Friday, January 30, 2009


Music is the manifestation of human spirit, similar to language. Sanskrit word for music is ‘Sangita’, which includes not only vocal, instrumental music but also dance.

Indian music is spiritual, and not simply a mode of entertainment, whether it is instrumental music or vocal music. It is a significant aspect of our cultural heritage that divinity resides in music.

Indian music in general has its roots in ancient Vedic chants. Most of the Vedic chants are sung in swaras alone in various combination's. Music is common in religious chanting. The philosophical portions of Vedas; Upanishads means sitting down or near a guru to receive spiritual instruction.

The Upanishads, the Vedas and the Scriptures convey the message of love, pursuit of excellence, respect for truth, unselfishness, justice and fairness in action, and the eternal values of life. Upanishads are the products of highest wisdom.

The ancient scriptures of the Hindus forming into four Vedas:

The Rig Veda supplies the literary text, divine hymns of Gods. The sound 'Bhu' has come from Rig Veda.
The Yajur Veda represents the sacrificial strategy, rituals.
Yajur Veda describes Nature. The sound 'Suva' comes from Yajur Veda.
The Sama Veda gave the musical representation, the priest’s chants. 'OM' comes from Sama Veda.
The Adharvana Veda gave the charm.

Indian music is purely spiritual. Music is an essential ritual in temples. South Indian music belonged primarily to temples. Music is not only classical, folk or a film. Singing in mono tone is a common feature in Indian folk and religious music. Whether it is entertainment, a cultural expression or religious inspiration, music is part of everyone’s life.

In Vedas, Sama Veda is Lord Krishna. HE resides in music.

Musicians have a keen awareness of illusion, cultural value of life, pointing towards the immortal nature of the soul. A person who is so immersed spiritually with music; he does not write, do not read and do not plan music.

Thyagaraja words go to the extent of saying, “music was not just a source of sweet words; it was verily the path to God. Music itself is the form of God; categorically that those who do not understand music do not qualify for salvation.”

Music has some power, some force to guide your life and actions. First God makes you appreciate music; if God wants to shower his blessings upon a person, is further happier with a person, He makes an individual a musician. This is a good fortune.

No body can refuse what God gives, and no body can give what God refuses.

Music gives you divine knowledge. Music gives the virtues of balance, equanimity and peace. Music gives faith in you, and faith in God. Music acts as God to guide you when you walk on the path of life. Music is a way to achieve immortality.

The message of MS Subbulakshmi music is bold and clear, “Sangita has to be transparent to bakthi and its aesthetic appeal has to be appreciated in spiritual terms. Music is replete with the feeling of bakthi, a complete surrender to the devotion of God.”

For MS Subbulakshmi real music is not a series of symmetrically arranged notes, but a luminous hallow that envelops the mind of both the singer and the listener. Impelled by such visualization she had succeeded in soaring to the very heights of sublime music with elegance and devotional spontaneity. In the tradition of the singing sants of Bhakti cult and with divine grace, she reached out to millions of people. She was one of the India’s greatest singers, her life and music remains the purest form of worship.

Bhakti is greater than Karma, Jnana and Yoga. Bhakti alone directly leads to liberation.

Vyasa says that Bhakti means love of ritualistic practices. Garga says that Bhakti consists of a keen interest in hearing the stories about God. Sandilya recommends the eternal joy of listening to the songs about Sri Hari.

A singer, deeply spiritual man, who believes and says, “Music is not only in transformational power of sound, but also in its origins in the all pervading consciousness. God plays the most important role in us. There is never a moment of doubt in God in our life. I try to reach God through music and always invite God to be with me and accept it as a dedication. I dedicate my life through music.”

Musicians establish a relation to God through music. It is a spiritual status-the purity, holiness and faith. It is all about surrendering oneself to God, which qualifies for divine approbation through music.

One Great musician says, “In Indian music, ‘Bhagavan ka Darshan’ will exist. Music and Bhakti cannot be separated-one cannot exist without the other. This is extensively evident in music. Lord Krishna can be addressed as a companion as God, friend and ever a lover. Lord Krishna symbolizes romanticism as well as Bhakti. Prayers to Krishna will reach faster on the wings of music. May be that is why HE is the music of artists. He is always present in musicians mind. Lord Krishna name itself inspires peace.”

Indian classical music is a perennially flowing river and nothing can affect its flow. It is forever. Indian classical music requires a highly evolved sense of listening for one to appreciate it, and carnatic music is bound art, rich in terms of melody and lyrics. The ideals expressed are deeply philosophical, religious and emotional.

Music is an art like a divine gift; whom the chanter of Sama Veda sing by Vedas. Music is divine guidance, and invisible force, knowledge to the unknown and attributes all his wisdom. There are so many things that inspire, and give inspiration through music.

Another great musician says, “Music is absolutely wonderful! One could feel the music sweeping over to an extent of a pleasant numbness. It is a great learning experience; make your music beautiful, whether it is vocal or an instrument by your energy; and learn to present, compose and promote the music.”

There is tradition in music families in India that continues to exist. Sometimes it is difficult for the younger generation to continue the same tradition, because of the contemporary music. But sometimes it is a great strength. The lack of musical background can give one the determination and driving force to succeed on one’s own.

Young musician says, “Indian classical for instance is more performance oriented. Melody is the soul of the music. But they can be blended beautifully because western classical can lend itself to alterations that can be used to harmonize and add levels to the Eastern classical if used properly. While listening to music, whether Eastern classical or western it hardly matters. Music is music.”

