The Vedas are said to illustrate the universal pattern of human religion and quest for reality, peace, fulfilment and salvation.
The Vedas show us the path to attain Jeevan-Mukti or Liberation in a phased manner. The prerequisites for attainment of Liberation are knowledge, wisdom, dispassion and detachment.
Performance of the ordained duties is the first step in the path to acquire knowledge. By this the mind will become pure. If each one discharges his duties faithfully as ordained by his elders, he is assured of happiness and elevation in life.
A man is born not to desire life in the world of senses, but to realise the bliss of Jeevan-Mukti.
Awareness of the spiritual essence within you, combined with your interaction with the mundane and worldly affairs, can give you a life of contentment and gratitude.
Our family has a very valuable tradition. Tradition of the past, culture, family, duty and responsibility teaches us patience and wisdom, that is beneficial to life.
Benevolence becomes perpetual(long lasting) with these six relations to every man in his life. Physical life belongs to six relations for everyone.
Truth is mother, Wisdom is true father, Dharma(the quality of virtue, duty) is true brother, Kindness is good friend, Peace is your wife, Patience and forgiveness is your true son.
Mother is the perceptible Goddess. Mother, and mother-hood is sacred and divine. – Sri Chandrasekhara Saraswathi Swami, Kanchi
Kings wife, preceptor or teachers wife, elder brothers’ wife(sister-in-law), mother-in-law, and mother(parent) - are the five mothers.
The result in obtains, traveling six times round the world, ten thousand times dips in sacred river Ganga(Holy bath in the Ganges), innumerable times taking bath in the sea; it will result in success only, in affectionate greet to mother.
Mother is your primary teacher. Mother is always greater(heavier) than the Earth. The mother first shows your father. Father is honourable and eminent than the Sky.
A simple way to teach, especially the children and students, is to behave based on ethical and moral values. You need to act responsibly and have the courage to speak the Truth.
For example, parents who honour, respect and love their parents a great deal will generally have children who love honour them.
Father is the preceptor to be honored. The utterances of the preceptor is to be taken. Transgression of preceptor’s orders is poison. – Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswathi Swami, Kanchi
Father(parent), who does Upanayanam or father-in-law, teacher, one who gives food for livelihood and one who protects or deprives from fear - are the five fathers.
When God becomes angry on you, preceptor or teacher protects you, if preceptor gets angry there is no other protector. – Sri Sri Bharathi theerdha Swami, Sringeri
"Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheswara, Guru sakshat, param Brahma tas mai Shri Guru Vai namaha. "Gu means ignorance, darkness. Ru means one who removes ignorance.
Pride and arrogance is utterly objectionable in the presence of God, Guru(teacher and elders. Humility is needed for every student in the presence of the teacher. - Gita Makarandam
Respect towards elders and desire to learn more characterise humility.
Teacher is your friend, philosopher and guide. The right kind of teacher kindles the heart and ignites the Soul. Preceptor or teacher should be interested in the well-being of his disciple or student. Let one first acquire faith in the teacher and teaching. It is this which will lead one to perfection. True to the adage, 'Where there is perfection, there is the pinnacle of success'.
Know that you are a student forever. Do not under estimate anybody. Knowledge may come to you from any corner. Each occasion teaches you and each person teaches you. The world is your teacher.
1. Teacher, 2. Head of the family(caste), 3. Father(parent), 4. Father's brother, 5. Grand father, 6. Elder brother, 7. Father-in-law, 8. Uncle(mother's brother), 9. King, and 10. one who protects us - are the ten teachers.
When you are always looking to learn, you will stop underestimating others. Humility will dawn in your life. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. – Malcolm Forbes
Purity, Patience and Perseverance are essential for any ambition. Firm faith with heart full of efforts man can achieve everything in life. Want of proper education is a stumbling block to one's success in life. Education only gives great satisfaction.
One who applies his mind in education, engaged in the pursuit of knowledge, knows neither pleasure nor sleep.
