t show it on the outside. These people tend to behave normally in social situations and displays on outgoing personality.
Each person demonstrates himself or herself, both inwardly and outwardly by the concepts he or she holds inwards and displays outwardly.
Some people are in the habit of picking holes. He/She is experimental and more subtle and tries to provoke some trouble emotionally. Every attempt he/she makes to draw you out of yourself to become nervous and lose self-control. He/she can aggravate mental feelings and make you feel miserable. He/she wants to know better through your reaction, becoming furious, out burst emotionally, by spells of fury.
He/She thrives on emotional drama, usually creates violent scenes frequently; and cannot refrain from testing others with cutting remarks. He/she cannot live peacefully without suspicion; always tries and succeeds to create some mystery through others reaction. He/she tends to blow hot and cold which creates situations in domestic life.
Refusal to see any view point of others, but only their when personal emotions are involved.
Submissiveness and forgiveness! Detachment and caution! He/She is short on these qualities. He/She is self-oriented, expect and exact universal submission, and desire to shine duly taking the co-operation of everyone. He/She takes great opportunity of very passive and withdrawal, and less emotionally responsive people.
To accept passively is to co-operate and to say that hostile behavior and actions are morally right.
He/She will not tolerate to hear any negative things about his/her attitude; disagree or any disapproval and once in a while your non-cooperation. He/She becomes resentful and your reputation spreads so badly.
Stifling freedom of thought and expression, and anything in it would be an evil in itself. People who refuse to see others emotions and bury others sensitive feelings are cold and heartless, lacking all enlightenment and perception.
We cannot agree and cooperate with ruthless mind. We must meet wicked and crafty mind by openness and simplicity. – Mahatma Gandhi
Hidden enmity and craftiness of mind, and selfish motivation will cause pain with scant regard for the rights and feelings of others. He/She never bothers for the well being of others and possesses no affection to anybody.
Love is life; and hatred is death.
He/She is intend to hurt emotionally not physically. It is guaranteed to spoil your emotional health, your self-esteem, your reputation or at the very least, your enjoyment of life. Gradually physical health will damage badly. He/she behaves like a regular tyrant, has a reputation lasting out in revenge.
People have little or no immunity to long-continued mental and emotional pressures.
Sadism is a twisted form of behavior that occurs when a person is emotionally fragile into a square knot by inner complexities of confusion and fear, and misery begets misery. Being sadistic is usually a mental illness where something is lacking in the person to where they cannot relate to others feelings.
An action cannot be performed unless it is backed by thought. Actions speak louder than words.
He/She knows how to undermine to get what he wants until you begin to lose a grip on whatever it is yours. Yet he/she tortures, remaining cool, observes emotionally detached and his victim wears down drop by drop until he is broken.
One drop of water a day, falling steadily over the years on a rick, will finally split the stone in half.
Birds must fly. Birds in cages constitute unbearable cruelty against Nature’s intent. If you love something very, very much, let it go free. If it does not return, it was never meant to be yours. If it does, cherish it forever!
Man does not live on bread alone. Bread baked without love is bitter bread, which feeds but half man’s hunger.
An imbalanced mind says one thing today and tomorrow another thing. There is a saying that the tongue has no bone. It is not steady. It says something today and tomorrow it may say something else.
Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. The dictionary interprets bitter as characterized by hatred and resentment.
He/She is master of satire and bitterly sarcastic, you may cringe from a bright remark thrown at you so casually that you’re unable to pin down the exact meaning or the intent. Yet, you’ll have a decidedly uncomfortable feeling.
Sarcasm usually means saying something exactly in the opposite form, what he/she really think and believe. Sarcasm both hurts and puzzles, twisting the truth and falsehood in such a way as to weave them together and make each appear to be the other.
The swiftest way to destroy an enemy is not through verbal abuse, but through subtle ridicule. Satirical laugh will drive you out, to efface from his/her way and surroundings. He/She merely means to awaken a sense of moral shame in you.
He/She is clever enough to create a twisted plot of revenge; clever to connect the cause and effect, contempt for consequences. Openness and transparency is totally absent.
A person is a splendid fellow as long as he can be used for self-centered interests, but when he/she no longer contributes to their happiness and well-being, you will be tossed aside with no more compunction to him/her, like one would throw away a squeezed lemon.
Learn not to throw away anything of real value. Save everything because eventually all will be useful in the light of new understanding.
