Music is the manifestation of human spirit, similar to language. Sanskrit word for music is ‘Sangita’, which includes not only vocal, instrumental music but also dance.
Indian music is spiritual, and not simply a mode of entertainment, whether it is instrumental music or vocal music. It is a significant aspect of our cultural heritage that divinity resides in music.
Indian music in general has its roots in ancient Vedic chants. Most of the Vedic chants are sung in swaras alone in various combination's. Music is common in religious chanting. The philosophical portions of Vedas; Upanishads means sitting down or near a guru to receive spiritual instruction.
The Upanishads, the Vedas and the Scriptures convey the message of love, pursuit of excellence, respect for truth, unselfishness, justice and fairness in action, and the eternal values of life. Upanishads are the products of highest wisdom.
The ancient scriptures of the Hindus forming into four Vedas:
The Rig Veda supplies the literary text, divine hymns of Gods. The sound 'Bhu' has come from Rig Veda.
The Yajur Veda represents the sacrificial strategy, rituals. Yajur Veda describes Nature. The sound 'Suva' comes from Yajur Veda.
The Sama Veda gave the musical representation, the priest’s chants. 'OM' comes from Sama Veda.
The Adharvana Veda gave the charm.
Indian music is purely spiritual. Music is an essential ritual in temples. South Indian music belonged primarily to temples. Music is not only classical, folk or a film. Singing in mono tone is a common feature in Indian folk and religious music. Whether it is entertainment, a cultural expression or religious inspiration, music is part of everyone’s life.
In Vedas, Sama Veda is Lord Krishna. HE resides in music.
Musicians have a keen awareness of illusion, cultural value of life, pointing towards the immortal nature of the soul. A person who is so immersed spiritually with music; he does not write, do not read and do not plan music.
Thyagaraja words go to the extent of saying, “music was not just a source of sweet words; it was verily the path to God. Music itself is the form of God; categorically that those who do not understand music do not qualify for salvation.”
Music has some power, some force to guide your life and actions. First God makes you appreciate music; if God wants to shower his blessings upon a person, is further happier with a person, He makes an individual a musician. This is a good fortune.
No body can refuse what God gives, and no body can give what God refuses.
Music gives you divine knowledge. Music gives the virtues of balance, equanimity and peace. Music gives faith in you, and faith in God. Music acts as God to guide you when you walk on the path of life. Music is a way to achieve immortality.
The message of MS Subbulakshmi music is bold and clear, “Sangita has to be transparent to bakthi and its aesthetic appeal has to be appreciated in spiritual terms. Music is replete with the feeling of bakthi, a complete surrender to the devotion of God.”
For MS Subbulakshmi real music is not a series of symmetrically arranged notes, but a luminous hallow that envelops the mind of both the singer and the listener. Impelled by such visualization she had succeeded in soaring to the very heights of sublime music with elegance and devotional spontaneity. In the tradition of the singing sants of Bhakti cult and with divine grace, she reached out to millions of people. She was one of the India’s greatest singers, her life and music remains the purest form of worship.
Bhakti is greater than Karma, Jnana and Yoga. Bhakti alone directly leads to liberation.
Vyasa says that Bhakti means love of ritualistic practices. Garga says that Bhakti consists of a keen interest in hearing the stories about God. Sandilya recommends the eternal joy of listening to the songs about Sri Hari.
A singer, deeply spiritual man, who believes and says, “Music is not only in transformational power of sound, but also in its origins in the all pervading consciousness. God plays the most important role in us. There is never a moment of doubt in God in our life. I try to reach God through music and always invite God to be with me and accept it as a dedication. I dedicate my life through music.”
Musicians establish a relation to God through music. It is a spiritual status-the purity, holiness and faith. It is all about surrendering oneself to God, which qualifies for divine approbation through music.
One Great musician says, “In Indian music, ‘Bhagavan ka Darshan’ will exist. Music and Bhakti cannot be separated-one cannot exist without the other. This is extensively evident in music. Lord Krishna can be addressed as a companion as God, friend and ever a lover. Lord Krishna symbolizes romanticism as well as Bhakti. Prayers to Krishna will reach faster on the wings of music. May be that is why HE is the music of artists. He is always present in musicians mind. Lord Krishna name itself inspires peace.”
