Nothing happens in this world without a cause, there must be some reason for the prevailing diversity in this world, especially among mankind like rich and poor, healthy and sick, happy and sad etc…
Nourishing and nurturing yourself properly brings immense and immeasurable rewards of confidence, vitality, energy, and good health.
To improve the quality of life, to eliminate health disparities: it is essential to have balanced diet, some physical activity and positive attitude.
Food is meant to sustain the body and keep it in good health. Healthy eating is a vital part of good health.
We eat food more for its entertainment value than for its nutrient value. Take food which increases energy value; to Keep your body healthy, fit and energetic. A healthy body makes for a healthy mind.
We know that when the body is healthy and strong, the mind becomes free from the bondage of the body and becomes of higher thought and imagination. - Gita
Rules of health lay stress on a balanced diet, on intake of all important ingredients of food, including minerals like iron, zinc etc.
Health problems arise due to loss of appetite or over-indulgence of food. So if man suffers, the cause for it is the excessive indulgence in some form or other.
Diseases are of two types: 1. karma (food, passivity, inactive), this is reduced by experience and can be cured without treatment. 2. with metals and broken stones, this can be cured by medicine and treatment only.
Lord Krishna says to Arjuna, "Burning fire consumes pieces of firewood and reduces them to ashes; even so does the fire of Jnana(True knowledge) convert all karma(actions) into ashes.
Hunger is a physical need, an appetite is only psychological and is triggered by temptation.
Obesity occurs through hormonal imbalance and eating sweets, cause stomach disorders from incompatible foods, and mottled skin. Kidney bladder disturbances, which in turn result in violent headaches of migraine intensity; migraine headaches, which could stem from kidney infections. Giving into depression can cause restlessness, itchy sensations in the skin and even may result in boils.
Stress and anxiety can both trigger a migraine. Migraine is a disease of cause and effect. A change in the hormonal level could be the cause of the migraine attack.
Head aches and dizziness were attributed to lack of adequate sleep rather than increased blood pressure.
Medicine alone cannot cure a disease without proper diet. Medicine and proper diet are both equally important. Medicine is sometimes bitter, but ultimately cures one of the ailment.
He fasts enough whose wife scolds all dinner time. Children never like scolding.
Nutrition in the early stages of life sure affects the overall mental growth of children. People with poor nutrition and hypothyroidism suffer from Iodine deficiencies. Inadequate Iodine supply to the body, body doesn’t have growth. Deficiencies in vitamin A, magnesium and iron can also cause the thyroid to malfunction.
A low thyroid function affects your calcium and vitamin intake.
Thyroid symptoms – fatigue and weakness (fever from fatigue or exhaustion from excessive walking or over working), low temperature(old intolerance), dry and coarse skin, cold hands and feet, weight gain, insomnia, indigestion or constipation, depression, imbalances in the inner ear lead to giddiness(unsteady, feeling faint) or vertigo, nervous disorder and tremors, immune system problems.
Distraction, lethargy, dizziness, a ringing in the ears, headaches and emotional disturbances like paranoia, anxiety and depression are some other signs of a failing memory.
Negative attitudes create negative response within the physical body.
Instability are the distractions of the mind. Too much togetherness distracts the mind. Distraction causes memory loss. Lapse of memory can lead to costly mistakes. Lethargy is the manifestation of a lack of desire.
The hammering makes you irritated and drains you of your energy. A intense throbbing or a dull aching pain on just one side of your head that leaves you frustrated. Besides being plagued by feelings of nausea, vomiting, blurred vision and the inability to concentrate, you start getting bothered by lights, sounds, even odors.
Similarly, smells, of which we are unaware, may change our moods.
There are many life events that can lead to stress. With the hustle(to push roughly) and bustle(to hurry about) of life around us, most have experienced that stressful events just don't come one at a time, but often occur in groups. The events are not stress themselves, but are stress producers.
Insomnia can have a negative impact on concentration, affect productivity and cause mood swings. All of us experience insomnia at one time or another, but for some it is a mightily suffering. Insomnia is brought about by worry and stress, and an inability to control the mind.
'You are what you eat'. If you have been on very low-calorie diet then it is possible that you are deficient in B-complex, calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. The sleep mechanism cannot function efficiently in the absence of these nutrients. But never take a b-complex tablet before going to bed, as it will keep you active.