To spread the divinity of music, musicians undertake a good number of trips constantly moving around the world. There is no voice greater than the voice of music. Music inspires by all cultures.

Listening to music is an age old tradition. Music is very subtle and it forces you to sit down and listen, and even meditate. You feel so pleasant on listening to music. Once you start enjoying the fragrance of music, you will get involved. Music is an excellent companion. The effect of music is evident in giving optimism.

One cannot have a taste of honey unless one opens the bottle. – Proverb

Music is soothing for listeners of all ages. Music involves the brain at almost every level. Music as a spiritual practice elicits joy and vitality, and the well being of all life.

Music is like breathtaking, beautiful healing. Music pacifies even anger and its judicious use is highly helpful in leading a man to the vision of God. It calms and quiets the mind, returning you to a place of deep stillness, comfort and peace makes the heart peaceful.

Music lights the lamp of love in every heart, to transform life. One who listens to music can be mentally happy; one has a sound sleep, rest and peace after doing days of work. For the corporate section of the society, music gives so much of relief from their stressful work. Music is always new and fresh, and it makes the brain more active.

Music integrates the brain, mind and soul, understanding the human emotions, and aggression, why we laugh and cry.

Music has been found to have a profound effect on our physiological and psychological well-being. Music for the discipline of the mind. Music has the power to explore the realms that cannot be accessed with words.

A good diet of the right kind of music gives us mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual ability. It brings people together, enhances our intelligence, academic achievement, creative ability and helps us to connect with our inner most being.

The younger generation is getting back to the old tradition. Gradually the younger generations are keen on learning classical music from a very tiny age. Learning music significantly improves memory, concentration, spatial thinking, creativity and linguistic ability. Learning music the right way adds many more hours to our day and certaining to our life.

Knowledge without consistent "PRACTICE", makes only half an artist.

Mentally bow down to Saraswati, the Goddess of learning. Intense practice of music is a penance that seeks to change the self. No one can become expert in music without hard-work.

Music is very much a language and has certain rules. Sruthi gives connectedness with psychology. Its source is the perennial springs of Bhakti, its glistening streams ragas, songs, sthotras, bhajans.

A raga as a form or organization signifies a wide range of ideas and a vast spectrum of emotional nuances. The flexibility in ‘notes’ rendering offers certain freedom in imagination giving full vent of feelings, to both the artist and the listener.

The seven notes rise from the navel, through the heart, the throat and comes out through the nose.

You develop an awareness of those subtle vibrations, energy patterns and movements within your system, about which you hardly knew before.

As you progress you are led towards a sense of joy and harmony, flexibility and fulfillment, which are essential requisites not only for the health of an individual, but also for the entire society.

Ragas can play a crucial role, in the process of mental development, behavior and personality traits.

Indian ragas have divinity inspiring ability, to color the mind of the listener, with a particular emotion that stimulates brain and heart activity. Healing with sound is more than just a change of melodies and chants; it is about a change of heart.

To identify particular intervals and melodies that can facilitate relaxation, concentration, alleviate pain, enhance perceptional functions (sensation, reception, feeling, transmission and expression), balance nervous system, and strengthen vitality.

It has been reported that experiments confirm that the human foetus responds to sounds, especially musical from the fifth month. Dr. M.Balamurali Krishna, the famous musician is reported to have said that his mother used to play the veena for long hours, regularly everyday, when she was carrying him.

Perceptions can also be highly subjective and biased by previous experience. Perception through the sense organs is indeed wondrous. Sensitivity or intuitive perception of a musician that seperates him from the rest of us. Sensitive perception is rare in any field.

Music is calming and confidence, guides you through images of strength and health, involving the power of the mind, body connection for healing bone conditions such as osteoporosis, injuries and healing from joint surgery.

Ancient people believed that music had 'super-natural'powers; in healing sickness, purifying the body and mind, and working miracles in the realm of nature.

Vocal sounds are nutrients for the brain and the heart and to incorporate sound chant in your daily life towards successful sound healing practice. Your mind becomes familiar with the deep chanting of the voice, through the function and sound transforms energy levels, creates measurable effects in the physical body, and affects emotions and consciousness more efficiently than any other form of sound.

Sound waves are an environmental effect just like rain and light. Even the sounds of animals and birds are not uniform in the nature. Each bird has its own wonderful sound; it is because of the continuous changes in the creation. Each bird is revealing a sound absorbing the maximum light of the day.

Music is a different kind of meditation. Excellent for life inspiration; takes meditation to a whole new dimension. Music is a physical exercise and yoga, cures many diseases. It is a well known fact that music soothes the nerves and heals.

For the past several generations, countless legends, musicians and singers in India are bringing peace and happiness to the people, with their good music to both bodily and mentally.

One who drinks the water of Ganges attains salvation; as such one who is immersed in music attains salvation.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Indian society is nothing but numbers of people grouped together, with many languages, customs, and its illustrious traditions. The cultured and the educated society find humanity in righteous thought, in philosophy, in arts, sciences and in different types of religions.

Indian society lays great emphasis on spiritual life and virtuous living. Spirituality is still in a higher plane, deals with the ancient scriptures and philosophy. Society becomes greatest, where truth become practical.

The Indian culture teaches us to lead virtuous life. The culture implies extreme gratitude towards mother, father and teacher. This makes the Indians most obedient to the parents and teachers. Conservation and preservation of the values is handed over by the ancestors to the next generation with all its glory.

Bhagavatham is for Divine life,

Ramayana is for Ideal life,

Mahabharata is for Real life.