Indian classical music is a perennially flowing river and nothing can affect its flow. It is forever. Indian classical music requires a highly evolved sense of listening for one to appreciate it, and carnatic music is bound art, rich in terms of melody and lyrics. The ideals expressed are deeply philosophical, religious and emotional.
Music is an art like a divine gift; whom the chanter of Sama Veda sing by Vedas. Music is divine guidance, and invisible force, knowledge to the unknown and attributes all his wisdom. There are so many things that inspire, and give inspiration through music.
Another great musician says, “Music is absolutely wonderful! One could feel the music sweeping over to an extent of a pleasant numbness. It is a great learning experience; make your music beautiful, whether it is vocal or an instrument by your energy; and learn to present, compose and promote the music.”
There is tradition in music families in India that continues to exist. Sometimes it is difficult for the younger generation to continue the same tradition, because of the contemporary music. But sometimes it is a great strength. The lack of musical background can give one the determination and driving force to succeed on one’s own.
Young musician says, “Indian classical for instance is more performance oriented. Melody is the soul of the music. But they can be blended beautifully because western classical can lend itself to alterations that can be used to harmonize and add levels to the Eastern classical if used properly. While listening to music, whether Eastern classical or western it hardly matters. Music is music.”
To spread the divinity of music, musicians undertake a good number of trips constantly moving around the world. There is no voice greater than the voice of music. Music inspires by all cultures.
Listening to music is an age old tradition. Music is very subtle and it forces you to sit down and listen, and even meditate. You feel so pleasant on listening to music. Once you start enjoying the fragrance of music, you will get involved. Music is an excellent companion. The effect of music is evident in giving optimism.
One cannot have a taste of honey unless one opens the bottle. – Proverb
Music is soothing for listeners of all ages. Music involves the brain at almost every level. Music as a spiritual practice elicits joy and vitality, and the well being of all life.
Music is like breathtaking, beautiful healing. Music pacifies even anger and its judicious use is highly helpful in leading a man to the vision of God. It calms and quiets the mind, returning you to a place of deep stillness, comfort and peace makes the heart peaceful.
Music lights the lamp of love in every heart, to transform life. One who listens to music can be mentally happy; one has a sound sleep, rest and peace after doing days of work. For the corporate section of the society, music gives so much of relief from their stressful work. Music is always new and fresh, and it makes the brain more active.
Music integrates the brain, mind and soul, understanding the human emotions, and aggression, why we laugh and cry.
Music has been found to have a profound effect on our physiological and psychological well-being. Music for the discipline of the mind. Music has the power to explore the realms that cannot be accessed with words.
A good diet of the right kind of music gives us mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual ability. It brings people together, enhances our intelligence, academic achievement, creative ability and helps us to connect with our inner most being.
The younger generation is getting back to the old tradition. Gradually the younger generations are keen on learning classical music from a very tiny age. Learning music significantly improves memory, concentration, spatial thinking, creativity and linguistic ability. Learning music the right way adds many more hours to our day and certaining to our life.
Knowledge without consistent "PRACTICE", makes only half an artist.
Mentally bow down to Saraswati, the Goddess of learning. Intense practice of music is a penance that seeks to change the self. No one can become expert in music without hard-work.
Music is very much a language and has certain rules. Sruthi gives connectedness with psychology. Its source is the perennial springs of Bhakti, its glistening streams ragas, songs, sthotras, bhajans.
A raga as a form or organization signifies a wide range of ideas and a vast spectrum of emotional nuances. The flexibility in ‘notes’ rendering offers certain freedom in imagination giving full vent of feelings, to both the artist and the listener.
The seven notes rise from the navel, through the heart, the throat and comes out through the nose.
You develop an awareness of those subtle vibrations, energy patterns and movements within your system, about which you hardly knew before.
As you progress you are led towards a sense of joy and harmony, flexibility and fulfillment, which are essential requisites not only for the health of an individual, but also for the entire society.
