The crown of spiritual life is the vision of unity. Make God your guide when you walk on the path of life. Let God be your life.
Spirituality, has been defined as expansion beyond the ego and personality into union with the universal Divine or what we call God. It goes with the development of the basic virtues of love, peace, truth, right action and non-violence.
Spirituality is different types of faith and different kinds of worship. Faith in God originally comes out of the mode of goodness.
Man has to go through the transitional stages of prayer, devotion, service and self-surrender to God. Surrender your tomorrow to God, to find peace in your life today. Surrender to the Lord with faith and devotion.
Destiny is powerless before Divine Grace. The entire creation constantly moves towards the Divine.
Each soul is potentially divine. Divinity clearly controls human nature, external and internal. Divinity is the spiritual status, manifests holiness and faith.
Spirituality takes many forms; either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy. It is not connected to a specific belief or form of worship. It can be about the experiences and expressions of one’s spirit or the soul.
For many people, spirituality is simply a search for meaning, values and purpose of life. Some people satisfy their spiritual yearnings by seeking harmony with nature and the universe. Some people express spirituality through music, meditation and art.
Art plays an important role in awakening the vital energy of our inner most being and leads us to self-transformation. The growing confusion that has at present clouded, creative effort will clear only when art becomes a means of life; and life a means of art, to enlarge and expand human consciousness.
The art experience is valuable for it spreads love, peace and compassion.
Spirituality gives highest enlightenment for the progression of life. Spirituality gives utmost powers of patience and moral strength, humanity and faith in an inner voice.
Spirituality guides you to the righteousness path where the seen and unseen profits abound. – Sri Chandrasekhara Saraswati Swami, Kanchi
An “age” of four yugas, which cycle perpetually: Satya or Krita-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dwapara-yuga, and Kali-yuga. As the ages proceed from Satya to Kali, religion and the good qualities of men gradually decline.The stages of evolution of inner personality in Yugas:
Man thrives with knowledge and wisdom. He does work and accomplishes in Krita-yuga.
The man who makes his mind up to work; observes his duty in Treta-yuga.
The man is in dilemma(doubt) whether to accept the responsibility; is attracted towards wealth, with greediness in Dwapara-yuga.
Inert person, who is the most negligent of his work, and is filled with desires in Kali-yuga, an age of quarrels(fighting or war) and hypocrisy. Kali-yuga, is also called as karma(action)-yuga.
In Kali-Yuga, age of quarrels and hypocrisy the only means of deliverance is chanting the holy name of the God. There is no other way.
Man can observe contemplation in Krita(the golden era); perform sacrifice(Tretagni) in Treta and worship in Dwapara. But man can only utter God’s name in Kali, as he is helpless to observe all other rituals. This is how and why singing in praise of God, gains momentum in the Kali-yuga.
Men can inspire to fight but women inspire to unite.
"All things are brought into being with a changing nature; the ages themselves glide by a constant movement."
The Vedas are known to be impersonal and eternal. Vedas teach us the immortality of soul. Vedic hymn or a transcendental sound can help you elevating and achieve spiritual awakening. Sacred chants of the Vedas, chanting and exposition of mantras spreads divine grace, for the improvement of principled life.
Every sacred mantra has in itself the potency of the spirit. A mantra is a sound that creates a specific energy pattern in the mind. By chanting and hearing the sound vibrations create a change in the energy formations in one’s consciousness.
When enlightened by pious activities, people approach the God in different capacities-as the distressed, those in want of money, the inquisitive, and those in search of knowledge.
Belief in God, prayer, contemplation and other activity sanctified by practice by generations are for the human spirit. When people get disturbed by various anxieties, the best means of chanting the holy name of the God. You will be saved by unknown spirit, even in defenceless circumstances.
Worshipping God, guides towards realisation of spiritual values.
Prayer to God is selfish in the beginning, becomes selfless later on and purifies the devotee's mind. By constant chanting God's name one's ear, tongue and mind are engaged. Prayer is the mystic meditation, is very easy to practice. Prayers help in self-protection; in hostile and adverse circumstances. Prayer and meaning in life are described as information gained by experience. Prayers are very important, even more important than the ritual of stiff daily exercise.
Bhagavad-Gita laid stress on action or karma yoga. The action one has done cannot be destroyed until he has borne its fruit; no power in nature can stop it from yielding its results.
A virtuous man alone can clearly hear the soul's inner voice. Virtuous actions of the past produce intellect and realisation through dedicating the fruits of one’s work to God. Dispassion and detachment does not want to destroy men but to bring about in them a transformation and a change for the better.
In the world everything causes fear, and in dispassion alone is fearless. When dispassion develops, the mind immediately stops thinking of the external world and it is immediately drawn into the Self.
