Money is currency, served as a medium of exchange. Money is a source of survival of our livelihood. Money is extremely significant for a man to lead his life happily and comfortably. Money affords to buy luxuries, comforts, creature and beauty of surroundings. Money keeps us comfortable, can be promise for a secure future.
The goodness of wealth resorts to ‘No need to looking behind’. Money is an indicator of practical success, but money itself cannot make us successful. Our attitude towards money has a significant reflection on our attitude to life.
Money plays the role of a recognized value. There is a temptation for money. People love it, and go all out to earn as much of it as they can. Some people money is for excitement. Some are known for making money and holding it. Some people have an ambition to earn more money for a noble purpose.
Virtue tends to our improvement and vice to our degeneration. Do not sell virtue to purchase wealth, neither liberty to purchase power. It stops our growth and limits our possibilities.
Republics end through luxury; Monarchies through poverty.
A greedy, simply desires and motivated to get as rich as possible at the expense of others. He will never acknowledge the down side of his own incredible greed. Greediness makes him to crave for money. Resorting to shortcuts removes one from spirit.
When we let money to dictate our life, we become its slave; and in the end, money begins to rule us.
Money is very important, yet it is not everything. Money alone can not buy happiness. Happiness is needed more for wealth, than wealth is needed for happiness.
The goodness of wealth resorts to ‘No need to looking behind’. Money is an indicator of practical success, but money itself cannot make us successful. Our attitude towards money has a significant reflection on our attitude to life.
Money plays the role of a recognized value. There is a temptation for money. People love it, and go all out to earn as much of it as they can. Some people money is for excitement. Some are known for making money and holding it. Some people have an ambition to earn more money for a noble purpose.
Virtue tends to our improvement and vice to our degeneration. Do not sell virtue to purchase wealth, neither liberty to purchase power. It stops our growth and limits our possibilities.
Republics end through luxury; Monarchies through poverty.
A greedy, simply desires and motivated to get as rich as possible at the expense of others. He will never acknowledge the down side of his own incredible greed. Greediness makes him to crave for money. Resorting to shortcuts removes one from spirit.
When we let money to dictate our life, we become its slave; and in the end, money begins to rule us.
Money is very important, yet it is not everything. Money alone can not buy happiness. Happiness is needed more for wealth, than wealth is needed for happiness.
A man who has lots of money leads restless, and fear of unknown life. Greedy people are anxious all day making money and worried all night that he would lose it. Money also breeds misery and suffering. He is very cautious and wise, doesn’t believe friends and people. A lock is always better than suspicion. And he doesn’t really know whether the friends are there for him or for the money. He is prone to fear and doubt, that people try to use him to their advantage.
People rely on something that is not certain and end up getting upset. Uncertainty causes a craving for stability.
A prudent man lays by something to be use in his old age. He who is prudent in his youth feels happy in the afternoon of his life. A prudent man does not make the goat his gardener.
Prudence pays in the long run. It is better to be safe than sorry. You can be courteous, gracious and discriminating with being a prude.
In a state of ignorance, people forget that the most reliable thing in the universe is ourselves, and start relying on money as a source of security. When people lack faith in the Divine or in their own abilities or in the goodness of society, they suffer from a deep sense of insecurity.
The reason some people are stingy is also the reason they are rich. The miser lives in misery in fear that his hoarded wealth may not last till his endless future. There is such a thing as too much foresight. Requesting a miser to help with money is extracting blood out of stone. There is no come and go with him.
Miserliness is to be grieved; one who is not a giver even when there is wealth is to be grieved. – Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswati Swami, Kanchi
The deeply imbedded fear of dependence in old age is what makes many of them live so economically as to be called stingy. But that's really too harsh a word. Economy does not have to mean cheap.
Some focus entirely on making money, forgetting that money without time and energy to spend it is worthless.
Where money accumulates, men decay. Idleness is an appendix of nobility. One saves; another reaped. A man who lives above his means is sure to be ruined. He grieves more than is necessary, who grieves before it is necessary.
Peace makes money and money makes war.
Generations together, in rich families it is so normal they have big clashes and separations. Because of money and property, one's own people will turn inimical. There is bad blood between the two brothers owing to a dispute about property. And close relatives fight with each other for money and property. People split because of money and possessions.