Ragas can play a crucial role, in the process of mental development, behavior and personality traits.
Indian ragas have divinity inspiring ability, to color the mind of the listener, with a particular emotion that stimulates brain and heart activity. Healing with sound is more than just a change of melodies and chants; it is about a change of heart.
To identify particular intervals and melodies that can facilitate relaxation, concentration, alleviate pain, enhance perceptional functions (sensation, reception, feeling, transmission and expression), balance nervous system, and strengthen vitality.
It has been reported that experiments confirm that the human foetus responds to sounds, especially musical from the fifth month. Dr. M.Balamurali Krishna, the famous musician is reported to have said that his mother used to play the veena for long hours, regularly everyday, when she was carrying him.
Perceptions can also be highly subjective and biased by previous experience. Perception through the sense organs is indeed wondrous. Sensitivity or intuitive perception of a musician that seperates him from the rest of us. Sensitive perception is rare in any field.
Music is calming and confidence, guides you through images of strength and health, involving the power of the mind, body connection for healing bone conditions such as osteoporosis, injuries and healing from joint surgery.
Ancient people believed that music had 'super-natural'powers; in healing sickness, purifying the body and mind, and working miracles in the realm of nature.
Vocal sounds are nutrients for the brain and the heart and to incorporate sound chant in your daily life towards successful sound healing practice. Your mind becomes familiar with the deep chanting of the voice, through the function and sound transforms energy levels, creates measurable effects in the physical body, and affects emotions and consciousness more efficiently than any other form of sound.
Sound waves are an environmental effect just like rain and light. Even the sounds of animals and birds are not uniform in the nature. Each bird has its own wonderful sound; it is because of the continuous changes in the creation. Each bird is revealing a sound absorbing the maximum light of the day.
Music is a different kind of meditation. Excellent for life inspiration; takes meditation to a whole new dimension. Music is a physical exercise and yoga, cures many diseases. It is a well known fact that music soothes the nerves and heals.
For the past several generations, countless legends, musicians and singers in India are bringing peace and happiness to the people, with their good music to both bodily and mentally.
One who drinks the water of Ganges attains salvation; as such one who is immersed in music attains salvation.
Indian music is spiritual, and not simply a mode of entertainment, whether it is instrumental music or vocal music. It is a significant aspect of our cultural heritage that divinity resides in music.
Indian music in general has its roots in ancient Vedic chants. Most of the Vedic chants are sung in swaras alone in various combination's. Music is common in religious chanting. The philosophical portions of Vedas; Upanishads means sitting down or near a guru to receive spiritual instruction.
The Upanishads, the Vedas and the Scriptures convey the message of love, pursuit of excellence, respect for truth, unselfishness, justice and fairness in action, and the eternal values of life. Upanishads are the products of highest wisdom.
The ancient scriptures of the Hindus forming into four Vedas:
The Rig Veda supplies the literary text, divine hymns of Gods. The sound 'Bhu' has come from Rig Veda.
The Yajur Veda represents the sacrificial strategy, rituals. Yajur Veda describes Nature. The sound 'Suva' comes from Yajur Veda.
The Sama Veda gave the musical representation, the priest’s chants. 'OM' comes from Sama Veda.
The Adharvana Veda gave the charm.
Indian music is purely spiritual. Music is an essential ritual in temples. South Indian music belonged primarily to temples. Music is not only classical, folk or a film. Singing in mono tone is a common feature in Indian folk and religious music. Whether it is entertainment, a cultural expression or religious inspiration, music is part of everyone’s life.
In Vedas, Sama Veda is Lord Krishna. HE resides in music.
Musicians have a keen awareness of illusion, cultural value of life, pointing towards the immortal nature of the soul. A person who is so immersed spiritually with music; he does not write, do not read and do not plan music.
Thyagaraja words go to the extent of saying, “music was not just a source of sweet words; it was verily the path to God. Music itself is the form of God; categorically that those who do not understand music do not qualify for salvation.”
Music has some power, some force to guide your life and actions. First God makes you appreciate music; if God wants to shower his blessings upon a person, is further happier with a person, He makes an individual a musician. This is a good fortune.