The human psyche is at the root of all sleeplessness. It has also been noticed that people who lose weight rapidly often experience sleeplessness. The chronic insomniac finds it difficult to fall asleep or sleep uninterruptedly for long stretches, wakes up too early and has disturbed sleep.
The nature of the mind is restless and unsteady. Sometimes the best cure for restlessness is sufficient rest. Sleep is better than medicine. A person is very happy after a peaceful sleep.
Mental stress commonly produces bodily disease. Stress causes disease and leads to disease. All diseases of the body result from excess and excessive strain. Mental stress or illness affects concentration and productivity levels.
People who are very sensitive and insecure get depressed easily. Very low on confidence, they constantly seek support.
Mental performance depends on adequate Iron at every stage of life. Iron deficiency causes lack of concentration, which affects children in their academics and work performance in adults.
Intellect increases with butter and ghee, longevity increases with the milk. Milk is also rich in calcium and magnesium, which help calm the nerves.
Milk, milk products like butter and cheese, sugar, rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables are pure by nature. Protein is largely available through split peas, Dal, whole wheat etc.
People have little or no immunity to long-continued mental and emotional pressures. Gradually physical health will damage in all levels.
Overwhelming insecurity and fear of intimidation can cause much strain and anxiety. Fear, uncertainty, worry and gloom are deadlier than germs. If you are mentally unhappy, it will reflect on your physical health.
A person's most deeply held beliefs strongly influence his or her health. When the mind is affected the physical body also suffers.
Anxiety can overwhelm a person to the point where he becomes easily confused and has difficulty in thinking, to make good judgement and sound decisions.
Stifling individuality or anything in it would be an evil in itself. Stifling causes pain in the nerves. A disease, Poly-neuritis by this, spreads pain in several nerves through out the body. Disease of the human body is one of the greatest threats to its survival.
The high frequency of nervous(easily frightened) tension that accompanies with mental activity keeps them from getting enough sleep, and often the rest they do get is troubled by strange dreams.
One may suffer from nervous complaints due to intense mental activity. Over strain can cause a nervous breakdown. It is within one's own experience that when he thinks of intensely in the waking state comes up as a dream in sleep.
They need lot of fresh air, and must breathe fresh air while they’re sleeping, or they’ll never achieve stable health and longevity.
They doesn’t get much fresh air because they close their windows, pile on the blankets and still complain that they’re freezing.
Poor eating habits can bring troubles with liver and intestinal functions and digestive troubles. Individuals having a poor digestion suffer from weakness and lethargy.
Indigestion is due to a low temperature in the stomach or belly. So even for digestion, fire(digestive fire) is needed.
Pigment stones form most often in people with liver disease or blood disease, who have high levels of bilirubin (possibility of Jaundice).
Jaundice is a disease in which the body becomes yellow. Indigestion, thirsty and weakness are the three qualities of Jaundice.
If the nails are yellowish, one suffers from indigestion and windy complaints like bile combined with cold or phlegm combined with bile (the three faults - wind, bile and phlegm). Phlegm combined with wind or cold causes difficulty in swallowing and difficulty of breathing.
Colds often turn into sore throats. Bilious or windy complaints can cause harsh and irritable(easily inflamed, anger) temperament. Domestic peace comes under a cloud.
Lemon, sugar, tea, turmeric, vassa, japhal(nut-meg, a kind of aromatic nut, jajikaaya), harithaki(karakaaya) improve and promote healthy secretions of bile, reduces yellowness of the eyes.
When the liver is damaged badly, bitter fluid secreted in the liver. Ammonia levels increase abnormally body becomes helpless, and it will not cooperate with the mind.
Food containing soluble fiber stimulates glucose levels, which is good for digestion.
Liver damage causes dullness and drowsy, difficulty in concentration. One may become very passive, sleeping more than usual or not wanting to do usual activities. And also, gradually liver damage removes brightness in the eyes.
The actual life activity without which the heart and the liver would not move or function.
Liver: Liver is the main organ that metabolizes fat and is involved in the cleansing of toxins and purifying the blood. Toxins weaken the immune system and the body turns vulnerable to various diseases.
Wheat grass is a rich source of magnesium and potassium. Wheat-grass juice(rich in vitamin-E) is a highly potent liver cleanser. It can be taken as soup.