Fear arises only when the Self is forgotten and the objective world assumes the air of reality. The sage alone is free from fear, because he has seen and known the imperishable Reality. Freedom from fear comes from firm understanding of the Truth.
One of the life’s challenges is to sift knowledge from information. Knowledge signifies a complete understanding of the situation, object or person. A person full of mere information becomes egotistic. So, he cannot bow down and be humble. Wisdom has no relation to information.
Information about an object, person or situation, however, can change with a person’s growing awareness. There is no real destruction in nature; apparent destruction brings new forms of life.
Perception alone is creation. There is no creation other than perception. Perception is reality. Perception of a thing is its origination. Perception through the sense organs is indeed wondrous. Perceptions can also be highly subjective and biased by previous experience.
A man, who believes in the law of karma, is ready to face any challenge in life. He is free from confusion, is dexterous in action and has faith in God as well as man of humanity. He believes that material activities, for which on incurs subsequent reactions, produced by a cause which is good and noble.
The identity of truth and wisdom with all other virtues had first struck me on reading the Vedas. - Mahatma Gandhi
The Vedic wisdom advises, in order to solve the perplexities of life and to understand the science of the solution, one must approach a spiritual master who is in the discipline succession.
The mode of ignorance: Spirituality is inherent in everyone of us. It is due to the cover of Maya or ignorance, we are unable to identify it in us. An ignorant performs his duties with attachments to material existence. Sense gratification is the root cause of material existence. An intellect and learned engages in all kind of activities, but completely freedom from material existence.
Gradually one can change his position from ignorance to goodness. Every little action has its effect on character. With every struggle in life you evolve a little.
Spirituality is very important for human being, to achieve an inner harmony and spiritual health. The more you feel the presence of God, the more you feel free.
In order to keep the balance of social tranquillity for progress in spiritual life; social service and a company of holy persons’ are essential to ensure success in life.
A person who understands, values, make proper use of essentials to keep him fit and healthy for the purpose of self-realisation, leading to the ultimate goal of life, namely liberation from the material struggle for existence.
Spiritual path is attainable while fulfilling one's responsibilities towards family, work and society. The deviation and declining from duty does not help you in the progress of spiritual life, neither does it even give one the opportunity to become famous in the world. For spiritual progress, man believes, desires, strives for, acts and plans, projects according to his vision. Individuality is to be maintained on spiritual grounds, and elevate your spirituality.
Persons who chant the holy names of God, are far advanced in spiritual life, even if born in families of different castes and religions. Such chanters have undoubtedly performed all kinds of austerities and sacrifices, bathed in all sacred waters and finished all spiritual studies.
Observation brings wisdom, not old age. - Proverb
Wisdom removes the shadow of ignorance and the distress of darkness. Ignorance is bondage and freedom from ignorance is liberation. Bondage and liberation exist not in the self, but in the mind.
God was simply "an undefinable, mysterious power that pervades everything." - Mahatma Gandhi
The divine pleasure is gifted life with instinctive wisdom to care and cater for the progression of life.
The whole world is the garnet of the Lord. Renounce it, then and receive it back as the gift of God. Renunciation is itself the law of life. When we speak of action undertaken without regard for the fruits of action we mean renunciation. That is renunciation of fruits. - Mahatma Gandhi
A man aspires for humanity is very sober and sophisticated, and his mental qualities were one of respecting the tradition without discarding and disparaging the modern trends. For humanity, spiritual power is the protection, the healing of the body, the soul and the spirit, and unity of rise divine love and peace.
Happiness comes through self-realization. Inner- realization should lead to outer expression of love and compassion.
Humanism, love of wisdom, scientific bent of mind, knowledge and expression, peace and harmony; joins all together gives the power of spirituality. Spirituality develops the expansion of personal love into universal love for all beings. It develops inner spiritual peace which remains unaffected in any situation, regardless of external events.
God Consciousness is the only way for inner peace. Peace is the experience of the soul. Peace has spiritual quality. Bhakti or devotion is in tense, love of God is said to open the way to spiritual illumination.
Spirituality brings wisdom, true knowledge of oneness, refinement and Liberation. Desiring perfection in spirituality, one practices celibacy.
One possessed of strong dispassion and a burning desire for liberation from the snares of samsara(cycle of birth and death) would do well to lead a life of celibacy. To such aspirant, married life is a mere obstacle serving no useful purposeful. This is not to derogate married life.
By leading a life of detachment, in spite of being in the midst of worldly activities, the householder not only raises himself up spiritually but also becomes a great source of good to the world.
Vows of silence, fasting, celibacy, self-study and meditation, are practiced by many for Self-realization.
Celibacy is essential for spiritual life. The body and mind acquire tremendous energy and power by celibacy. Celibacy is spoken of as a vow. It is the highest vow unequal in purity and power.
Harmony and Peace
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