No body can refuse what God gives, and no body can give what God refuses.
Music gives you divine knowledge. Music gives the virtues of balance, equanimity and peace. Music gives faith in you, and faith in God. Music acts as God to guide you when you walk on the path of life. Music is a way to achieve immortality.
The message of MS Subbulakshmi music is bold and clear, “Sangita has to be transparent to bakthi and its aesthetic appeal has to be appreciated in spiritual terms. Music is replete with the feeling of bakthi, a complete surrender to the devotion of God.”
For MS Subbulakshmi real music is not a series of symmetrically arranged notes, but a luminous hallow that envelops the mind of both the singer and the listener. Impelled by such visualization she had succeeded in soaring to the very heights of sublime music with elegance and devotional spontaneity. In the tradition of the singing sants of Bhakti cult and with divine grace, she reached out to millions of people. She was one of the India’s greatest singers, her life and music remains the purest form of worship.
Bhakti is greater than Karma, Jnana and Yoga. Bhakti alone directly leads to liberation.
Vyasa says that Bhakti means love of ritualistic practices. Garga says that Bhakti consists of a keen interest in hearing the stories about God. Sandilya recommends the eternal joy of listening to the songs about Sri Hari.
A singer, deeply spiritual man, who believes and says, “Music is not only in transformational power of sound, but also in its origins in the all pervading consciousness. God plays the most important role in us. There is never a moment of doubt in God in our life. I try to reach God through music and always invite God to be with me and accept it as a dedication. I dedicate my life through music.”
Musicians establish a relation to God through music. It is a spiritual status-the purity, holiness and faith. It is all about surrendering oneself to God, which qualifies for divine approbation through music.
One Great musician says, “In Indian music, ‘Bhagavan ka Darshan’ will exist. Music and Bhakti cannot be separated-one cannot exist without the other. This is extensively evident in music. Lord Krishna can be addressed as a companion as God, friend and ever a lover. Lord Krishna symbolizes romanticism as well as Bhakti. Prayers to Krishna will reach faster on the wings of music. May be that is why HE is the music of artists. He is always present in musicians mind. Lord Krishna name itself inspires peace.”
Indian classical music is a perennially flowing river and nothing can affect its flow. It is forever. Indian classical music requires a highly evolved sense of listening for one to appreciate it, and carnatic music is bound art, rich in terms of melody and lyrics. The ideals expressed are deeply philosophical, religious and emotional.
Music is an art like a divine gift; whom the chanter of Sama Veda sing by Vedas. Music is divine guidance, and invisible force, knowledge to the unknown and attributes all his wisdom. There are so many things that inspire, and give inspiration through music.
Another great musician says, “Music is absolutely wonderful! One could feel the music sweeping over to an extent of a pleasant numbness. It is a great learning experience; make your music beautiful, whether it is vocal or an instrument by your energy; and learn to present, compose and promote the music.”
There is tradition in music families in India that continues to exist. Sometimes it is difficult for the younger generation to continue the same tradition, because of the contemporary music. But sometimes it is a great strength. The lack of musical background can give one the determination and driving force to succeed on one’s own.
Young musician says, “Indian classical for instance is more performance oriented. Melody is the soul of the music. But they can be blended beautifully because western classical can lend itself to alterations that can be used to harmonize and add levels to the Eastern classical if used properly. While listening to music, whether Eastern classical or western it hardly matters. Music is music.”
To spread the divinity of music, musicians undertake a good number of trips constantly moving around the world. There is no voice greater than the voice of music. Music inspires by all cultures.
Listening to music is an age old tradition. Music is very subtle and it forces you to sit down and listen, and even meditate. You feel so pleasant on listening to music. Once you start enjoying the fragrance of music, you will get involved. Music is an excellent companion. The effect of music is evident in giving optimism.
One cannot have a taste of honey unless one opens the bottle. – Proverb
Music is soothing for listeners of all ages. Music involves the brain at almost every level. Music as a spiritual practice elicits joy and vitality, and the well being of all life.
Music is like breathtaking, beautiful healing. Music pacifies even anger and its judicious use is highly helpful in leading a man to the vision of God. It calms and quiets the mind, returning you to a place of deep stillness, comfort and peace makes the heart peaceful.