Education increases appearance, it is secretly hidden treasure, like deity gives comforts, luxury and name, and protects an immigrate like relatives. It is honourable to all teachers, and a literate is honoured in all countries. There is no money equal to education.
Education gives humility, by humility one becomes worthy, the worthy one earns wealth, with wealth one becomes righteous, and a righteous person is happy.
Education untimely may become obstacle, and Knowledge is always boon to a man. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.
Genius is the power of carrying the feelings of childhood into the powers of manhood. – William Coleridge
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. – Albert Einstein
Our mind has the capacity to imagine. This can be good or bad. Our imagination projects a reality. This projected reality appears to be the only reality.
Music, Poetry, Bravery, Generosity: these four proficient talents will come by birth. Any of these qualities can progress and prosper only by practice.
Men of ordinary talents have risen in life, by methodical practice in their professions of skill. Practice is essential for perfection. Perfection hides; imperfection shows off. All progress can be had only through great steadiness and tenacity.
Love of beauty and intelligence together can create poetry. Trough imagination poetry springs out. Human skill and intelligence is indeed capable of many worldly victories and achievements.
People who have won fame and fortune through talent, are those who devoted every ounce of energy they could do with authority, putting it into operation. Nothing is too great a price to pay to achieve and acquire. Nothing acquired noble and great, without self-discipline.
You can have ambition to earn more money through legitimate means, so that you can not only improve your standard of living but also contribute generosity to the community.
Money, Relationships, Age, Duty, and Education are the five things to be honoured.
Wealth is acquired as your field of activity and professional work; so as your fortune resulting in prosperity.
Well-wisher is your relative, one who feeds you is your father, the loyal is your friend, that gives happiness is your wife.
It is natural for everyone to care for one's own welfare before thinking about others. Think about your life and the lives of your loved ones and friends.
The words of the parents should be obeyed without any hesitation. We show affection towards our friends and relatives because their welfare ultimately brings happiness to us.
Wife is your superior friend. Wife is for morality. Morality is the appearance of mind. Marriage means a life partner. One should marry a girl who appeals to the mind and the eyes.
Marriages are said to be made in heaven but when it comes to the choice of a soul mate, the reasons are quite down to earth.
Marriage is the path for reaching heaven, the celestial world and also attainment of Salvation, the salvation. Man learns to control himself and woman learns to express herself. Without getting married, you cannot repay your debt to the celestial deities, paternal deities, venerable sages and guests. Perform the rituals meant for your forefathers regularly.
In India, spirituality and religion are part of everyday life. Religion has more to do with rituals, anything done for its growth and advancement is spirituality.
According to the scriptures there are three debts to be discharged by human beings. Deva Runam, Pitru Runam and Rishi Runam (God, parents and Seer, knowledge creator). Without being a Seer no one can be called a poet and one becomes a Seer by vision only. The vision of the seer goes to deep thought.
Marriage gives you a certain security. Financial security is synonymous with emotional security. The two are inseparable.
One who keeps to work(with love, Duty-conscious, virtue of serving), helpful(sensible head, thoughtful mind), as Goddess Lakshmi in appearance(beauty), patience like earth(tolerance and forgiveness), serves food as a mother(heart), wife who gives happiness as a plantain tree(peaceful sleep); these are the six qualities, increases the family Dharma.
A woman by being faithful and dutiful to her husband alone is able to enjoy of the benefit of various good deeds, rituals and divine worship laboriously done by her husband.
For women scriptures have not prescribed any special yagnas or fasting-oriented worship. Service to husband alone qualifies her to conquer all the superior worlds like the heaven and reach the supreme position.
When things don't go her way she may shed a few quiet tears, but her normal reaction will be to fold her hands serenely and wait patiently for things to right themselves. Patience is one of her loveliest virtues.
One who is spiritual, conscientious(parent) or scrupulously honest, faithful takes his responsibilities seriously. He is devoted to his authority, ruler, nobleman, God and his wife.
Worldly affairs, thoughtful deliberation, modesty, benevolence and duty or conscientious; these are the five qualities agreeable for association.