Spiritual values are still at a higher level. Generally the cultural values stand in between moral values and spiritual values. The cultural values stand for the society and Nation. The culture is the out come of long standing practices which come down to the Indians from their ancestors. Purity is the main stream or process of the culture under reference.

A highly cultured man is fully equipped with moral values. The principles of moral values are honesty, respect to elders, gratitude, humility. Moral values are very much social and they involve man’s behavior in relation to others. Cultivation of moral principles leads to cultural values which are much visible in noble persons.

Elders insist on moral values in order to gain cultural values. The spirit of listening to elders and scholarly persons and implicit obedience to such worthy characters bring out refined manners and inner culture. Some moral values are much more important than whether you make a profit or not.

A man’s main job is to take care of the people who depend on him. Man is guided by the stomach. When we walk, the stomach goes first and the head afterward. We work not with our body, actually, but with our mind and intelligence.

The family is, by nature the fundamental building block of society, the institution designed for continuance and development of human race. Adjusting with the society and maintaining limited selfishness are the out come of moral values and cultural values.

A house holder's life is as important as that of a sage or saint. Unless, ONE is a householder, one cannot be saintly. A house holder is the sheet anchor of the society, working for the welfare of the community and development of the country. He is the true nation builder.

“Woman should be given protection and respect at every stage of life. Worship to the woman is worship to the Gods”, says Manusmrithi

In our Indian heritage, all women are to be looked upon by us as akin to our own mothers.

Traditional values serve you best. There is a traditional belief in Indian culture, that any offense and abuse done to a female and mother become a terrible curse. A Woman shedding tears is more than curse by God; offense mainly those against mothers. No one can discredit or discard traditional wisdom lightly or in an arrogant spirit.

Woman’s dignity is in the way she conducts herself in public. – Lata Mangeshkar

Indian culture has lot of emphasis on chastity of women folk. Indian woman is considered the jewel of the entire world, in transforming human life and society. Chastity has always been considered the highest value. Chastity is the corner stone of all morality and of all religion.

Hinduism accords very high importance for showing compassion to others. Hinduism is built on duties and no much on rights. We don't have faith and so we suffer. We must have immense faith in our eternal religion and its truths.

Religion is surviving as a kind of social service and mild ethical sensitivity. Religion should be a matter of conscience and personal faith. The real principle of religions, faith is situated in the mode of pure goodness. Any religion which brings peace is the true religion for humanity.

The religion of noble soul, the identity of truth with all other virtues; The lesson was to be found in every great teaching, not just in religions. - Mahatma Gandhi

Religion is the manifestation of the natural strength that is in man. Religion is the art of re-modeling man into divinity. The secret of religion lies not in the theories but in the practice.

Religion must become rational; Rationalism must become religious. - Paul Brunson

Harmonizing the various expressions of the religion is oneness; so that each may choose the path that suits him best. To be good and do well is the whole purpose of religion. Whenever any religion succeeds, it must have economic value. There is a need for “connectedness” with the society.

Religion without philosophy is sentiment, or sometimes becomes fanaticism; while philosophy without religion is mental speculation.

Whether you believe it or not there is God; the purpose of cultural religions way of life is in saint Tukaram’s words.

India has always been a land of charity. Duty minded individuals form a strong society and sacrifice their lives for the sake of Dharma (religious duty). Religious approach of the Nation is the outcome of being obliged to obey elders and all the observances stand obligatory but not imposed, by any Government. Fear which implies respect for the Vedas, word of law, elders and Government is the savior of the society even today from unhealthy trends towards disorder.

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know, they shall never sit in. – Greek Proverb

A monk is the highest order of life in the Hindu society. The renunciation with enlightenment and dedication is the highest peak in the history of mankind’s civilization and culture. The rich, the rulers and the scholars bow down to the feet of a sanyasi who renounces the world by his teachings.

Truth does not pay homage to any society, ancient and modern. Society has to pay homage to truth. Society should be molded upon truth, and truth has not to adjust itself to society….. – Swami Vivekananda

Psychological treatment towards gradual improvement of the personal character and conduct is much visible in Indian Culture. No one can make another person wise; one has to acquire wisdom at one’s own expense and experience. It needs healthier mind for greater wisdom.

Wisdom is a common feature to the spiritual life and the real life. Spiritual wisdom occupies itself with the future prospects of life.

Wisdom teaches judicious activity and shows how a certain undertaking or enterprise is to be accomplished in a convenient and economical manner. Knowledge tells what to do; wisdom teaches how to do it. The highest type of wisdom and humility gives courage and a sense of self sacrifice.

The problems of material existence - birth, old age, disease and death – cannot be counter acted by accumulation of wealth and economic development. In many parts of the world there are states which are replete with all facilities of life, which are full of wealth and economically developed, yet the problems of material existence are still present. They are seeking peace in different ways, but they can achieve real happiness only in spirituality.

The material earthy world is the opposite image to the spiritual divine world.

Some are motivated by money, and some by a learning environment. There are others who need to feel challenged. Every heart has a yearning.

An active man or a man of action needs philosophy; a philosopher needs patience and peace to discover higher philosophical truth.

Culture, wealth, ideals and tradition do not always go together. It is God’s Grace. Grace is to the body.

There is no denying that we have a social responsibility on how our actions impact the society around, but let’s not forget that we also have the personal responsibility on how our actions affect our own life.

Every action needs the support of thought. Since a thought is always well reasoned and balanced; using strategy and diplomacy, neither very emotional nor logical to the extreme. Balance in thought, avoids extremes.