Music lights the lamp of love in every heart, to transform life. One who listens to music can be mentally happy; one has a sound sleep, rest and peace after doing days of work. For the corporate section of the society, music gives so much of relief from their stressful work. Music is always new and fresh, and it makes the brain more active.
Music integrates the brain, mind and soul, understanding the human emotions, and aggression, why we laugh and cry.
Music has been found to have a profound effect on our physiological and psychological well-being. Music for the discipline of the mind. Music has the power to explore the realms that cannot be accessed with words.
A good diet of the right kind of music gives us mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual ability. It brings people together, enhances our intelligence, academic achievement, creative ability and helps us to connect with our inner most being.
The younger generation is getting back to the old tradition. Gradually the younger generations are keen on learning classical music from a very tiny age. Learning music significantly improves memory, concentration, spatial thinking, creativity and linguistic ability. Learning music the right way adds many more hours to our day and certaining to our life.
Knowledge without consistent "PRACTICE", makes only half an artist.
Mentally bow down to Saraswati, the Goddess of learning. Intense practice of music is a penance that seeks to change the self. No one can become expert in music without hard-work.
Music is very much a language and has certain rules. Sruthi gives connectedness with psychology. Its source is the perennial springs of Bhakti, its glistening streams ragas, songs, sthotras, bhajans.
A raga as a form or organization signifies a wide range of ideas and a vast spectrum of emotional nuances. The flexibility in ‘notes’ rendering offers certain freedom in imagination giving full vent of feelings, to both the artist and the listener.
The seven notes rise from the navel, through the heart, the throat and comes out through the nose.
You develop an awareness of those subtle vibrations, energy patterns and movements within your system, about which you hardly knew before.
As you progress you are led towards a sense of joy and harmony, flexibility and fulfillment, which are essential requisites not only for the health of an individual, but also for the entire society.
Ragas can play a crucial role, in the process of mental development, behavior and personality traits.
Indian ragas have divinity inspiring ability, to color the mind of the listener, with a particular emotion that stimulates brain and heart activity. Healing with sound is more than just a change of melodies and chants; it is about a change of heart.
To identify particular intervals and melodies that can facilitate relaxation, concentration, alleviate pain, enhance perceptional functions (sensation, reception, feeling, transmission and expression), balance nervous system, and strengthen vitality.
It has been reported that experiments confirm that the human foetus responds to sounds, especially musical from the fifth month. Dr. M.Balamurali Krishna, the famous musician is reported to have said that his mother used to play the veena for long hours, regularly everyday, when she was carrying him.
Perceptions can also be highly subjective and biased by previous experience. Perception through the sense organs is indeed wondrous. Sensitivity or intuitive perception of a musician that seperates him from the rest of us. Sensitive perception is rare in any field.
Music is calming and confidence, guides you through images of strength and health, involving the power of the mind, body connection for healing bone conditions such as osteoporosis, injuries and healing from joint surgery.
Ancient people believed that music had 'super-natural'powers; in healing sickness, purifying the body and mind, and working miracles in the realm of nature.
Vocal sounds are nutrients for the brain and the heart and to incorporate sound chant in your daily life towards successful sound healing practice. Your mind becomes familiar with the deep chanting of the voice, through the function and sound transforms energy levels, creates measurable effects in the physical body, and affects emotions and consciousness more efficiently than any other form of sound.
Sound waves are an environmental effect just like rain and light. Even the sounds of animals and birds are not uniform in the nature. Each bird has its own wonderful sound; it is because of the continuous changes in the creation. Each bird is revealing a sound absorbing the maximum light of the day.
Music is a different kind of meditation. Excellent for life inspiration; takes meditation to a whole new dimension. Music is a physical exercise and yoga, cures many diseases. It is a well known fact that music soothes the nerves and heals.
For the past several generations, countless legends, musicians and singers in India are bringing peace and happiness to the people, with their good music to both bodily and mentally.
One who drinks the water of Ganges attains salvation; as such one who is immersed in music attains salvation.

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