Amla(Gooseberry) removes toxins from the liver. Pineapple, Carrot, cabbage, Beetroot, Lemon, Kira juices and Raw mangoes cleanses the liver. For Strengthening the liver, Zinger, Jeera, Cardamom seeds, Ovum seeds, Saffron, Tea, Sugar, Tamarind leaves, Cinnamon bark in your diet. (anything not excess)
Diabetes: Weak liver causes diabetes. When your sugar intake rises, you develop signs of diabetes. The diabetes in which the urine would be like honey or sugar complaint. Excess sugar in the blood is very damaging. Your major body organs like heart, kidneys, blood vessels, eyes, skin and nerves become extremely vulnerable.
Caution: If you are suffering from kidney stones or are prone to kidney stones, avoid taking vitamin C supplements.
Figs dried strengthens the heart, liver and kidneys, and keeps you healthy.
Wheat: Wheat is given as the starch. Wheat grass are of good help in curing the mental and physical ailments. Wheat and its grass when taken daily cures 53 types of illness. Juice prepared with wheat grass purifies blood.
Drugs are basically introduced in the world for health treatment. Consuming chemical or herbal drugs will have lasting effects on physical as well as mental health. It can affect the liver, brain and nervous system adversely and cause mental depression and illness.
When you treat the visible physical body, along with the invisible energy body, the healing is faster. – Dr. D.Ramesh, Head of the Tamil Nadu Pranic Healing Foundation
The trouble with always trying to preserve the health of the body is that, it is so difficult to do without destroying the health of the mind. – G.K.Chesterton
Generosity is true friend in degenerating illness. One who gives to charity, serves food abundantly to the hungry and, men become healthy. And one who gives water to remove thirst obtains good appearance.
“Help the poor. That may be the only and the last way to cure your disease.” – American psychologist told to Rockefeller
Diseases arise due to inherent weakness or congenital weakness of any part of body. Such diseases can cause harm to the human body or mind. A disease that cannot be cured should be endured. Disease is triggered by the mind and emotions, and can be controlled by the mind and emotions, and can be controlled or eliminated the same way.
During the course of normal aging, the brain undergoes a number of changes. Normally People’s personalities do change somewhat with age, resulting in various degrees of age-related memory decline.
Senescence(old age) is potential foe.
Age is in the mind. It is the spirit that counts. One can be 60, yet exuberant and young at heart. Look upon whatever you do not as a job, but as a hobby. When you take that line, it gives you two essential vitamins for maturing: consistency and fun.
As people grow old, friends and family move away, retire, fall ill and die, so there has to be a replenishment of social relationships. First, being sensitive to others, be it family or friends, being supportive, forming a beautiful, warm network where people matter to you and you matter to them.
Alzheimer’s: Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive form of mental disorder that usually starts in the 40s or 50s. Adults with hobbies that exercise their brains were less likely to have Alzheimer’s disease.
Insufficient supply of sugar glucose to brain may trigger Alzheimer’s.
People with Alzheimer’s gradually experience difficulties in communicating, speech disorders, lose their ability to speak consistently.
Insufficient blood supply plays an enormous role in memory loss as it can lead to cerebral insufficiency. Low levels of zinc and B12 in the brains of Alzheimer’s involved in learning and loss of memory.
The right side of the brain controls creativity while the left side controls logical verbal activity.
Learning, thinking and reasoning-problems, severe enough to have an impact on an individual’s work, social activities and family life, as well as major personality change.
A person with damaged frontal lobes(in the brain) does not even attempt to see a problem. Even after he is prodded to do so he will not work towards its solution.
Bereavement (more than one in childhood or youth, troubles in life) can trigger depression. Depression is the biggest health threat after heart diseases.
Obsessive mental worry can make a man ill. Health is a cause for worry. Worry about his health and financial future, or financial fear and loss of someone he needs emotionally. Health of a loved one can cause some anxious moments. A relationship touches a core(the heart) that brings out high charged emotions and anxiety. If his security is threatened either at the bank or in his heart causes nervous break down. He can fall into a depression which unconsciously courts sickness or accident.
The more secret the worries, the more apt they are to manifest into nausea, indigestion or constipation. These people should get it out in the open more often, talk about it, express themselves, say what is on their minds.
Although they're externally capable and cool, inner anxieties gnaw(to bite off little by little) away at them, upsetting their digestion and their emotional balance.