Persons who are led by the material conception of life do not know that the aim of life is realization of the Absolute Truth. They are captivated by the external features of the material world; and therefore they do not know what liberation is. Persons who have no knowledge of liberation from material bondage lead miserable lives. – Bhagavad-Gita

In modern world, excess of knowledge, money and power, without divinity, makes human beings uncontrolled. The difference between good and the evil is nothing except in unselfishness and selfishness. The evil knows as much as good, is as powerful as good; only that has no holiness that makes it an evil. The greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as the greatest virtues.

If man gains the whole world by royalty, authority loses his soul. Where too much of wealth accumulates men decay.

A man of violence has excessive energy, uses it not for happiness in theirs lives but to disturb the peace of others. Extremes in action and thought brings destruction, never bothers for the well-being of others.

A nation without means of reforms is without means of survival. - Burtham Benjamin

The roots of violence:

Wealth without work,

Pleasures without conscience,

Knowledge without character,

Commerce with morality,

Science without humanity,

Worship without sacrifice,

Politics without principle, - Mahatma Gandhi.

Justice without force is powerless, Force without justice is tyrannical. - Pascal

False magnanimity is not approved by any authority. When the results of pious activities are finished, one falls down from the peak of happiness to the lowest states of life. Many rulers and rich of the world have fallen down in that way. Such down falls only constitute uncontrolled greed, thoughts and more causes of sorrow.

Time takes away all the youth, strength, wealth and life in a moment. The water on the lotus leaf is unsteady. As long as you have the ability to earn money, so long will your dependents be attached to you. After that, when you live with an infirm body no one would even speak to you a word. – Adi Sankaracharya

Destiny is powerless before divine wisdom and grace. A person is someone with an uncertain status in society, lost in an endless wait. His/Her emotional and physical well-being diminishes every passing day. An unreliable man or woman cannot go far in life.

Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, neither liberty to purchase power. - Franklin

Money does not grow on trees. When too much wealth accumulates at the top, the currency looses its value. As people get richer and richer, wealth is left circulating beneath them. People lead miserable lives because of their incredible greed. Greed, leads to down fall.

A lie has no leg, but scandal has wings. – Thomas Fuller

Indians are a forgiving and sensitive people. When people forgive the rich for their incredible greed; they would take all that for granted. Blessed is the man whose sins are covered and whose transgressions are forgiven. People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do.

Selfish good-will is greed and will not have Grace Power. To generate good-will for another is not in human power except for good souls born with it. It will not get generated easily. It must be pure, pure of good motives. A man who has control over mind can only shun greediness.

Kindness trumps greed; it asks for sharing,

Kindness trumps fear; it calls for the gratefulness and love,

Kindness trumps even stupidity; for with sharing and love, one learns.

When contentment and mercy occupy a man’s personality, equanimity and peace reigns supreme. Freedom is faith and obedience to the laws of principles.

We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give. – Sir Winston Churchill

This world is conquered, by the person who has truthfulness and endurance. Leaders, who are truthful, lead with integrity, consistently adhere to their values and code of conduct will well and truly inspire their people to follow in their foot steps. Humility is the secret of successful leaders.

A nation whose citizens have not learned self-control, cannot rule itself as a national entity. The importance of choosing righteous paths, whether for a nation or for a single man; for bad means could never bring about good ends. - Mahatma Gandhi

Visionary leaders has the power to transform and they are involved in bringing about good change. The qualities visionary leaders cultivate are imagination, knowledge, deliverance, tangible results and penetrating self reflection. They have the ability to see reality.

Man is insignificant, even like a drop of water; but in the mass, be becomes mighty and powerful like the ocean. - Mahatma Gandhi

A man derives happiness from philosophizing himself, and has faith in the goodness of others.

It’s time for greatness – not greed,

It’s time for idealism – not ideology

It’s time not just for compassionate words, but compassionate action.

Greatness does not lie in your simplicity. Think great and act simple; if a decision is morally right, decision isn’t in anyway detrimental to the society. If everything is positive, simple; your actions become universal law that brings goodness to the society.

A free society can continue to exist only as it meets the rightful demands of people for security, progress, and increasing opportunity for the betterment of themselves and their children - Mahatma Gandhi

Society is only a stage of growth through which we are passing. Society is changing, it must change. Let us all be honest; if we cannot follow the ideal, let us confess our weakness, but not degrade it and not try to pull it down.

The words of Mahatma Gandhi says, "A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman of the next generation."

Do not put your values in the wrong things; and it leads to very disillusioned lives. Without the present there can neither be past nor future. We must gradually, rapidly shift from a ‘thing-oriented’ society to a ‘people-oriented’ society. Refinement implies purification; do not ignore values behind the spiritual life.

History of the world is nothing but the history of significant moments.

“Live and Let Live”, Mother Nature intended in Indian Culture, moving towards growth, to make progress and prosperous Indian Society.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Success is not a destination, it is a journey. Success is not what you achieve compared to others. It is what you achieve compared to what you are capable of. Success enables you to maintain equanimity and stability.

Equanimity in both success and failure. When a person enjoys both success and failure then he has strong personality. His vision and thoughts inspire others also.

Hope, aspirations and optimism are essential for the achievement of success in life. Life needs all these three things for happiness, prosperity and success.

Hope is sweeter than fulfilment. - G.B. Shaw

A very small degree of hope is sufficient to give birth to strength. Wherever there is strength, you feel more easily propelled into success. It is the courage to grow up and become who really are.

A wise man knows that happiness is real, as it is our very nature. The happiest people do not have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

Success needs effort, work and will power. Effort is the single largest determination to growth. Every good effort is produced by a cause which is good and noble.