The true fraternal relationship is that remains enduring without any wealth disparities.
Wealth is an important factor that can lead to disparities among people. When wealth is centralized the people are dispersed. When wealth is distributed the people are brought together.
Wealth can be attained through one's skills, abilities, inheritance or through corrupt means. The means of attaining wealth brings its own consequences.
The very motive for corruption is peace and happiness. Yet peace and happiness remain elusive when the means are corrupt. Corruption is an assault on consciousness.
Most people with money are arrogant, because of the feeling of independence that money brings.
The awareness of dependence on the other hand makes one humble. The basic human quality is taken away by the false feeling of independence.
Possessing money brings arrogance, rejecting it too makes one arrogant. Some people who renounce money take pride in their poverty to draw attention and sympathy. When we reject or hate something, we can never transcend it.
Honor wealth as Goddess Lakshmi - the consort of Narayana. The goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, is every unstable. Wealth is highly unstable.
A hypocrite is aware of what he is doing. He is pretentious with his false face, very subtle and manipulative, cringe from sycophancy. Too much courtesy, shows too much craft. He always tries to divert your attention and potential to exploit others. Cleverness is not wisdom. Cleverness of any type will eliminate the spirit.
Cleverness, common sense, coupled with a sense of humor will enable him to turn even rejection to his own advantage by revealing to one and all, what a truly caring and generous person he is.
Our income is like our shoes; if too small, they pinch; if too large, we stumble. Every extra thing you own is trouble.
A man, who has earned money, should also earn common sense(to quit). Common sense sometimes deserts us. To earn is difficult, to preserve it is more difficult. When a man is happy, he does not hear the clock strike. Pride is due to illusion. Where boasting ends, there dignity begins.
Praise makes good man wise, and bad man worse.
Sometimes we lack exposure and do not know what is happening around us. If you're extravagant, you simply spend money like water. Money will flow away like water drops falling on the bamboo leaf. When we really come to realize, everything diminishes, is a disaster. For example, money is just like water in our hands, but just through our loose fingers all the water drains out.
Money: It is something you earn. It is something you save. It is something you spend sparingly and wisely. It is something you absolutely never waste or throw away carelessly.
Enjoy when you can and endure when you must. If you buy what you do not need, you will need what you cannot buy. Spend thrift to be generous. Be gist before you are generous.
Will waste bring woeful wart. Who goes borrowing, goes a sorrowing. Be sensible in spending your money. It is more sensible to be safe than sorry. Prevent and prohibit wrong things.
Problems arise when we are unable to handle ourselves dexterously. Sometimes a cash crisis will work out in your favor. A man who will not repeat his earlier errors, money will never be scarce. Scarcity of funds reveals lack of good temperament. Should you wish for abundant prosperity, do not cringe before the wealthy.
A man without money in the society is a failure; mismanagement of finance leads a person to penury. No man is useless while he has a friend. A poor man has no friends. People around will not accept him nor willing to join with him. He, who comes uncalled, sits un-served. He feels like a fish out of water in a situation. An injury is much sooner forgotten than an insult. Celebrate publicly. Cry alone, in other words, “Never let others see you sweat.” Detach yourselves from uncontrollable situations.
It is often better not to see an insult than to avenge it. - Seneca Edmond
As long as you have the ability to earn money, so long people will be attached to you. After that no one would even speak to you a word. And no one would like to shower words of praise on you.
Money is the only security against human sufferings. Hopefully a financial risk may be better than an emotional one.
Money makes many things. Money is a sweet balm; it heals all wounds.
Money makes the world go around. A man, one being rich and wealthy is attributed with every beneficial quality. Money is very important in one’s life and the acquisition of money and its management contributes in making successful in life.
Give advice to all but be security to none.
The value of good money is earned by doing well to the others. The act of giving is also an act of self fulfillment. He, who wants to do well, knocks at the gate; he who loves everything good finds the gates open. Should we long for luck to come to others, money will move to us.
Money we earn would not just benefit us, but also contributes to a better and prosperous society.

Goddess of Wealth
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