Do not believe that only fresh creations are worth while, but don’t throw out the baby, with the bath water.
No civilized human being likes to have his conscience so severely tested. He/She will push your patience to the limit and outraged your sense of decency in someway, and your wounded heart.
Humiliation is almost seen unavoidable. It is hard to laugh or smile, when one is perplexed and overwhelmed by sorrow and shame.
You cannot wait for peace to be made, for arguments to be settled, for the quarrelsomeness of selfish men/women to subside. Don’t wait for someone else to lift you up. Lift yourselves up to advance. Sometimes reluctantly tolerate and silently walk away.
Retreat and with draw yourself, not because it is the strategic thing to do, but because it is the right thing to do.
A good conscience is a soft pillow. – James Freeman Clarke
Go your own way, Live your own life….Give people a long rope, but when that snaps, there is no coming back.
In speaking of love, we are not referring to some sentimental or affectionate emotion. It would be nonsense to urge men/women to love his foe, in an affectionate sense. Love and affection is understanding, loyalty to conscience and goodwill.
Sometimes the remedy is worse than the injury. You must understand that they are not totally responsible for their dislike or hate. Dislike doesn’t mean as a hate.
Loyalty is the strongest foundation on which an enduring love can be built. Even when affection seems to have been destroyed, it can always be reconstructed on the firm foundation of steady loyalty that never cracked through freezing weather, that with stood the fires of anger and the floods of all kinds of temporary emotions.
Wisdom teaches judicious activity. There is an old saying, “a man is a fool who can’t be angry, but a man is wise who won’t be angry.”
Instead of hatred, give your humility, compassion and understanding; give your help, your tolerance and your prayers. “Live and let Live” pardoning mentality, child like good heart brings peace to the mind.
Bhagavad-Gita states, “For the enlightened person calmness is the means.”
Grow spiritually, become calm, and strengthen your firm belief in God, not to fear men scorn. Faith in God and humanity in an inner voice protects you everywhere.
To face evil power, man has no means of his own, except the power of faith in the God, who can deliver him from an enemy.
Learn the art of relaxation, even at leisure, and remain active. When unmerited suffering is redemptive and something happened to you, may be something else would come of it. Everything will turn out to be best in the end.
Yesterday is past, today is unimportant, all important matters lie in the future, not in emotionally clinging to what is gone and can never return in quite the same shape or form. Tomorrow was made for some. Tomorrow is a bright, new day of promise! who knows what magic it may hold?
Sarcasm usually means saying something exactly in the opposite form, what he/she really think and believe. Sarcasm both hurts and puzzles, twisting the truth and falsehood in such a way as to weave them together and make each appear to be the other.
The swiftest way to destroy an enemy is not through verbal abuse, but through subtle ridicule. Satirical laugh will drive you out, to efface from his/her way and surroundings. He/She merely means to awaken a sense of moral shame in you.
He/She is clever enough to create a twisted plot of revenge; clever to connect the cause and effect, contempt for consequences. Openness and transparency is totally absent.
A person is a splendid fellow as long as he can be used for self-centered interests, but when he/she no longer contributes to their happiness and well-being, you will be tossed aside with no more compunction to him/her, like one would throw away a squeezed lemon.
Learn not to throw away anything of real value. Save everything because eventually all will be useful in the light of new understanding.
Do not believe that only fresh creations are worth while, but don’t throw out the baby, with the bath water.
No civilized human being likes to have his conscience so severely tested. He/She will push your patience to the limit and outraged your sense of decency in someway, and your wounded heart.
Humiliation is almost seen unavoidable. It is hard to laugh or smile, when one is perplexed and overwhelmed by sorrow and shame.
You cannot wait for peace to be made, for arguments to be settled, for the quarrelsomeness of selfish men/women to subside. Don’t wait for someone else to lift you up. Lift yourselves up to advance. Sometimes reluctantly tolerate and silently walk away.
Retreat and with draw yourself, not because it is the strategic thing to do, but because it is the right thing to do.
A good conscience is a soft pillow. – James Freeman Clarke
Go your own way, Live your own life….Give people a long rope, but when that snaps, there is no coming back.
In speaking of love, we are not referring to some sentimental or affectionate emotion. It would be nonsense to urge men/women to love his foe, in an affectionate sense. Love and affection is understanding, loyalty to conscience and goodwill.
Sometimes the remedy is worse than the injury. You must understand that they are not totally responsible for their dislike or hate. Dislike doesn’t mean as a hate.