Cruelty can bring on brimming eyes or a completely withdrawal. With the nervous break down, one couldn't do anything and even cannot walk without assistance or cannot walk around by himself.
The nervous system breaks down by disturbance and mental conflict. So moderation and harmony are the very principles of man's existence. It is the law of nature. - Bhagavad-Gita
The knowledge by which, man clings and holding on to one single thing (body or image), as all (that alone in all) attached, without any reason thinking of it and considering it to be the whole universe.
In-completion of any sense creates attachment of that object. Too much attachment causes numerous diseases.
One is attached to money, another is attached to work, and the other very much attached to family and children, another attached to sensual pleasures, attached to the body as the whole of life; attached to some object, and so on, in ignorance man considers it as the whole truth. There is no rational judgment behind this knowledge. It is not founded on Truth. It is trifling, producing trivial result.
But that which clings to one single effect as if it were the whole without concern for the cause without grasping the real or original and narrow is declared to be of the nature of “dullness”. – Bhagavad-Gita
A form of memory loss often precedes Alzheimer’s disease. Memory loss is one of the earliest symptoms along with a gradual decline in thought and speech, confusion and slow thinking, and also rapid changes in mood or behavior.
Aging and stress too bring about forgetfulness. A person begins to forget more often and is unable to recall the information later. This forgetfulness is due to the influence of matter upon the living entity.
The human brain resembles a peeled walnut in appearance. Wall nuts strengthens the heart, blood vessels and nervous system in the brain, and keeps the mind active. Ginger and curry leaves strengthens the memory.
When there is Iron deficiency, along with very low platelet count and vitamin K, blood clotting time is very slow. Depending on the cut or injury and blood loss, healing is also very slow.
‘Loss of blood causes loss of consciousness’. - Aristotle
Recognition is another aspect of memory. Emotional changes can also lead to long-term memory loss. Some events may be permanently erased from memory leading to the state termed 'amnesia'. Permanent loss of memory occurs when oxygen or blood supply to the brain is cut off for longer periods. Self-oblivion(self-forgetfulness) is real death.
RBC(red blood corpuscles) supplies respiratory wind. Erythrocytes gives red color to the blood.
A person, who has a blood clot in the brain, often takes too long to think, and have difficulties in speaking or difficulty in producing sounds. Preference of memory is given to topics of deep interest to the person.
Be a good listener. Take your loved one’s concerns seriously. With appropriate care and adequate life support, patients can survive. There is no other medicine than the love. There is no life without love.
Food has a profound effect on your brain - and that affects the way you feel and perform - and on your level of alertness.
A diet rich in foods containing vitamin E can help prevent, may help protect against Alzheimer’s in some people. Low-fat, antioxidant rich diet was associated with decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Such foods include fruits, vegetable oils, nuts, leafy vegetables, and whole grains.
People imagine and use bhang (cannabis), opium, tobacco, nicotine and alcohol to alter mood or ‘liberate the mind’. It will affect the body and create nervous irritability and all health related problems. These things cause feebleness and damages the functioning of the liver. An addiction happens in ignorance.
Tobacco directly affects blood pressure. It increases clot formation and the risk of precipitation a heart attack or stroke.
Smoking increases the risk of a heart attack. 'Smoking is injurious to health.' Take it seriously. Smoking leads to lung cancer. Smoking damages lungs, mind and memory loss and in the end leads to Alzheimer's disease.
Fruits and vegetables during mid life had a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s, than people who ate a diet higher in fat and sugar. High dietary intake of vitamin B, C and E are recommended for those over the age of 50, and to protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
Deficiencies in vitamin B-12 and frolic acid, and with lower scores on cognitive tests. The effectiveness of vitamin E and other antioxidants in preventing Alzheimer’s disease.
Anger is your foe. Anger increases flow of blood, fortify disease and causes to numerous diseases.
The angry impatience and frustration, this always triggers is the real cause of his health problems. His reaction to delay(when his desires are delayed or he's forced to be around negative people.) makes him ill, and the conscious cultivation of patience and cautious deliberation would keep the doctor away.
Senility is almost never a problem. Avoid anger and seek solace in spiritual and religious activities.
These days, man's physical activity has decreased, but his mental activity has increased. The head has become an exploiter; it does not allow energy to flow anywhere else. The head consumes all the energy. The heart is not aggressive. It waits.