Learn the secret of success from the principles of Bhagavad-Gita:

Everyone must engage in some sort of activity in this material world. Take your stand on good purpose, right means and righteous courage. A mind which is born to succeed joins itself to a determined will and perseveres.

Doing one's duty irrespective of the results even in failure is the utmost point in a man’s life. Join yourself to the perfectly unselfish will and work hard. Look not for success or failure; without being attachment to the result of the work, is certainly making progress towards the supreme goal of life. One should act as a matter of duty.

When your intentions as well as your actions are good you win both the worlds. But actions can either bind one to this world or liberate one from it. A man should not, limit his progress only to the point of moral codes, but should transcend them to attain Liberation.

Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. Whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues. – Bhagavad-Gita

Success demands singleness of purpose. Success makes you to stay focused until you can reach your goals or until your goals can reach you.

Success lies in the unity of purpose. The magnificence of goals brings a lot of wonderful people and processes together. Together you can accomplish anything. Together, Everybody Achieves More. – TEAM.

Coming together is beginning, keeping together is progress, thinking together is unity, working together is success. - Henry Ford
Nothing comes easy in life and anything good in life comes with a price; and once you have decided to make it big, sometimes you will have to sacrifice your personal interests. It all depends on what you want to achieve and how much you are prepared to stretch yourselves to achieve it. Judge your success by what you have to give up in order of getting it. As you grow up to the ladder, so must your humility.

To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to subordinates nobleness.
A person not polite at heart tends to fall in the trap of personality conflict with superiors and other colleges. Be firm, polite and assertive - not defensive or overly apologetic. We cannot succeed without the help of others. Yet, others can only help; we have to do the work. An employer looks in you a person from whom he can take his work.

Some people want to curry the favour of their superiors by playing second fiddle to them. Too much courtesy, shows too much craft. Subordinates will co-operate and help you out in office or business(work, employment). Be doubly(with twice the quantity) careful with male/female associates or even subordinates.

Someone who has a high ego and needs to be back down to his peers(equals) through put downs.

Integrity is a powerful instrument for career development. Honesty plays an integral element of credibility and hence character. Be the role model of high personal character. Emotion, controlled and directed to work, is character. Character represents strength, capacity, patience and perseverance, etc.

Strength of character is born out of obstacles overcome. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you fail to focus on your goals. Jealousy, passion, impulse, anger, frivolity, waste, laziness, carelessness - are all obstacles.

Character lies at the depth of your most, serious thought that stands for your values. Energy of man is ready to face fresh issues when character too fails. No man can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character.

A positive attitude is sure to enable one’s growth and success. It is is to is up to me. In truth, faith is just optimistic approach about the outcome of your activities. Take your life as a challenge, where the hardest choices are the highest ones; and it provides the strength to face anything that comes to you. Feel alive energised and invest yourself fully in everything and face any challenge in life.

To succeed, it is not just the will power. You must have will power, determination and tremendous perseverance. Perseverance is the very hinge of all virtues. Perseverance will ultimately conquer. Confidence in your work, devotion and struggle on in patience, will achieve success.

The key to success is to do everything with total and absolute concentration. All Success in any line of work is the result of the power of concentration. In making money, in worshipping God, or in doing anything, the stronger the power of concentration, the things will be done better. Concentration also constitutes the difference between each other.

Energy, action and effort need self-control for success in life but thought and concentration cannot advance if you are quick in action. A man of action dislikes a serious-minded person and calls him lethargic.

Some people they are just determined to get noticed, all stem from the need for identity. A man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities which he does not posses and to gain applause which he cannot keep.

He is self-complacent and always impudent deluded by false ego. He takes all credit for doing everything independently. It is the ego that spoils work and the ego is the centre piece of most theories of motivation. - Bhagavad Gita

Man must realise his own unimportance before he can appreciate his importance. If people are above your standards, you are not comfortable; with people who are below your bench mark, you are not comfortable. People who are par with you, you are envious of them and not comfortable with them. Then, who are you comfortable with? You are left with nobody!
If you feel that you are much more intelligent than the people around you and if you feel they are all fools, then good. Enjoy their company. Fools make this world more fun. If there are no fools, then the whole world will be totally devoid of fun. – Art of Living Ravi Shanker

You just can’t carry on pretending that you can complete every task you’ve taken on. So make cuts where you can do the best.

You try to achieve certainty by trying to control everything around you. Certainty provides order; uncertainty provides growth. Both order and growth are needed to complete your work. Allow others to grow. Allowing others to grow is a sign of strength.

The ring of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold your foot long enough to put the other higher.

Three things are necessary to make your success:
1. Conviction of the strength of goodness.
2. Absence of jealousy.
3. Helping all who is trying to work and do well.

Jealous exists when one has not learnt to rejoice in the success of others. Jealousy also exists when there is unwise comparison.

Actions without ethics can never lead to success in the long run. He who is good to himself is no good to anyone else. The mouth of the man knows only how to find fault. Hate and haste defy wisdom. A wicked tongue is worse than an evil hand. Everyone may be right in their own way. Always, see that there is sensitivity in your judgement.

The trait is the desire to criticise or cut down those who are very original in their vision, very skilful in what they do, or simply very rich - in short, those who stand tall.

Nobody likes a smart-ass; it’s never, ever, worth trying for a laugh at someone else’s expense.

There is no work accomplished in this world by wickedness. It is best not to expect short cuts to do the trick for your success. Don’t let today’s success into thinking that tomorrow will always be like today. Whatever is yours today may be somebody else’s tomorrow.

