Monday, January 19, 2009


Success is not a destination, it is a journey. Success is not what you achieve compared to others. It is what you achieve compared to what you are capable of. Success enables you to maintain equanimity and stability.

Equanimity in both success and failure. When a person enjoys both success and failure then he has strong personality. His vision and thoughts inspire others also.

Hope, aspirations and optimism are essential for the achievement of success in life. Life needs all these three things for happiness, prosperity and success.

Hope is sweeter than fulfilment. - G.B. Shaw

A very small degree of hope is sufficient to give birth to strength. Wherever there is strength, you feel more easily propelled into success. It is the courage to grow up and become who really are.

A wise man knows that happiness is real, as it is our very nature. The happiest people do not have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.

Success needs effort, work and will power. Effort is the single largest determination to growth. Every good effort is produced by a cause which is good and noble.

Learn the secret of success from the principles of Bhagavad-Gita:

Everyone must engage in some sort of activity in this material world. Take your stand on good purpose, right means and righteous courage. A mind which is born to succeed joins itself to a determined will and perseveres.

Doing one's duty irrespective of the results even in failure is the utmost point in a man’s life. Join yourself to the perfectly unselfish will and work hard. Look not for success or failure; without being attachment to the result of the work, is certainly making progress towards the supreme goal of life. One should act as a matter of duty.

When your intentions as well as your actions are good you win both the worlds. But actions can either bind one to this world or liberate one from it. A man should not, limit his progress only to the point of moral codes, but should transcend them to attain Liberation.

Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. Whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues. – Bhagavad-Gita

Success demands singleness of purpose. Success makes you to stay focused until you can reach your goals or until your goals can reach you.

Success lies in the unity of purpose. The magnificence of goals brings a lot of wonderful people and processes together. Together you can accomplish anything. Together, Everybody Achieves More. – TEAM.

Coming together is beginning, keeping together is progress, thinking together is unity, working together is success. - Henry Ford
Nothing comes easy in life and anything good in life comes with a price; and once you have decided to make it big, sometimes you will have to sacrifice your personal interests. It all depends on what you want to achieve and how much you are prepared to stretch yourselves to achieve it. Judge your success by what you have to give up in order of getting it. As you grow up to the ladder, so must your humility.

To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to subordinates nobleness.
A person not polite at heart tends to fall in the trap of personality conflict with superiors and other colleges. Be firm, polite and assertive - not defensive or overly apologetic. We cannot succeed without the help of others. Yet, others can only help; we have to do the work. An employer looks in you a person from whom he can take his work.

Some people want to curry the favour of their superiors by playing second fiddle to them. Too much courtesy, shows too much craft. Subordinates will co-operate and help you out in office or business(work, employment). Be doubly(with twice the quantity) careful with male/female associates or even subordinates.

Someone who has a high ego and needs to be back down to his peers(equals) through put downs.

Integrity is a powerful instrument for career development. Honesty plays an integral element of credibility and hence character. Be the role model of high personal character. Emotion, controlled and directed to work, is character. Character represents strength, capacity, patience and perseverance, etc.

Strength of character is born out of obstacles overcome. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you fail to focus on your goals. Jealousy, passion, impulse, anger, frivolity, waste, laziness, carelessness - are all obstacles.

Character lies at the depth of your most, serious thought that stands for your values. Energy of man is ready to face fresh issues when character too fails. No man can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character.

A positive attitude is sure to enable one’s growth and success. It is is to is up to me. In truth, faith is just optimistic approach about the outcome of your activities. Take your life as a challenge, where the hardest choices are the highest ones; and it provides the strength to face anything that comes to you. Feel alive energised and invest yourself fully in everything and face any challenge in life.

To succeed, it is not just the will power. You must have will power, determination and tremendous perseverance. Perseverance is the very hinge of all virtues. Perseverance will ultimately conquer. Confidence in your work, devotion and struggle on in patience, will achieve success.

The key to success is to do everything with total and absolute concentration. All Success in any line of work is the result of the power of concentration. In making money, in worshipping God, or in doing anything, the stronger the power of concentration, the things will be done better. Concentration also constitutes the difference between each other.