Lack of liberal heart, is the true heart disease.
Weak heart causes high or low blood pressure. High cholesterol and high blood pressure, may also be risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease. Cut back on foods high in saturated fat and sodium to lower cholesterol.
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits are rich source of potassium, vitamin C, and loads of soluble fiber, all of which are blood pressure lowering agents.
Vitamin K – effectively protects the blood vessels from contracting, that carry blood to the heart. Vitamin K helps in blood clotting. Take 90-100 micro grams per day. Spinach, Mustard, Ground nuts with jaggery(gud), Soya beans are rich in vitamin K.
Ripe mangoes contain plenty of Vitamin A, C, E and potassium abundantly. Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol in blood, and gives beautiful skin.
Menopause: Menopause and loss of estrogen can lead to a higher likelihood of getting Alzheimer's in women. Estrogen replacement therapy after menopause and use of certain groups of drugs, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cholesterol-lowering drugs may also impact Alzheimer’s risk.
During menopause, the ovaries stop producing the normal amount of estrogen, the more dominant female hormone, and progesterone. Although hormones are produced throughout the body, the most well-known production sites are the ovaries in women.
The ovaries produce estrogen, but the amount of the fat in the body is also responsible for the overall estrogen level.
High estrogen levels promote breast and ovarian cancers. A low level of estrogen and progesterone can lead to osteoporosis, heart disease, and hormone related cancer. Adequate cholesterol is essential for the production of adequate level of hormones.
Hysterectomy: A hysterectomy is an operation to remove a woman’s uterus. During the surgery, the doctor removes the uterus. She may also take out both the ovaries and fallopian tubes at the same time. This is done when the endometriosis has severely damaged ovaries, fallopian tubes and other abdominal organs. Endometriosis(acute stomach pain with chronic fever) is a progressive disease.
Endometriosis can be a debilitating disease and the main symptoms include painful periods, pain during sex and infertility. Our ability to feel pain and react immediately to it, is essential for our survival.
Women are glad to be free from the burdens of menstrual cycles. If both ovaries are removed, you will suddenly enter menopause. Most of the women supposed to experience various menopausal symptoms and some women may have mild and few.
Frolic acid and Vitamin B12 are required to manufacture red blood cells.
Women are prescribed to take synthetic or conjugated estrogen hormones for a longer time; once they begin menopause to help and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
400mg of frolic acid, Estrogen 0.3mg , Calcium 500mg, Magnesium, B6 & Vitamin E increases immunity.
After the surgery, female hormone is not produced. The absence of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone would effect the calcium deposit in the bone. This could result in bone fractures in light injuries or even Osteoporosis(the bone thinning, fragile and weak).
Each one of us loses bone with age. But when one starts losing large amounts of it, one develops Osteoporosis. Generally, Osteoporosis occurs after menopause. Estrogen is responsible for promoting the absorption of calcium and minimizing its rejection through the urine, stools or skin.
Gradual practice lifting some weight ensures more calcium deposit in the bones increasing the mineral density following menopause preventing Osteoporosis in women.
Generally bone weakness causes to one who doesn’t get sufficient Sun rays(vitamin D) to the body.
Lack of sufficient physical movements, lead to excessive weight. People with excess of body weight puts additional strain on their joints, increasing the risk of ligament and tendon injuries, and even osteoarthritis. Softening of the cartilage beneath the knee cap results in small areas of break down and pain around the knee.
The pain and disability that comes with broken bones can result in immobility; give rise to infections, bed sores, and even death.
Walking reduces joint stiffness and increases flexibility and muscle strength.
Arthritis, ligament injuries, cartilage injuries(seen in young and old people). Tight muscles also can lead to injury; stretching is important. Any injury done to any limb affects the whole being.
Low vitamin B1 B12 B6 tied to hip fracture risk in older adults.
The parts of the body work for the satisfaction of the whole body. The limbs of the body do not act for self-satisfaction but for the satisfaction of the complete whole. – Bhagavad-Gita
Daily walks go a long way in keeping up one’s health. The walk is miles away from the talk.
Walking can be most healing and therapentic(the science of curing disease) when it is performed with deep breathing. Breathing correctly while walking trains the mind to stay concentrated on what you are doing with a high degree of focused relaxation. Walking synchronises your body, breath and mind, making you feel light and nimble, as though you are " walking like the wind".