One persons’ gain need not be an others’ loss.

Men are thankless when fortune smiles upon them; and devoid of patience when there is misfortune. Be patient when her frown is seen; Give thanks when fortune smiles.

Don’t dismiss apparently meaningless people or events out of hand, for they may eventually have great significance. No one is good all the time and always thoughtful. Nobody is always loving, always kind, always generous and always thoughtful. Psychologically, a reliable behaviour towards others is loyalty, and your best response is to smile.

Reliability is one of the foundations of team work or cooperation and builds trust. Trust is more important rather than reassurance. Reassurance is temporary. Trust is permanent. Trust should not be broken.
Accepting financial aid is something a man especially prefers to avoid. To him a confidence is sacred trust, and he also frowns on hasty judgement of character. His frowns are only skin deep. His smiles are real. Some degree of jealousy is natural to everyone, but lack of passionate jealousy is due to something more than strength of character.

The ancient riddle is an astrological truth; “You just can’t jump in the same river twice,” makes enormous truth.

Whether something is a stumbling block or a stepping stone depends on how you use it. The past was so good no doubt, but sincerely believe that the future will be more glorious still. Dreams come true if you survive the hard times.

Nothing is fated, everything if formed. It is all down to hard effort, so don’t hold your breath waiting for fate to make a wish come true. It is the coward who says, “This is fate”. – So says the Sanskrit proverb.

A person can thrive if he can look forward and has a destination to reach. Life is worth living, if it has the future, brilliant and bright. Confidence, optimism, courage, fortitude, a strong determination and a will power with a positive approach, which a man is, concerned more with the future outcome of the journey of life.

In the progression of life, stagnation is not acceptable. When the water gets stagnant, he swims away before you have a chance to filter the pool, and that can be frustrating. When he's not happy, he withdraws.

Better be ignorant than mistaught. Silence is the ornament of the ignorant.

Even in silence, there is activity; in every activity there is a corner which is silent. One who sees silence in activity and activity in silence is a truly and really intelligent person. One has to strengthen the mind by the use of intelligence. – Lord Krishna

For example, when a poem has to come up, a person has to sit alone to write a poem. A great artist while painting has to be by himself, when he wants to paint a good picture.

If a drop of water falls in a lake there is no identity. But if it falls on a leaf of lotus it shines like a pearl. So choose the best place where you can shine. Lotus leaves, by nature, are not wetted by water.
One of the keys to success is breaking the rules rather than following them. Learn the rules and then break some. Celebrate diversity and use it to your advantage. Diversity is at the root. The visible world is a world of diversity and the invisible world is a world of unity.

Do not be afraid to fail. If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very Innovative. Do not be afraid to be different. There is no disgrace in failure. Sometimes, you will eventually see the benefit of the backward step. If you do not fail sometimes, you will never be responsible for success and enjoy the real sweetness of achievement.

Grace is to the body, what judgment is to the mind. - French Author

In failures, you have the advantage of learning from everyone else’s mistakes. People, who are almost unique in having ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent distinction to do so. It is only through risks that you can learn and grow.

To make mistakes is human, but to profit by them is divine. - Elbert Hubbard

Success will be guaranteed on the basis of your experience and skill. Learn to be a good observer first. There is nothing wrong in observing successful professionals, people you admire and success in their lives.

A hard beginning makes a good ending. – John Heywood

Every crisis provides an equal or a greater opportunity to improve. In life, the difficult periods are the best periods to gain experience and shore up determination. As a result, my mental status is much improved because of them. – Dalia Lama

A learned man without work is like a cloud without rain. - Danish Proverb

Crisis contains an opportunity to create a beneficial result. Our thoughts and imagination are the only real limits to our possibilities. Look for possibilities; see the opportunity in every crisis, and willingness to adapt to the circumstances and get going with the flow of life.
By being a part of the solution instead of being a part of the problem. Our intellect should look into possibilities rather than excuses. Our intellect should be guided by goodness rather than ego. Ego is 'Edging Goodness Out'.

Take care of your body; make priority for physical well being first. Take as much rest as is essential and don’t allow yourself to be lethargic. Networking with people and getting fresh perspectives can help you to keep yourself interested and interesting.

To get good results, decide to have fun. Fun creates enjoyment, which invites participation, which focuses attention, which expands awareness, which promotes insight, which generates knowledge, which facilitates action. And action gets results. – Oswald Shallow
Sometimes even mistakes should be seen as learning experiences. Nothing is wasted, and every effort will bring positive results.

Ask advice of your equals and help of your superiors. – Proverb

You are the expert too on your own experience, uniformity in thought, word and deed. You should work for the best; sensibly guarding against disappointment and be more discriminating in future.

Advice should only be given to learned, wise and to those who ask for it. Never give advice that was not asked.

One should not give up his work or occupation because of some disturbing elements is illusion. There may be failure in some attempt, but one should not be sorry for that, he should make progress with patience and determination. - Bhagavad Gita

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. If there is power in your tomorrow, there will be strength in your today. That powerful tomorrow is created by the power of goals you set today.

Everything went as it was planned, clearly, without difficulties. This is a great success.
Each work has to pass through ridicule, opposition and then acceptance. The more opposition there is the better. It is opposition which foretells success. True to the adage, 'Where there is perfection, there is the pinnacle of success'.

Humility is total acceptance. Humility and simplicity are the characteristics of greatness. It is simple to be difficult, but it is very difficult to be simple in life.

Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; there is success. – Rabindranath Tagore

Successful men do not do different things but they do things differently. Build credibility in your duty to accomplish the best for personal growth, transform and mature spiritually.

Try to leave some indelible mark behind you, in the field of duty in life.

He who works without any motive, neither for money, nor for fame, nor for anything else; and when a man can do that, he will be a Buddha, and out of him will come the power to work in such a manner as will transform the world. – Swami Vivekananda
If one can enjoy one's search and derive satisfaction from that, there is fulfillment. We have to teach ourselves to enjoy our search, our journey.

Perseverance and Success

Monday, January 12, 2009


Humanity is the state of divine love. He, who sows generosity, reaps Divine love. Humanity is an embodiment of infinite kindness and compassion, equanimity and poise of mind. Humanity is the equity of the heart.

A generous heart, kind speech, and life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. The spirit of giving and sharing with everyone is generosity without expecting anything in return.

Generosity is for the Destruction of Greed and Attachment. – Gautama Buddha

The holy scriptures teach us to act as saviors of mankind and dharma. Generosity helps to get rid of greediness. It is clear that this is the highest manner of giving. The giver should only give through compassion and loving kindness.
  • Giving beautifies the mind (by eliminating craving and greed). Giving strengthens the mind. Giving calms the mind and makes a person feel happy.
  • Give liberally. Giving should be accompanied by earnestness(with belief).
  • By giving clean and better things among what you have, you get real satisfaction.
  • By giving some part of earning for charity, expecting no returns.
  • By giving frequently, that is suitable at proper time with care.
  • Appreciate the charm of spontaneous generosity that is priceless.

If you help people get better and advance, karma will help you advance in someway or other. If the man is full of humanism, charitable and believes in human.. brotherhood, everything will turn out to be good.

Hands that help are holier than the lips that pray.

The only God that to worship is the human soul, in the human body. God is present in every living thing. There is no other God besides that who serves everyone, serves God indeed. Service to "people" is service to God. He who sees "Siva" in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Siva. - Swami Vivekananda

Service to mankind is the highest form of worship. It is prayer in action. It is love of God that finds its most exalted expression in the service of fellow beings. It is also a love that knows no boundary.

Focus your mind on the good of humanity. "Humility makes you more refined and a sense of universal compassion and responsibility for mankind." Through humility, true humanity shines . Humanity is the only way to grow humble. Without humility, you would never know the value of the kindness. Kindness is the fruit of wisdom. Be kind to yourselves and to one another.

You cannot help anyone; you can only serve. Do it only as worship. Feel extremely blessed and thank God and be grateful for the bonding of human love. Thinking that all living beings are forms of God, let us help other beings with God given hands and legs, considering it as an offering to God. – Swami Vivekananda

Give due respect to others, aged persons and never try to humiliate them. Everyone have enough pain and suffering. But rendering service to others and elderly people is what makes you feel alive.

The man of good conduct who serves old people daily will get four blessings - longevity, strength, beauty and happiness.

If you’re young, give your little time, concern for lonely and elderly people in old age homes, hospitals and shelters. They look only for tender love and some companionship. If you can make them feel happy, make them smile for sometime, it’s as close to healthy as they ever feel.

We must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. – Mahatma Gandhi

Some people are engaged in violent activities because they are not aware, that it is only going to give them more suffering, more pain and more ignorance. Ask yourself honestly, if you’ve done anything to change the destructive pattern of actions. When one realizes this, one wakes up. Wait and see for a good change in human attitude.

The cause of the action and the approval of the action are followed by greed, anger, delusion and ignorance, which could be slight, middle or intense and the result is infinite sorrow. When men are brutal and are not sensible to the feeling of others, they bring disaster and misery to the people.

As far as possible, one has to know, not to hurt others. Humility must characterize behavior. Compassion, kindness, and love helps the man to overcome anger. Compassion for the people and living things is the outcome of mercy.

Forgiveness is more manly than punishment. Forgiveness is easy, only for the spiritually evolved.

The greatest blessings in life always come from sharing and helping less privileged human beings. If you really want to be blessed, first make others blessed. It is not the receiver that is blessed, but it is the giver. Be thankful that you are allowed to exercise your power of benevolence and mercy in the world and thus become pure and perfect.

Service comes before profit and that the sort of business which makes the world better for its presence is a noble profession. - Henry Ford

Nursing homes and hospitals provide great service to people. A team of doctors and nurses work together; giving treatment to patients suffering from diseases and helping people to become better from ill health. Doctors and nurses dedicate their life being with people and helping them to lead a healthy life.

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Mahatma Gandhi

In one span of life, great people live the whole life of humanity. First they perfect themselves and then bring humanity to perfection. Great work requires great and persistent effort for a long time. Great people are those who do charity works with their hearts.

Humanity is a thoughtful consideration of others peace and happiness; seeing the self in all things, is a true savior of mankind and a healer of the wounds of people.

Individually, we are one drop, together we are an ocean. The oneness of human beings is the basic ethical thread that holds us together. A mysterious bond of brotherhood makes all men one.

We can do no great things, only small things with great love. We ourselves feel that what we are just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. – Mother Teresa

Honor the person who has come to your place for alms. Never give them alms. People who treat other people as less than human, must not be surprised when the bread they have cast on the waters comes floating back to them poisoned.

Delight your life in helping others, poor and suffering. Remain special in the people’s hearts, live as one of the finest human being. Gladly sharing your heart and doing service to others will elevate one. Live your life well, if you are useful to people all your life, there will be a hundreds of people to take care of you.