Benevolence may be somewhat one-sided at times; benevolent dictators are genuinely concerned about people, compassionate, generous and devoted to the cause of everyone's welfare.
Life style is a decisive factor in the success of a marriage. A married man has many duties and responsibilities and has to face many a problem affecting his family.
Some things a man should tell his wife, some things to friend and some to his son; all these three persons are trusted. He should not tell everything to everyone. - Panchatantra
Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.
Spouse is your true friend for one who is at home. Friendship is on mind in two bodies. Hold your true friend with both your hands.
Self-honesty keeps your mind pleasant. Talk to your spouse everything. Throughout it is always happy to share everything with your spouse and children, that keeps conscience clear.
Conscience asks, "Is it right?" Conscience is the light of the soul, that burns within the chambers of our psychological heart. It protests whenever anything unrighteous is done or thought of. It is the form of Truth.
Conscience makes cowards of us all, when we try to do questionable things. Cowardice asks, "Is it safe?" A coward who runs away from trouble.
A Brahmin should not seek carnal pleasures and as householder, he should never covet other woman.
Good name, devoted wife, and discernment(discrimination) is to be well protected. – Sri Chandrasekhara Saraswathi Swami, Kanchi
There are three stages for money and wealth. Charity, Experience and Destruction.
With the money earned from lawful and ethical activity, he should support his parents, guests and dependents and please the deities by performing various rituals and ceremonies.
Charity is for the purification of heart. Charity is eminent. In charity, wealth is sacrificed. When there is no charity, fame degenerates. Charity obtains knowledge. knowledge obtains Jeevan-Mukti.
A wealthy when doesn’t involve to give, either spend for himself, his wealth is lost and gone with the robbery.
In spiritual life, we are advised to limit our expenditures to our basic needs and to give the rest in charity. But our entire life is dedicated to earning money. Thus, even if we become financially successful, we live in object poverty. For, we have only money; not peace.
Discontentment is real poverty; contentment is a real prosperity.
Hands that help are holier than the lips that pray. That which is given at the right moment is priceless. That which is known as not asking favors nor expecting no returns is the cause of greatness and merit. – Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswathi Swami, Kanchi
Real wealth is love, devotion and purity. With these one will experience life differently.
A wealthy man is respected by his wife and children as a king; friends and relatives treats him as a master and scholar.
When you have money and strength to work, everyone speaks to you and ask about your welfare.
As long as you have the ability to earn money, so long will your dependents be attached to you. When the money is gone, no one would even speak to you a word. – Bhaja Govindam
He that is happy in his down hill of life is really fortunate. The gentle man is happy in the evening of his life as all his sons are well placed.
Those who live beyond means have to suffer in the long run. If you go to lowness with difficulties, neither rich nor has a job, the less you are respected.
One who wears unclean clothes, doesn’t brush his teeth, over eats, is always abusive, sleeps both early morning and evenings; even he may be same as Lord Vishnu in other qualities; Goddess of fortune Lakshmi leaves him.
Arising in the morning, before sunrise, the environment is pure, calm and soothing, and the mind will be fresh after sleep.
Cleanliness, Happiness, Penance, Self-study, and devotion to God.
“By personal hygiene and cleanliness to your own physical body, there will be disinclination towards the body or there will be cessation of craving for contact with different parts of the body.”
Cleanliness establishes, “clear and harmonious mind, senses to control, self-study, knowledge, and ability to realize God.” - Ravi Shankar, Art of living
Cleanliness not only in the mind and body, but in exchange of words and actions also. As far as internal cleanliness is concerned always remember the holy names of God and chant, which gives you FORTITUDE.
A kind heart is the abode of God. Prayer and well-wishing for the happiness of others brings peace. The easiest way to make ourselves happy is to see that others are happy.
You will not be respected and loved with unclean habits. Be soft with your siblings. Strained relations with kith and kin can cause some pain. Without love and affection, friends and friendly relationships diverge.
Celebrate diversity and use it to your advantage. The beauty and splendor of the world lie in its variety and diversity embedded in an overall harmony. One person, two personalities: inconceivable identity in diversity(is Maya).