The human body is very forgiving. The human body has self-healing powers.
After surgery, gladly invite changes in your physical being. Great relief can be felt. Enhance your happiness for your survival, and believe eternal youth is not only impossible but it would be a boring. Happiness is a state of mind and depends neither on external things, nor on identification of ourselves with our physical body.
Along with regular use of prescribed medicines, to cope with ailments, it is essential to make little changes in your diet which helps you to become better and get back your strength.
Gooseberry(Amla) - “A wellness product”. The appetizing product is ideal for health conscious young or old, who are looking for non-synthetic, natural way to promote physical and mental wellness.
Oats: Vitamin B1 B2, E, Energy 390 kilo calories, Fibre 11gms, Magnesium 177mg, Fats 7gms, starch(flour products) 66gms. Raw mangoes: Vitamin C, B1, B2
Almonds(Badam) – Plenty of calcium, Vitamin E, Zinc, Phosphorus, Folic acid, Magnesium, Essential mono saturated fats, Fibre, Potassium, Iron, Proteins.
Calcium – Brown rice is rich in calcium, Milk, Milk products. Tomato soup reduces even anger, restlessness, anxiety, depression.
Vitamin B6 – Cashew nuts, Badam, Pista, Sunflower oil, White guard cucumber seeds, Vegetables, Pulses etc.
Vitamins A, E – Amla, Soya beans, Oats, Leafy vegetables, Beans, Olive oil and Carrot increases RBC. Folic acid – Spinach.
Vitamin A is good for eyesight. It is found in yellow, orange and red fruits and vegetables.
Vitamin E increases immunity, very useful vitamin for maternity; it is available in wheat sprouts. It can cut down the risk of cancer, heart attack and also arrest the development of cataract.
Vitamin C – It is the vitamin that strengthens the teeth gums, helps to tie the body cells together and good for physical growth. Vitamin C protects skin from dryness, wrinkles. Raw mangoes, Amla, Oranges, Pomegranate, Bananas, Carrots and its juice, Tomatoes. Oats contain Vitamin C abundantly. Lemon juice gives us good sleep.
We have in us a wonderful immune system. This is akin to Lord Shiva whose function is to destroy evil. Just as Lord Shiva fights against evil tendencies, similarly, our immune system fights against foreign elements in the body.
Regardless of your age, change is inevitable. If you cannot accomplish your capabilities, and inability to focus on larger, or more straining physical work; don’t push yourself to the edge of your strength. A little push in the right direction can make a big difference.
One never grows old. It is when you stop growing that you become old. Happiness and cheerfulness keeps people maintain good health, even though having some ailments.
Along with your routine work, apart from duties and responsibilities, guide your spare time positively and wisely. To relieve from tiredness, and to bring vitality to life, do something different everyday.
Make peace your priority; and try to create your own world. Peaceful mind cannot be agitated, and it also keeps balance both in joy and sadness.
Stay active pursuing self-improving activities and small hobbies that gives self-satisfaction. Do what really makes you happy because it contributes to inner peace and longevity. Expect to live long and try to lead quality life. It is our response that determines our quality of life. You’ll be the happiest person while focusing on everything that is good in the universe.
Prayers to God can always help us attain mental serenity(serenity of the spirit).
The upanishads say that we are part of the world and the world is part of us. We are part of this world; Yet, we also need to learn to live a life apart from it. "He who is attached gets tied down in the world. The unattached one experiences joy. Therefore, one who desires to be happy should always discard attachment." It is perfectly possible to work efficiently and to fulfill all one's duties without attachment. In fact, attachment impairs efficient functioning. Commonly, surgeons do not perform surgeries on their close relatives.
Faith and spirituality can really improve health. Spirituality begins where medicine ends. Faith in God, chanting and singing of religious hymns acts as protection against pain. Spiritual essence leads to contentment, a life of gratitude.

ReplyDeleteThis is a good compilation of things that one can make part of his diet and keep himself happy.
There is one gap though. While several parts talk about the relation between mental well-being and physical well-being, the cure is more tilted towards physical well-being. The one exception is the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra at the end. So addition of things that help in enhancing mental health and subsequently enhancing physical health should make this post more complete.
- Sastry Kuppa
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