Involve in a charitable exercise, or pursue activities which are designed to make the world a better place. Devote yourself loving others, "around you and creating something" that gives you purpose and meaning to your life. In spite of all that is happening in the world, everyone is constantly engaged in rendering service to the other and want to do something good for others.

Lay down your life for your own liberation and for the good of others. One must be ready to advance and lay down one’s life at the word of command, before he can command the hearts and lives of others’. One must sacrifice first. – Swami Vivekananda

We need to have three things:
1. The heart to feel.
2. The brain to conceive.
3. The hand to work.

You are a human being first, and should nurture people around you. True men and women are all physicians to make people well. Recognize the needs of others without an emotional commitment to anything. Apparently to help the others, is to really help yourselves….

You cannot weep for the entire world. It is beyond human strength; you must choose. Serve the nearest. There is no price for that which is given at the right moment. Believe in being fully present. Your concern should be with the person you’re with. Love is, when you are as concerned about someone else situation as you are about your own.

Working for love is freedom in action. The virtues that come out of our actions depend on the our heart, intentions, the circumstances in which it was given, to whom it was given and what the receiver was getting. The smaller things in life really are the greater concern for most people.

A broken hand works, but not a broken heart. - Persian Proverb

Humanity is to be equal-minded towards all things. True humanity consists not in a squeamish ear; it consists not in starting of shrinking at tales of misery, but in a disposition of heart to relieve it. True humanity appertains rather to the mind than to the nerves, and prompts men to use real and active endeavor to execute the actions which it suggests.

He, who gives, receives best; he who asks for little gains most. – G.B. Shaw

Help rendered to the poor and needy in time is the real service to humanity. Feel for the poor, the ignorant, the down trodden; feeding the hungry and quenching the thirst of the thirsty, and homeless… in the society. You will have to go to poor and serve them with your love and compassion. Arrange to distribute medicines to those who are sick, nurse them with all care and supply food to poor who are starving.

You should first reform their lives by making them stand on their own; and then some real work by them can be expected. Even the least work done for others awakens the power with in; even thinking the least good of others gradually instills into the heart a great strength.

Tell the poor, there is power in you to remove all wants and all miseries; vainly you are always trying to get help from others, which never comes. Tell them that ‘Self help is the best help’. Hope for nothing from anyone. You can do anything and everything; even time and space are nothing compared with your nature.

"The only service to be done for our lower classes is to give them basic education, to develop their lost individuality. Give them ideas. That is the only help they require, and then the rest must follow as the effect."

The education alone does not help the common mass of people to equip themselves for the struggle of life. Real education is that which enables one, to stand on his legs and of social rising. If you have knowledge and see a man weak, do not condemn him. Go to his level and help him to lead a better life.

We humans are social beings. We come into the world as the result of others’ actions. We survive here in dependence on others. Whether we like it or not, there is hardly a moment of our lives when we do not benefit from others’ activities. For this reason it is hardly surprising that most of our happiness arises in the context of our relationships with others. – Dalai Lama

Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant to enact. Gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch heaven. Gratitude makes you to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kindness that will stand behind the action.

'Thanks’ is the word to express gratitude, an important ingredient for well being of you and others.

Disciplined life gives wisdom; and from wisdom comes unity and from unity love and brotherhood. From it brings peace and harmony in social life. Happy social life brings peace in society and from it spreads to the whole world.

“Live and Let live”, is a powerful humanitarian urge, brings the innate kindness, and concern for others. Hurt never, Help ever.

Love and compassion

Thursday, January 1, 2009


My grand mother was so beautiful with fair complexion, having extremely thick, black long hair. She was always clothed in traditional, elegant manner. True to herself, “Purity of mind in a wife ensures health and longevity of the husband”. My grand father is now 86 years old.

She was affectionate, friendly, generous and philosophical in all aspects. She believed in truth, had enormous faith in ethics and old traditions. She possessed strong values; her self-discipline, duty and responsibility towards my grand father and her family were amazing. She was grateful and loyal to every individual who was sympathetic to her throughout her life.

My grand mother was never narrow in thinking. Her love was equal to everyone. She was the very first to help her children and grand children. She was always there to serve when there is any need of her service. She was a friendly and gracious, boost to all of us by her spirits, guiding inwardly innocent and naive things with loving tenderness and wisdom. Her humility and individuality, way of communicating, expressing her feelings about everyone contained a positive note. Cheerfully willing to confess her short comings was admirable.

She had great respect and was fascinated by highly educated people. Since She didn’t have any school education. She gradually became adept at self-learning, educating herself by reading epics with the help of a dictionary. She was always open, improving her mind and spiritual knowledge that makes good sense. She felt satisfaction, happiness and pleasure in reading, listening to classical music from radio. She used to sing while cooking; listening to a raga, and subconsciously used to analyze variations in tone.

My grand mother was an ardent devotee of Lord Sri Rama and Hanuman. She used to write and recite the name of Lord Rama throughout her life. She was very spiritual; every morning her prayers to God were like a priest's.

Once when I went to my maternal grand parents’ house in the year 1975 holidays, my grand mother so casually gave me a small book containing of 163 slokas (Neethi Sastram-moral science) to read. It costs about 0.50 paise. Even today this book is still with me, and so precious to carry through out my life. She used to connect everything to good and bad karma of the past, that accumulates and brings happiness and misery. My grand mother has a reputation of having been a spiritually evolved woman, and remained special in everyone’s heart in her family.

The secret of happiness is freedom; free your mind from too many attachments.

Sita Rama & HanumanSpreads Radiant Grace