Loyalty is the strongest foundation on which an enduring love can be built. Even when affection seems to have been destroyed, it can always be reconstructed on the firm foundation of steady loyalty that never cracked through freezing weather, that with stood the fires of anger and the floods of all kinds of temporary emotions.
Wisdom teaches judicious activity. There is an old saying, “a man is a fool who can’t be angry, but a man is wise who won’t be angry.”
Instead of hatred, give your humility, compassion and understanding; give your help, your tolerance and your prayers. “Live and let Live” pardoning mentality, child like good heart brings peace to the mind.
Bhagavad-Gita states, “For the enlightened person calmness is the means.”
Grow spiritually, become calm, and strengthen your firm belief in God, not to fear men scorn. Faith in God and humanity in an inner voice protects you everywhere.
To face evil power, man has no means of his own, except the power of faith in the God, who can deliver him from an enemy.
Learn the art of relaxation, even at leisure, and remain active. When unmerited suffering is redemptive and something happened to you, may be something else would come of it. Everything will turn out to be best in the end.
Yesterday is past, today is unimportant, all important matters lie in the future, not in emotionally clinging to what is gone and can never return in quite the same shape or form. Tomorrow was made for some. Tomorrow is a bright, new day of promise! who knows what magic it may hold?
Freedom is the Gift of God. Only in freedom of thought, individual liberty of opinion and action, men can be genuine and honest friends. People, who believe in simple truth and decency, are certain to be good friends.
Men wind on confusions and entanglements, because they are afraid of simple truth. Humility and simple truth are more powerful than power. Truth is always simple and divine.
Three things to prevent; Laziness, Falsehood and Slander.
Instead of truth, some people would prefer Ultimate Reality or Unity of Spirit. The essence of human unity; God exists, is present always and everywhere in all human hearts as well as transcending the whole world is supremely powerful.
Civilization is the conquest of one’s mind and passions. Love rules without a sword and binds without a cord. Authority is the attribute of a person. Authority is fed by service, sympathy and affection. Power has nothing to do.
No nation can preach brotherhood successfully until it practices it at home. When conscience dwells at home, the road is wide open to corruption and cruelty, and to tyranny.
Gandhi said, “A nation whose citizens have not learned control of self, cannot rule itself as a national entity.”
One who desires to rule others are tense during the day and sleepless at night in fear of losing their power. Power is fickle, there is always the prospect of losing it along with respect.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Of all the men of history who exercised power in the sense of which Action was speaking-political power, military power, and personal power. Power is the attribute of a machine. Power feeds on the tears and sorrow of its victim.
The biggest challenge and test in life is choosing between, the power of love or the love of power.
People who exert power to change outer environment is tyrant, and they rarely have poise. Develop poise and wisdom enough not to strike others in fear before others strike.
Those who seek poise of mind, equanimity and spirituality reduce contacts with the world. They keep the world out to keep poise within.
When you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper, and when you are in the wrong, you cannot afford to lose it. – Bhagavad-Gita
Wrong actions are the actions of the sensory organs, whatever we do creates some sort of impression in the subconscious mind.
In his own country, sins(evil) by the people, the king obtains; sins by the king ,the priest obtains; sins by wife, husband obtains; and sins by the student, the teacher or preceptor obtains.
An evil act will reap a bad fruit under the law of compensation. Every wrong action causes punishment first in the inner nature to the soul and externally in circumstances in different forms of pain and misery.
A life given to darkness is a Godless life. It is not a wise thing for one to suffer in this life so that one can be happy in the next. One must be happy here and now. Forgiveness is the only way out of the vicious and very debilitating grip of bad karma. – Swami Vivekananda
Man should realize that he can lose nothing because he has nothing to lose. It is very important for a human being to be spiritual, not to harm and suffer others. Otherwise he behaves like an animal. Believe in karma and in doing good. It gives immense strength.
At the end of the day, though, it's not just about the quantity, but the quality too. It depends on each person how he wants to live in.
When one is free from delusion caused by pride, he can begin the process of surrender to God.
Succeed like a human being. The man may be right or the moment may be right; but it is only when the two conjoin that an hour of history is struck.
One has to develop wisdom and spiritual knowledge; has to cultivate knowledge of what is actually his own and what is actually not his own. And when he has an understanding of things as they are he becomes free from all dual conceptions. – Bhagavad-Gita

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