Energy, action and effort need self-control for success in life but thought and concentration cannot advance if you are quick in action. A man of action dislikes a serious-minded person and calls him lethargic.

Some people they are just determined to get noticed, all stem from the need for identity. A man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities which he does not posses and to gain applause which he cannot keep.

He is self-complacent and always impudent deluded by false ego. He takes all credit for doing everything independently. It is the ego that spoils work and the ego is the centre piece of most theories of motivation. - Bhagavad Gita

Man must realise his own unimportance before he can appreciate his importance. If people are above your standards, you are not comfortable; with people who are below your bench mark, you are not comfortable. People who are par with you, you are envious of them and not comfortable with them. Then, who are you comfortable with? You are left with nobody!
If you feel that you are much more intelligent than the people around you and if you feel they are all fools, then good. Enjoy their company. Fools make this world more fun. If there are no fools, then the whole world will be totally devoid of fun. – Art of Living Ravi Shanker

You just can’t carry on pretending that you can complete every task you’ve taken on. So make cuts where you can do the best.

You try to achieve certainty by trying to control everything around you. Certainty provides order; uncertainty provides growth. Both order and growth are needed to complete your work. Allow others to grow. Allowing others to grow is a sign of strength.

The ring of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold your foot long enough to put the other higher.

Three things are necessary to make your success:
1. Conviction of the strength of goodness.
2. Absence of jealousy.
3. Helping all who is trying to work and do well.

Jealous exists when one has not learnt to rejoice in the success of others. Jealousy also exists when there is unwise comparison.

Actions without ethics can never lead to success in the long run. He who is good to himself is no good to anyone else. The mouth of the man knows only how to find fault. Hate and haste defy wisdom. A wicked tongue is worse than an evil hand. Everyone may be right in their own way. Always, see that there is sensitivity in your judgement.

The trait is the desire to criticise or cut down those who are very original in their vision, very skilful in what they do, or simply very rich - in short, those who stand tall.

Nobody likes a smart-ass; it’s never, ever, worth trying for a laugh at someone else’s expense.

There is no work accomplished in this world by wickedness. It is best not to expect short cuts to do the trick for your success. Don’t let today’s success into thinking that tomorrow will always be like today. Whatever is yours today may be somebody else’s tomorrow.

One persons’ gain need not be an others’ loss.

Men are thankless when fortune smiles upon them; and devoid of patience when there is misfortune. Be patient when her frown is seen; Give thanks when fortune smiles.

Don’t dismiss apparently meaningless people or events out of hand, for they may eventually have great significance. No one is good all the time and always thoughtful. Nobody is always loving, always kind, always generous and always thoughtful. Psychologically, a reliable behaviour towards others is loyalty, and your best response is to smile.

Reliability is one of the foundations of team work or cooperation and builds trust. Trust is more important rather than reassurance. Reassurance is temporary. Trust is permanent. Trust should not be broken.
Accepting financial aid is something a man especially prefers to avoid. To him a confidence is sacred trust, and he also frowns on hasty judgement of character. His frowns are only skin deep. His smiles are real. Some degree of jealousy is natural to everyone, but lack of passionate jealousy is due to something more than strength of character.

The ancient riddle is an astrological truth; “You just can’t jump in the same river twice,” makes enormous truth.

Whether something is a stumbling block or a stepping stone depends on how you use it. The past was so good no doubt, but sincerely believe that the future will be more glorious still. Dreams come true if you survive the hard times.

Nothing is fated, everything if formed. It is all down to hard effort, so don’t hold your breath waiting for fate to make a wish come true. It is the coward who says, “This is fate”. – So says the Sanskrit proverb.

A person can thrive if he can look forward and has a destination to reach. Life is worth living, if it has the future, brilliant and bright. Confidence, optimism, courage, fortitude, a strong determination and a will power with a positive approach, which a man is, concerned more with the future outcome of the journey of life.

In the progression of life, stagnation is not acceptable. When the water gets stagnant, he swims away before you have a chance to filter the pool, and that can be frustrating. When he's not happy, he withdraws.

Better be ignorant than mistaught. Silence is the ornament of the ignorant.