Good at heart, Love and affectionate is ought to be more better for enduring relationships, than complimentary and flattery people.
Tradition, culture, perception and wealth do not always go together. It is always God’s grace. Faith and humility are the only means to win the Lord's Grace. - Gita
Dirt, one who has no control over himself. Don’t eat too much, speak too much, sleep too much, keep awake too much and work too much. For him who is moderate in food and recreation(like working, talking etc.), moderate in exertion in all actions, moderate in sleep and wakefulness; he avoids excess in all things. - Gita
Self-intellect gives comfortable, preceptors intellect greatly gives happiness, the others intellect ruins, sometimes woman intellect causes degradation or death.
Person speaks of the external appearance. Personality signifies the inner endowment not the outer appearance. Personality is the quality which makes a person what he is as distinct from other persons. Conscience is molded in the personality. Personality rises to the occasion of surmounting problems when character feels helpless. Character is invisible from outside.
Let the heart rule the head. If anything go hard with, always take heart and try to get on peacefully. But do not lose your head.
Patience is a virtue. It controls the mind, calms anger, brings peace, gives strength to bear pain and sorrow, and makes one humble.
Patience is like an armor that protects; Modesty is like an ornament that keeps us as eternal learner.
Gentleness and the humble have patience. Through difficulty, one who stands with you is affectionate, is true companion and well-wisher.
Love, hope, fear of sin, faith in God – these four make humanity. You take care of respecting others more than yourself.
We should never go beyond bounds in our dealings with others. Your thoughts, words and deeds should be in harmony with each other. Faith and reason should go hand in hand.
A man who is capable of putting useful word in the matter; does work by knowing others nature; knows his capacity for anger; he becomes wise.
If you rely on your own skills and talents, and a small amount of goodwill, and humble out-look in life can go a long way.
You spend money like water. If you are extravagant(not prudent), you will have to under go in penury.
Education in the books, money given to others, will not come to useful in timely.
An ounce of experience is worthy more than ten tons of theory. Experience or feeling is more important than knowledge or intellect. In facing problems go more by learned and experience, and faith in God.
When you make effort to work hard, you will not have penury. Sometimes, penury tries to look into your fate but it will not come inside.
Sea or (tears), Fire, Son-in-law, Stomach and Desire; these five things cannot be satisfied. - Sri Vidya Prakasanandagiri Swami
Sea-water cannot become sweet even if great amounts of sugar are added to it, saltiness being its very nature. No one likes to drink sea-water. One who has the fire in the stomach is capable of consuming anything. It is natural for a house wife to pay attention to a newly married son-in-law. Son-in-law signifies 'one who weaves relationships between two families.
Desire implies imperfection. Desire in itself is not a bad thing but limit less desire creates havoc and destroys peace. When desire dominates, stress and sorrow results.
Desire implies imperfection. Desire in itself is not a bad thing but limit less desire creates havoc and destroys peace. When desire dominates, stress and sorrow results.
A guest who comes to ask something, youngster, women, king or ruler and son-in-law; these five do not know(have or have not) wealth and poverty.
“Without rice, the cleverest housewife cannot cook.” – Chinese proverb
In a house where wife never shed tears, siblings never thrown into difficulties or distress, there is no penury. In a family where daughter-in-law shed tears helplessly, there everything declines.
A father is foe who leave debts to his sons, and an illiterate son is foe to a father.
In penury: Mother accuses her son; Father will not be happy; Siblings will not speak; Servant shows anger and pride; Son will not accompany him; Wife will not love; Friend wouldn’t even speak a word and have a doubt of asking him for debt. Therefore, Money can conquer all. So earn money.
Spring season is youth for Trees; Wealth is youth for a Man; Fortune and prosperity is youth for Women; and Education and knowledge is only youth for a Scholar.
Knowledge, wealth, strength, wealth, fame, merit is to be earned by people. – Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswathi Swami, Kanchi
The Gita teaches Universal love and benevolence. Lord Krishna is the essence of everything, our Father, who is Compassionate to all.
The Power of Divinity
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