Even in silence, there is activity; in every activity there is a corner which is silent. One who sees silence in activity and activity in silence is a truly and really intelligent person. One has to strengthen the mind by the use of intelligence. – Lord Krishna

For example, when a poem has to come up, a person has to sit alone to write a poem. A great artist while painting has to be by himself, when he wants to paint a good picture.

If a drop of water falls in a lake there is no identity. But if it falls on a leaf of lotus it shines like a pearl. So choose the best place where you can shine. Lotus leaves, by nature, are not wetted by water.
One of the keys to success is breaking the rules rather than following them. Learn the rules and then break some. Celebrate diversity and use it to your advantage. Diversity is at the root. The visible world is a world of diversity and the invisible world is a world of unity.

Do not be afraid to fail. If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very Innovative. Do not be afraid to be different. There is no disgrace in failure. Sometimes, you will eventually see the benefit of the backward step. If you do not fail sometimes, you will never be responsible for success and enjoy the real sweetness of achievement.

Grace is to the body, what judgment is to the mind. - French Author

In failures, you have the advantage of learning from everyone else’s mistakes. People, who are almost unique in having ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent distinction to do so. It is only through risks that you can learn and grow.

To make mistakes is human, but to profit by them is divine. - Elbert Hubbard

Success will be guaranteed on the basis of your experience and skill. Learn to be a good observer first. There is nothing wrong in observing successful professionals, people you admire and success in their lives.

A hard beginning makes a good ending. – John Heywood

Every crisis provides an equal or a greater opportunity to improve. In life, the difficult periods are the best periods to gain experience and shore up determination. As a result, my mental status is much improved because of them. – Dalia Lama

A learned man without work is like a cloud without rain. - Danish Proverb

Crisis contains an opportunity to create a beneficial result. Our thoughts and imagination are the only real limits to our possibilities. Look for possibilities; see the opportunity in every crisis, and willingness to adapt to the circumstances and get going with the flow of life.
By being a part of the solution instead of being a part of the problem. Our intellect should look into possibilities rather than excuses. Our intellect should be guided by goodness rather than ego. Ego is 'Edging Goodness Out'.

Take care of your body; make priority for physical well being first. Take as much rest as is essential and don’t allow yourself to be lethargic. Networking with people and getting fresh perspectives can help you to keep yourself interested and interesting.

To get good results, decide to have fun. Fun creates enjoyment, which invites participation, which focuses attention, which expands awareness, which promotes insight, which generates knowledge, which facilitates action. And action gets results. – Oswald Shallow
Sometimes even mistakes should be seen as learning experiences. Nothing is wasted, and every effort will bring positive results.

Ask advice of your equals and help of your superiors. – Proverb

You are the expert too on your own experience, uniformity in thought, word and deed. You should work for the best; sensibly guarding against disappointment and be more discriminating in future.

Advice should only be given to learned, wise and to those who ask for it. Never give advice that was not asked.

One should not give up his work or occupation because of some disturbing elements is illusion. There may be failure in some attempt, but one should not be sorry for that, he should make progress with patience and determination. - Bhagavad Gita

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. If there is power in your tomorrow, there will be strength in your today. That powerful tomorrow is created by the power of goals you set today.

Everything went as it was planned, clearly, without difficulties. This is a great success.
Each work has to pass through ridicule, opposition and then acceptance. The more opposition there is the better. It is opposition which foretells success. True to the adage, 'Where there is perfection, there is the pinnacle of success'.

Humility is total acceptance. Humility and simplicity are the characteristics of greatness. It is simple to be difficult, but it is very difficult to be simple in life.

Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; there is success. – Rabindranath Tagore

Successful men do not do different things but they do things differently. Build credibility in your duty to accomplish the best for personal growth, transform and mature spiritually.

Try to leave some indelible mark behind you, in the field of duty in life.

He who works without any motive, neither for money, nor for fame, nor for anything else; and when a man can do that, he will be a Buddha, and out of him will come the power to work in such a manner as will transform the world. – Swami Vivekananda
If one can enjoy one's search and derive satisfaction from that, there is fulfillment. We have to teach ourselves to enjoy our search, our journey.

Perseverance and Success

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